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Everything posted by Grungie

  1. I haven’t touched Hotmail is like 20 years, so I don’t even remember what the interface looks like. I still use my Yahoo email, and I have about 5 gmail accounts, but only actually use 2 of them on a regular basis. I use Outlook at work, since that’s what our mail servers run.
  2. Asus has done me well, and about 8 years ago I also gave Macs a shot, and now I own multiple, and they’ve all done me well. Most of them are pricey, but the fact they work incredibly well for what I use them for, the price was worth it.
  3. Probably my most expensive guitar. One reason is the high dollar value, and the other is the struggle I went through that resulted in me treating myself to buying it.
  4. Grungie


    Then prove it by finding a source that proves there is a legitimate non-Japanese release of the game. I told you I will give you $100. I actually put effort into supporting my claims, and all you did was spend 5 seconds on Google and took a single screenshot and you started failing your arms calling me a liar. So if you want to prove me wrong, why don't you prove some effort into making me eat my words. You can discredit Wikipedia all you want, but your screenshot to "prove me wrong" was information from Wikipedia. It's literally written right above the arrows you MS painted. So it's apparently okay for you to use Wikipedia as a source, but I can't. It's nice to know that someone of your immature and hypocritical stature is a moderator on this forum. It reflects nicely on the staff here. I've been talking to you cordially and talked to you like an adult, yet you've responded by insulting me and flailed your arms denying my sources and refused to provide your own. You're guilty of what you accused me of earlier. If you lock this thread or ban me, this will show that you lack maturity, and it'll mean that I won the game.
  5. My MacBook Pro from 2018 lasts like… 8 hours. Then there’s my ARM Chromebook, and that’s like 15 hours.
  6. With Linux, it depends on what you’re trying to do, and which distro. If you use a popular one that comes with a GUI, you can easily browse the web, install apps through the distro’s app store, and use normal productivity stuff. All of which is easily navigable through the GUI with no need for the terminal. Being a power user is where you run into needing the terminal, or it’s more popular to use the terminal. The interesting thing, is that you can do a lot of similar things in the MacOS terminal along with Windows Command Line, or Powershell.
  7. Grungie


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_Nomad#:~:text=The Nomad could be powered,(DC 9V%2C 3W). About 2-3 hours on 6 AA batteries. This was the 90’s where rechargeable batteries weren’t that common on devices like this. There was apparently a battery pack, but the only 3 people I knew that owned a Nomad never had one.
  8. NES Famicom SNES N64 Gamecube Wii Gameboy Gameboy Pocket Gameboy Color GBA GBA SP DS 3DS Master System Genesis Saturn Dreamcast PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP Vita Xbox 360 3DO
  9. Grungie


