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Everything posted by Grungie

  1. I have two: People who flip flop their opinions from one polar opposite to the other in a short amount of time. The reason why this annoys me is because they usually make it a big deal and everyone should know whatever they’re talking about is trash. Then a week or two later they have to announce to everyone that it is now the greatest thing ever. It’s also not unusual for them to revert back to hating it. 1 make up your mind 2 stop being over dramatic about it My second one is when you recommend something to someone, and they aren’t interested, but if someone else recommends it, now they’re interested and sometimes become obsessed. It annoys me to no end when sometimes that person recommends it to you like you’ve never heard of it before.
  2. The random encounters were based off of DND dice rolls, also fans of the genre love random battles. Chrono Trigger sort of had it figured out, but several of the dungeons had enemies in locations where it was impossible not to get attacked. Which imo is more infuriating where no matter what, at that spot, you’ll get attacked. Some of the other alternatives for awhile we’re also pretty obnoxious.
  3. I think it was $150. It doesn’t hurt my bank account, but a lot more money than I spend on basically shelf candy.
  4. If it’s a port or HD remaster, I find it pretty shady. If it’s a full on remake, I’ll gladly pay full price.
  5. About 3 years ago I bought a Gen 1 Zune for shits and giggles. I loaded up some songs into it, listened to it once and haven’t touched it since. I literally only bought it to say I had one.
  6. I'm not a memorable person in real life, but if I had to pick, probably friends. I rarely come across people that actively dislike me, and if people forget about me that easily, they must not have hated me that much.
  7. Idk, I guess being blunt and not following hive minds
  8. I definitely don’t have girls jumping over me. If only.
  9. I might have to try it out. I have a soft spot for Daggerfall, but those dungeons are agonizing.
  10. Grungie


    I have one and despite it being cool, and having some great game son it, it’s pretty overrated. The underdog nature of it, the premature cancelation, and it being Sega’s last console has caused the fans to overinflate it.
  11. It was. There were two reasons why it was bad. One was that the show itself just wasn't good, but to add insult to injury, the animation was notoriously bad. I don't remember the story, but basically the animators were fucked and also left help messages in the credits.
  12. It’d be weird if Panzer Dragoon 1 is on the Switch and 2 is planned, and they skip the Switch for Saga. Though not unheard of.
  13. I have female friends I’m not romantically interested in.
  14. Panzer Dragoon Saga. Great game that sadly is only exclusive to the Saturn. It’s also prohibitively expensive for people who want a legitimate copy as well. So hopefully these Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2 remakes entice a remake of Saga.
  15. I’m a musician, so I get distracted analyzing the music.
  16. Yeah, people forget that women have different vocal ranges like men do. The contralto range is a thing for females. I’m just happy I can still sing most Radiohead songs.
  17. I have some experience through Final Cut with uploading music videos of myself performing my cover songs on Facebook. On a technical level, my videos aren’t impressive, but they get the job done. Usually you can trim off parts of videos, usually it’s super easy to trim off parts of the recording you don’t like. Most video editing software have either a snipping tool, or if it’s stuff from the beginning or end, you can just grab the end and just drag it to where you don’t see that portion. It’s also usually easy to add voice overs to these software too.
  18. Unless it’s work related, I only really call my family on the phone. For texts, it’s only things I don’t need an immediate answer for. At work, I either call them, or walk over to them if I need to talk, as it’s usually something I want an immediate answer for. Email and Microsoft Teams doesn’t cut it a lot of the time.
  19. I have an issue with the fans of platforms more so than I do of the platforms themselves.
  20. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been burnt out. There are times where I just don’t feel like it for a couple of days. I feel it’s harder to get burnt out when you don’t spend a large amount of time doing it every day.
  21. I'm admittedly too lazy to read the thread, but I don't think the prices have really changed much, even if you exclude inflation. I remember games being $50-60 back then. Prices also weren't really standardized until disc based games became the standard. It had to do with the nature of the cartridges, where one game was like $60, but another one was more expensive due to the extra chips on it. I remember seeing N64 games going for almost or at $80 in stores. One constant I see is people fondly remembering buying games in stores for $20. Though the same thing happened then as it did now, where the game's been out for awhile, so you can pick it up brand new for $20, but the initial price was much higher.
  22. I disagree. I see some of those tactics from the shady mobile games (like microtransactions and pay to win) coming into the PC/console market, and while the gaming community acts like they don't tolerate it, these games still sell tons of copies. So while I don't condone the practice, I can see where these companies are coming from. Sure you got negative publicity for your game, but you sold like 10 million copies, so at the end of the day, you made your money off of it. I'm a huge music nerd, so I'll compare this to what I see in the music industry. You'll have these artists and genres that are wildly hated by the press and the community, but despite having zero credibility with the press/community, they are still wildly successful on a commercial level, and have sold out venues. So while we have the perspective that nobody likes this crap, clearly somebody must like it due to the commercial results. Look at EA, the most wildly hated company, but their games are still selling really well.
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