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Everything posted by NightmareFarm

  1. PC doesn't have haptics and is much more expensive and harder to maintain
  2. We can now choose whether to prioritise frame rate or graphics(so in effect, 60fps is available on pretty much any game rather than 30fps being on everything), load times are very fast in comparison to having to wait minutes for screens to load on 8th gen(cough cough DMC5, FFXV), haptic feedback/adaptive triggers(if you're on PS5) and gaming in general is better. It feels like there's been more creative, varied and uniue games coming out lately whereas in the 2010s it felt more corporate and there were too many souls clones and sony movie games which stole all of the spotlight. Many games in 8th gen just felt stiff. Devs haven't even scratched the surface of the power of the 9th gen consoles but it's already a big improvement.
  3. They always make bs excuses for these companies like they're being paid
  4. They must have been on drugs or something. It's a shame, this game could be a 9/10 rather than a 7/10 if the ranking system worked properly.
  5. probably not, i play arc system fighters nowadays instead
  6. Unforuntately I merely peaked at like 1800pp for a few days and then went downhill from there lol.
  7. It's just laziness. Like I don't know if you played the game but it's almost painstakingly broken. I can perform horribly and get caught by enemy guards like 7 times(mind you, the missions are very short so that's a lot of times to be caught) and get S rank. Even if you die you can still get like A rank, even S rank on some missions I think.
  8. I'm sure we will see it in E3. Part of the reason they haven't shown much is because they've been focusing on advertising and working on forspoken which releases in may.
  9. It's gotten annoying as hell by now. There should be more backlash to it. I get that being a dev is hard but the simple solution is just don't announce the release date early.
  10. That's the only way to play them unfortunately. The Wii U might be very cheap now since it came out literally 10 years ago.
  11. To each our own then. Those games are too simplistic and dated to me. Standards have evolved since then.
  12. Aragami 2 springs to mind. This game would be twice as fun if the ranking system wasn't completely broken(you can do terribly and get S ranks).
  13. They said its coming out sooner than expected. I hope they mean this. I'm guessing it will come out early 2023.
  14. I don't think they are, they're just staying silent to surprise the fans by showing a new trailer close to launch.
  15. Is he trying to platinum it or something?
  16. 15 hours. I've only done one playthrough so far.
  17. Yeah and that game turned out to be filled with bugs and other faults as well. It doesn't inspire much confidence in gamers when they are dragged out so long.
  18. Nah, games revealed like months before release sell more than when they drag it out. Just look at MK11s sales for example. It is the highest selling fighting game of 8th gen and that was revealed like 4 months before it came out.
  19. But there are games with conventionally bad design that lots of people enjoy playing. Same applies to movies hence why there called "junk" or "guilty pleasure" movies. Same applies to various other art forms. Which is why I don't believe in objective standards for art forms, each person has their own tastes.
  20. Yeah, I mean I don't think this would be shown if the 9th gen consoles weren't capable of pulling it off so there has to be some games that will look like this in the near future. The games that do will be rare and probably run at like 1080p 30fps but we should see it soon.
  21. Yeah but for cutscene standards it's head and shoulders above anything on 8th gen. It's photorealistic. Heck even the car chase gameplay footage looks better and more cinematic than a cutscene on 8th gen.
  22. It's become the norm nowadays. Companies should really just not announce the release date until they are certain they can deliver it in that time.
  23. Wii U and Switch. It comes with the first game if you get the physical copy btw.
  24. Rift apart had some really fun weapons like the topiary sprinkeler and the scatter shotgun. The haptics really make them shine in this game too.
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