    The battery life was pretty garbage on it. It kind of defeats the point of a handheld.
  10. I wasn’t saying FF4 was the most recent example, that was just an example. You’re mixing things up with FF12. That wasn’t made for the west, it was just the only version released in the west. The International version was one that we didn’t get. See this page: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XII_version_differences So Japan got the same version of FF12 that we got, it’s just that they also got the “International” re-release that ironically never left Japan. iirc, the only Final Fantasy game that was made for the West was FF Mystic Quest.
  11. You would think that because ChromeOS is getting more popular, and it natively runs Android apps, on top of Google wanting to also push out Chrome tablets, it would incentivize Google and developers to optimize stuff for non-phone displays, but that hasn't gone anywhere. Android apps have been a thing on ChromeOS for quite a few years now, and you'd be surprised at the most common apps only working in a phone orientation.
  12. It definitely wouldn't hurt, but it's not necessary. It depends on how you're doing it too. I'm sure there's a way to do it, but it's kind of a pain if you're recording a Skype or Discord call. If you had both you and your co-host(s) in the room, it'd be a lot easier. Most USB mics have a dial to adjust the gain/volume on the microphone, so you don't need any additional hardware for that. There are also audio interfaces, but that's more so for XLR mics, where those exist as a medium between the microphone and your computer, and those don't tend to have gain dials on those. My Shure SM57 does not have one.
  13. I don't see anything wrong with it in general, it gives people more to do in a game. Some of the ones for RPG's can be a bit obnoxious at times. The ones that require multiple playthroughs I can see adding incentive for replayability, but I don't have time for that. Then there are the ones that basically require a guide to figure out.
  14. Optimization isn't a topic that gets brought up a lot in my experience. Usually I see people telling you to spend more money to compensate. Some of it you can argue for future proofing, or adding longevity, but a lot of the time it was excessive for the sake of being excessive.
  15. I identify as an apatheist, because I don't care enough. I do remember about 10 years ago on the internet where atheists were about as annoying as the bible thumping Christians. They were primarily people that based their identify of that one aspect that made them different from others. It was one of those things that they always brought up despite nobody asking about it. It was weird considering most of the places I went to were primarily filled with atheists and agnostics, so it's not like they would have stuck out.
  16. I could be biased as I'm a huge fan of the genre, but I feel that they're popular enough. I can't vouch for PAL regions, but in North America, we get a ton of them. We get all of the major franchises, and most of the a lot of the B and C tier games come out here (the tiers have to do with the size/budget of the company). Companies like Atlus, X-Seed, and NIS have those. So there's a significantly shorter list of ones that we don't get, as opposed to ones we do get. Contrast that to the SNES days when entries from massive franchises got passed over. If you look at the consoles from Japanese companies (Nintendo and Sony), there's no shortage of the genre here. They don't dumb down the games anymore like the SNES days (see how many changes FF4 got when it got released as FF2 here). What we do get, is games getting censored for sexual stuff. It's primarily censorship based on the clothing and stuff involving either female characters of questionable age, or are blatantly underaged. You can come to your own opinions on that aspect. There are examples of them censoring other sexual stuff, but I see a lot of it involving the appearance of female characters that are of questionable age, or are blatantly underraged. It's weird seeing people boycotting Xenoblade Chronicles X because they can't have their 13 year old character wear a skimpy outfit.
  17. I’m not a gun owner, nor do I have kids, but I’d definitely treat it like I would any other item that’s dangerous for kids, and keep it out of their reach. If you have knives, you shouldn’t leave that around for little Timmy to play with, or your medicine. Gun safes are also a thing, and not uncommon. All of my coworkers that own guns, and have kids, also own a gun safe. It sucks for what happened to the grandma, but at the same time, it does beg the question of why her gun was in a place where the kid could easily grab it?
  18. Mixing boards aren’t necessary, you’d be surprised at how many podcasts do not use them.
  19. I used to think Gen3 was my least favorite, until I played Sun and Moon.
  20. Grungie


    To quote the Wikipedia article: Here’s also snippets from the FF5 article on the FF wiki: So if anyone is talking about the SNES version, they mean the Super Famicom, as that was the name of the console in Japan, and was called the Super Nintendo outside of Japan. It’s like the Sega Genesis vs Megadrive discussion where only North America calls it the Genesis. So if anyone has a SNES copy of FF5 (or any other game never released outside of Japan), they mean they have the Super Famicom cartridge. Those are shaped differently from the North American version, and the European version says "Super Nintendo" on the cart, but shaped like the Super Famicom cartridge. That Wiki article you Googled was streamlining the console name by just calling it the SNES as opposed to Super Famicom
  21. Grungie


    Oh the irony… Anyway, there is no English release date on the SNES, so there literally cannot be a legitimate copy for the SNES. The first official release in English was on the PS1 in the Final Fantasy Anthology on the PS1. The only official release was on the Super Famicom, aka “only Japan”. It’s on the Wikipedia article that you didn’t read, and you can also see it on the Final Fantasy wiki as well about how an English release on the SNES does not exist. If you see a FF5 cartridge that says “Super Nintendo” on it, it can only be a reproduction cart, as the only English release playable on the SNES is via a fan translation. I will no shit give you $100 if you can find information and a legitimate copy of FF5 that isn’t a Super Nintendo copy.
  22. Grungie


    Look for the North American release date for the SNES, that’s what I’m talking about, the same goes with Bahamut Lagoon. You can find the Japanese release dates for those, but no North American release date. The SNES and Super Famicom are the same console. The first official non-Japanese release of FF5 was in the Final Fantasy Anthology on the PS1. You can find SFC copies and those will be legitimate, but the SNES carts will only be reproductions.
  23. Grungie


    I’m just saying that you say you have Final Fantasy 2-6 on the SNES, so when you say you have originals on some of those, you either have Japanese copies, or they’re reproductions. Usually people say they have FF2 and 3, or use the real names of 4 and 6. So if you’re including FF5, and throwing in 4 and 6 along with 2 and 3, it raises questions as some of those are literally impossible to own legitimate English copies.
  24. It varies, you’d have to research the individual game itself
  25. That seems a bit high for a Neo Geo. The age has nothing to do with price, usually it’s based on rarity., and depending on the console, reliability. Cartridge consoles are also usually built like tanks. A Sega Genesis or NES are both older than a Neo Geo, and you can snag either one for less than $100 because they sold so many back in the day.
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