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Everything posted by Lens

  1. I've seen so many reviews and gameplay videos of Dungeons of Hinterberg and I'm so impressed. It really looks like a fun game. Have you had a chance to play it yet?
  2. I know too well that the retro game market can be very tricky to navigate, and repros/bootlegs are the major concerning issue here. I'm curious, how are you able to avoid fake game?
  3. What I know is that Many gamers and collectors do enjoy collecting multiple versions of games, especially their favorite ones.
  4. Space can be such a limitation, but that doesn't mean you can't actually create a gaming corner. You don't know that a small dedicated space can make a big difference? I'm also gonna try this too.
  5. I get the nostalgia! Those moments are truly priceless! The thrill of in the competition, the joy of victory, and the humor in seeing your friends play with you is really fun. But it doesn't have to stop just because we've grown older. Don't you think so?
  6. When you're invested in a particular game and have you also have a strong connection to it, writing a review can be a great way to share your passion and to also help others understand what makes the game very special.
  7. That's so true because the gaming community can be very prone to rumors and leaks as well. It becomes very hard to know what's real and what's just speculation.
  8. Elden Ring can be so challenging game, and it's very normal to need a break from time to time. In fact, what I discovered is that taking a break can help you come back to the game with fresh eyes and with also a very clearer mindset too.
  9. Graphics are a very crucial aspect of the gaming experience. Of course, I know that the gameplay and story are equally essential but the contribute to the overall enjoyment of a game.
  10. Lens

    Sports Games

    That's great to hear. I'm also a very big fan of sports games as well. As for me, I've played games like rugby, cricket, or golf. I think you should try them because they are really great games with unique gameplay mechanics and challenges too.
  11. Haha, I really understand that the Tips screens can be so condescending sometimes. It's possible the game rub it on your face. I would just imagine that I figure it out myself, or at least get a useful tip for once.
  12. I love the helmet hiding feature in games and It's always engaging and so immersive too. It's very interesting to see my character's face and expressions. Thisreally adds to the role-playing experience.
  13. Mods can definitely add a lot of humor and personality to the games you play. The silly mods are often the most entertaining becuase mods can really breathe new life into games.
  14. It's true that having a favorite weapon in a game can really enhance the gaming experience. In Halo, I always use the Battle Rifle and it was so reliable.
  15. I completely agree with you on that because the Games that allows you to shape your character's personality and story are so much more immersive and engaging as well. I see it as an actual role-playing. it's always interesting 🧐
  16. You don't really want to get me started on those. Escort missions can be so frustrating. It seems I get it now, they want to make sure you don't rush through the story or miss important details.
  17. That's nice! you can see your character in both Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls Online, especially in third-person view. I think she might have been thinking of games like Diablo or Torchlight.
  18. The Broken Sword is actually a classic adventure game series that's really known for its very engaging storytelling and it also has memorable characters as well.
  19. I seem to have that experience too. The one that actually comes to mind is my first playthrough of Dark Souls.
  20. That's so true . I think that the shift from the punishing game design actually started around the early 2000s. At that time, there are rise of more player-friendly games like the Elder Scrolls series and the Mass Effect series. Today, it's very rare to find games that punish players for small mistakes.
  21. Personally, I'm really hoping for a return to form after the last game. I do want an engaging story and it should be with well developed companions, like the one in Origins and Inquisition.
  22. If I'm given the chance to choose a game developer to work for, I would choose Nintendo. This is because I've always been a huge fan of their games and due to the fact that they pay attention to details in every aspect of their game development.
  23. I have to say that game is Horizon Zero Dawn. I mean, it's an action-RPG that I would normally like and on paper, it also look like a game I'd absolutely love. But for some reason, I just couldn't get into it.
  24. I'm so sorry to hear that you went through that. On the other hand, it's so amazing how gaming has helped you to escape from that horrible situation. You just nee to keep taking care of yourself.
  25. That's so great to hear that you've been cutting back on snacks and drinks. It's equally very important to make sure that you take care of your health, especially when you're sitting for long periods of time gaming.
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