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Everything posted by NightmareFarm

  1. Yeah, there will be literally no point of 3D when you can fully immerse yourself into the game with VR. I think it will take off this decade but not sure when. Most likely around 2024-2025.
  2. Exactly. It benefits both newcomers AND veterans rather than just gatekeeping the game from the newcomers and cutting down its consumer base. The only benefit of a lack of difficulties is so people who beat the game can wank themselves off over it.
  3. I've dealt with many tough bosses but this is one of the few exceptions for me. I can't keep playing when I know I have to constantly fight bosses of that level of difficulty the entire game. Soulsborne games really need to include difficulty options.
  4. I've fouight many bosses like that. I remember this boss in sekiro in this night type area around the start of the game, he might have been a troll or something idk. He gave me absolute hell and I didn't even continue the game because of him.
  5. I think it's possible for bosses to be difficult and take lots of tries but without feeling annoying or cheap however. Metroid Dread is a very good example of this and the bosses are by far the best part of the game IMO.
  6. IMO: PS2(used to own, don't anymore) - Tales of the Abyss, Chaos Legion. And i'm considering getting it to play said exclusives. Xbox One - Sunset Overdrive, Killer Instinct That's pretty much it though.
  7. Insecure masculinity. The same people will watch grown men kicking a ball around for hours on end.
  8. Usually I think they're a drag(namely the difficult ones) but at the same time a game would feel incomplete without them. There are some cases in which boss battles can be very fun even if you're dying over and over to them like with games such as Metroid Dread and Batman Arkham Origins but they aren't too common. Boss Battles are mainly fun in turn based JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei since it feels like a tactical chess match whereas fighting regular enemies is just going through the motions to gain XP points.
  9. i've usually preferred physical to digital but over the past year i've just completely stopped buying physical games. digital has a much bigger advantage in the fact that you can play it anytime you want rather than having to change discs(which is a huge inconvenience since my PS5 is facing towards the wall). You also only have to wait for it to download whereas with physical you either have to go somewhere to buy it(in my case, i would have to take the train to another town to get games since there isn't a proper game shop in my town) or order it on amazon and wait days or weeks.
  10. Playing final fantasy x and pokemon are my most nostalgic gaming memories I would say
  11. No, it will especially become unneccessary with VR in the forefront.
  12. Yes, it isn't that much of a change from the PS4 just small upgrades here and there. I really like the haptic feature and being able to play 60fps on pretty much anything and I hope it remains the standard from now on.
  13. Not too surprising, the GCN was a notorious flop.
  14. IMO: 7th gen > 9th gen > 8th gen > 6th gen > 5th gen I have 7th gen at the top almost exclusively because the quantity of great games that came out during it. This era was the peak of hack n slash which is my favourite genre. The UI also looks pretty cool and at the time it felt revolutionary and fresh whereas the succeeding gens just felt like the same thing but with slight tweaks. 9th gen next. Whilst it isn't neccessary revolutionary, the enhancements such as haptics, 3D audio and 60fps greatly enrich the gaming experience. 8th gen next. The only improvement is just slightly better graphics and power. They ruined the UI by making it all bland and unintuitive, the fan is really loud and console crashes and freezes a lot. The game selection is also quite mediocre. There are way too many souls games and interactive movie games. 6th and 5th are lower because online was still primitive and rare in gaming. There is no proper online infrastructure, SD resolution, lack of wireless controllers, no virutal store or digital game downloads, etc. I am nostalgic for it and various great games came out during this timeframe but objectively speaking, they have aged quite a lot in the past decade or two and I don't want to let my nostalgia bias cloud my judgement.
  15. Tell me about it. I just stick to cr.mk into a basic special lol. USF4 has to be the most difficult FG i've gotten into.
  16. IMO: Story: Alright, at least up until the GAIA subroutine fetch quests. I didn't like the split into seperate filler narratives surrounding each subroutine, the focus should have been more on the politics of the forbidden west and Sylens should have played more of a role where we unravel the conspiracy around the sons of prometheus and then find out Sylens is behind it all rather than just being told that at the end of the game. The finale is a mixed bag for me. It doesn't really hold a candle to Zero Dawn plot wise although that is a high bar to aim for. Gameplay: A noticeable downgrade from the first game. Enemy machines feel like damage sponges and take FOREVER to kill compared to the first game. Heavies are nerfed so you have to rely on charge attacks to deal any meeaningful damage and stagger them. The new weapons aren't that interesting compared to the weapons introduced in the first game. The super modes feel out of place and it's annoying having to keep going to the menu to change them. It just feels off to me. Misc: The visuals look rough except for certain areas like forests. The cutscene graphics look very nice though. I liked the addition of Gliding but the pullcaster felt incredibly stiff. Swimming/Diving feels like a drag, I don't get why games keep adding them, they're almost universally shitty. The customisation system feels like a step back from zero dawn since you have to level up gear to unlock modification slots. Overall, I found it to be kind of dissapointing. It could have built on the first game better.
  17. Wow that's a lot of games. How long have you been playing FGs for?
  18. I don't mind it as long as you dont have to break your thumb every time like in Bayonetta. Sometimes they can even be quite fun if executed properly. That's just me though.
  19. I am going with Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor Edge. Each one feels so thrilling and satisfying whereas it can feel like a chore in other action games like Bayonetta. I especially like the sequences where you use kunai to climb up cliffs with the bumper buttons.
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