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Smokey last won the day on June 21 2024

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About Smokey

  • Birthday 07/19/1990

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  1. Most obscure game console? Hmm........Does the Polymega count? 😛 if not, i'm not sure....probably a Tiger Game.com some years ago when I was younger. I always wanted one for Resident Evil 2 but looking back now, that console was pure garbage 😛
  2. Yeah we have an Ouya laying around somewhere. It never gets used and I don't think we even have the controllers for it anymore. I remember being excited for it due to it's potential in the marketing but, it turned out to be a major flop.
  3. This honestly looks interesting. The first game where you actually play as Zelda and not Link 🙂 I like the cloning objects or 'echos" aspect of it too. It's a neat and unique game mechanic for a Zelda game.
  4. Oooh I think my younger brother would like this game. He loves the Mario Party titles. I'll have to send him this video to check out. 🙂 Looks great!
  5. They remade this game too? That's pretty cool 🙂 I'm really looking forward to the Dragon Quest remakes.
  6. My brother played through this game. He says it's really good but very short. I might pick it up on a discount when I'm able to and check it out for myself. I don't like paying $70 for many games these days if I can help it.
  7. This looks like it could be a great game. When i saw the reveal I was intrigued by it. I liked Generations enough, I'll probably see about picking this up on a discount to try it out. However, I agree with others that Sonic is starting to feel stale. There's no need to rush out a new title every year. Sega is acting like Sonic is their only IP and it's starting to grow incredibly stale.
  8. I wouldn't trust Bethesda to remake them anyway. I mean a remake done right would be cool to see but I absolutely have no faith that Bethesda is the right ones to handle such a task. Fallout & Fallout 2 are considered classics by today standards and I wouldn't trust Bethesda not to absolutely ruin and butcher a potential remake of either.
  9. Never heard about this game til now. Kinda sucks when a project falls apart though. I wonder what could've been different compared to the sims? I would've liked to see what another studio could've cooked up.
  10. Yeah I think it's current setup is probably the best route. No content exclusivity and complete parody across all platforms. I could see them having done something like an excusive remaster years ago during the 360 days but not now. I don't think it'd work too well now.
  11. Or bring back Team Silent and let them cook. 😛
  12. My brother got it and he said it was short and OK but not worth full price. I'll probably see if I can scoop it up around Black Friday this year.
  13. If you're gonna be playing online with friends, a good headset is an absolute must IMHO. the dualsense edge is a great pro controller but I would say a good sounding & reliable headset is an absolute must if you're gonna be doing any kind of online gaming with your PS5.
  14. I wish I still had my 360. I gave it to my nephew years ago and now he doesn't even have it anymore. I really wish I would've held onto it tbh. It was still in decent working order when I gave it to him. I lost a ton of games for it too. 😞 Now with how easy they are to mod, i'm kinda upset with myself for not holding onto it when I should've.
  15. I'd rather not have any game spoiled for me if I plan on playing at any point in time. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way and games do get spoiled for us from time to time. It sucks because I feel like that really takes away from the enjoyment & experience of the game when you do get around to playing it if you know what's coming or about to happen.
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