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Everything posted by runswithspatulas

  1. yup. i decided to leave the game and shut my acct. down and well...it got pretty lonely. 🤣
  2. Hokko Life is similar to Animal Crossing. It appears to be on PC or Switch.
  3. i enjoy it. keeps me busy. plus they're always changing things which keeps it interesting. they added no builds now which is great for those of us who just wanna kill people. lol!
  4. Fortnite and Animal Crossing New Horizons.
  5. Hi. I'm 56 yrs old and I enjoy gaming. It's pretty much all I do now when I'm not working. My top two favorite games are Fortnite and Animal Crossing New Horizons. I also play Kirby and the Forgotten Lands and I have several Lego games. I only have the Nintendo Switch so that's the only games I can play. It's just something to pass the time.
  6. Fortnite duos builds and no builds with friends.
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