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Everything posted by runswithspatulas

  1. i don't even really understand the purpose of an ai. why do we need them in gaming?
  2. at the time i didn't know what they were for. i only bought like 3. the new amiibo are in the form of cards for the switch. it's just so you can invite them to your island. that's it. except for the specialty ones that come with all their furnishings and clothes.
  3. idk. i've only played the dragon and ripto's rage. enjoyed both.
  4. This is an amiibo of KK Slider. These went with the Animal Crossing New Leaf game on the 3DS. You would open the menu at the prompt and place your Amiibo on the spot. It would then invite these characters to your campsite to so you could purchase things from them. Now they are just nick nacks.
  5. I've played Crash Bandicoot before. That gameplay doesn't look like that to me.
  6. The overheating is definitely an issue. Especially with games like Fortnite. Those little fans don't always work like they're supposed to either.
  7. I feel like a lot of the gaming streams are taking a hit because of several things. First off they want you to subscribe to their stream as well as follow them. Then they want you to follow their friends who all want you to subscribe and follow their friends. See where this is going? 😁 Second of all, Covid. Covid took away jobs and now everyone wants to work from home as a gamer. And they expect us working folks to help pay their wages. I don't know about the rest of y'all but I can't afford that. Meanwhile there are places in desperate need of workers and these folks wanna get pd. to play video games all day & all night. With the current cost of living that isn't feasible for many of us. And there are sooooooo many. I could never afford to support all the streamers I follow. No way! Then some of the streamers whine about their followage or about the game they're playing which is an automatic turn off for me.
  8. Yeah if they started making Nintendo games for PC we would be battling the costs of that and I don't wanna pay that kinda money to game. I like things affordable. Once in a while we get a pc game that slides our way. Some are ok. Some not so much. In one of the other threads they were discussing the game Stray. It may be coming to the Switch. They made a Myst game for the Switch but I could never figure it out so I gave up. I wonder if they were to take Roblox and make it for the Switch if the gameplay would be better? Roblox sucks on the computer.
  9. LOL! This is cute. I read this may come to the Switch soon, too.
  10. Beavis & Butthead is the funniest video game I've ever played. I'm not sure about the goat simulator. Not sure that appeals to me.
  11. To the OP: I used to buy nothing but physical games. I have embraced digital purchasing and I only have one physical game in my possession and that's Animal Crossing New Horizons. I also have the digital version of that game. One can never be too careful with a favorite game. *Grins* It's just handier to buy online instead of having to traipse to the store only to discover it's out of stock. I can order games in my jammies, download and play them. LOL! The only thing I don't like is that I can't play them offline. No wifi...no games.
  12. Disney's Dreamlight Valley. I think I'm gonna hafta wait til next year for it though. Unless by the grace of God the Switch gets a founders pack.
  13. the only toys to life game i had was animal crossing new leaf. we had the amiibo characters we placed on the screen of the 3DS. i still have the figures.
  14. LOL it's called Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. It has Spyro the Dragon. Spyro: Ripto's Rage and Spyro: Year of the Dragon.
  15. why can't they offer more in hardware for a console hybrid? is there not enough room inside of it for the needed parts or what?
  16. I feel like Nintendo Switch isn't powerful enough to play certain games yet if they were then we would lack even more in graphics. Fortnite for instance on the Switch...I can be watching my streamer friends screen and see all the different skins but, on the Switch they're all the same skin. I'd like to be able to see their skins. Sometimes I can't even see them in gameplay to describe what skin it is that killed me. Doesn't keep me from playing the game though. LOL! I feel like they're trying to give us both power and graphics but they can only do so much on this platform. I don't know if it makes a difference if it's on the tv.
  17. and free battlepass and Phaedra is gone. They have what looks like Wolverine now.
  18. LOL! If it weren't for my shooter games I'd likely be more aggressive at work. They kinda help calm me. I'm attached to an Animal Crossing character named Sherb. Does that mean I'm mental? Probably the reasoning behind the guy in the video is to make people think that video games cause everyone to be overweight. Not the case. And they have video games for exercising so that makes it pure choice. I feel like if people are going out and doing mass shootings it's because of their mental state prior to the video games as well as their own choices. I suffer from depression but that's not gonna make me go out and mass kill cuz I play Fortnite.
  19. And those things aren't cheap either. I don't wanna get them because once they decide they're done with it, then I've wasted $500 on something I can no longer use? I'm sorry but that seems like an awful thing to force gamers to do. This is an expensive hobby and they should be more respectful of the time and money we put into it.
  20. Hey there. To answer your question from the other thread...I'm not really into DragonballZ so not really into this part of the season. I do however like this season and the look of it. Some of the new weapons are cool. I haven't played but twice since they added these new things so I haven't had a chance to use them. I just been watching all my friends die during their streams. LOL! The season before last I think when they had the C4 was fun. I killed a guy with it. I like to blow crap up and set stuff on fire. *Grins* I like the DMR and the Primal Shotgun this season. My friends don't like the DMR. It seems anymore the only way to win is to have one long range, one auto & a shotgun and plenty of heals and ways to escape. One of my friends uses an auto and a shotty and keeps the other 3 slots for heals, shield and grapplers/grenade launchers. I can't even get my quests done most of the time. The other day I went into a squad match as a solo and while they killed each other I was trying to find my relics. I found one, killed a guy, spent the rest of the game hidin. I took 4th place. LOL!
  21. Fall Guys and I'm probably gonna open Minecraft up again this weekend.
  22. I have the Spyro trilogy on the Switch
  23. i spend most of my time on fortnite
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