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Everything posted by Clasher

  1. Reloading helps too. That's why I always try to save my progress so as to avoid losing valuable playing time when there is a bug or glitch coming from the game, my Console or the controller and I have to reload or reboot.
  2. Disc version still has disadvantages though, and mind you nobody will be willing to swap their game disc with you if yours is scratched or corrupted . Digital version is still much more reliable than disc.
  3. I don't think the prices went up that much maybe inflation would affect it a bit. But I believe it would still be within affordable range.
  4. We played Gran Turismo, rocket legends, iron Man VR, star trek and other live games.
  5. Cherish it mate, started collecting consoles and I might go in search of the Gameboy soon. Planning on opening a Gaming shop where game lovers can come and experience some old time memories by playing game with consoles that goes way back.
  6. Dying light 2 has been keeping on the edge of my seat for the past two weeks, the game is just so fun, the zombies and horror scenes are actually a masterpiece.
  7. I find it had deleting files off my device , be it a video game or other files like movies. I don't install just any game on my PC or console , so if I have a game installed then I really like that game and I wouldn't like to get rid of it anytime soon.
  8. Once I can't lay my hands on a video game console I want maybe due to the fact that it ain't available in my region I just don't bother that much about it. I just save up the money and wait hopefully I might get it by chance or I spend the money on a different console.
  9. This is something to look out for though, RE series had been doing well so far, I just hope this one also lives up to its standard as well.
  10. That would be cool, since you love games it would be easy to make such contents. Are you playing on writing for Blogs or something of that sort?
  11. I came across this contents creator that post videos related to God of war , showing his tricks and how he manages to overcome some obstacles in the game. Not on YouTube but on Facebook, I didn't even like his page and he actually gave some valuable tips, I would go search if I could find him again.
  12. Didn't have much time for video games today , so I just played fortnite on my mobile phone.
  13. Gaming is fun but when it begins to affect our mental health negatively it is best you abstain from it and focus more on things that wouldn't trigger your anxieties. I love video games but sometime I just stay off it for a few days to engage in other activities that interest me as well.
  14. Since Diablo 4 was announced to be available on play station and Xbox consoles I have been looking forward to its release. I am just hoping it would be better than what blizzard entertainment did with Diablo immortal.
  15. That's perfectly understandable, there was a phase of my gaming journey when I just prefer to sit in crib playing video games all alone. At some point I started meeting some really interesting individuals who were also interested in the kind of games I like and we all started hanging out and playing video games together. Right now I play videogames alone most of the time.
  16. Well, I can't seem to get my mind off the new chapter 3 season 3: Vibin' and I must say the story line , world , skins and new weapons epic games added to it are just so amazing. Started playing fortnite sometime last year and the game never gets boring to me.
  17. It's just terrible what these hackers have done to GTA 5 online mode. I just stick with playing offline nowadays.
  18. @Withywarlock this is fantastic, I got into a discussion with my pals about this very topic and after long minutes of back and forth arguments i just asked them to read this comments and boom problem solved.
  19. @NightmareFarm you've given a good breakdown of what final fantasy is, I have been final fantasy for a while now but I never really paid close attention to the intent of why the game is called final fantasy. Drawings reference from what you said I feel the world and environment that is featured in final fantasy is meant to be a fantasy and not look like anything from the real world as we know it.
  20. I think it looks more like a praying mantis to me bruh. From it claws, colour and it pose in that picture.
  21. That's perfectly said mate, bringing an issue to the awareness of the public isn't bad, and we can't deny there are individuals with gaming disorders, that wouldn't stop other game lovers from playing video games either, but make them aware that such a disorder exists.
  22. Well, for the most recent chapter 3 season 3: Vibin' you have to buy the Fortnite X Marvel : zero war comic to get access to the Spider-Man zero outfit which is unlocked with the digital code embedded in the limited edition comic book. And a lot of people are buying the comic not because of a skin but they are genuine lover's of good comic books and want to experience reading this one. It's practically a thing of choice if you think spending a few bucks on the things your love or enjoy doing is crap.
  23. I don't really see a difference between the two either. I think our choices of which is better is based on what we are using at the moment. I own the series X and I have also played video games on the PS 5 console as well and I don't really fancy one over the other, they provide the same kinda thrill as you would expect from a console of that standard.
  24. Honestly, RE 7 doesn't scare that much, I even find some of the zombies in the game funny looking.
  25. I heard a few about divinity: original sin II from my friends though I haven't played it myself, but from what I heard the game is well designed, logical and would definitely be worth your time. Planning on playing the game myself as well.
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