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Everything posted by ForwardSlashDownPoke

  1. AI is already so advanced that it likely has thought interface technology, so that will probably be an area of gaming later -- of which I hope people would protest against due to some very, very obvious dangers.
  2. There's already AI involved in gaming; which is what NPC's and a variety of other factors are. You are pitching the idea of extremely advanced AI taking over the video game itself and/or having nearly full control over that and I just don't think something like that is necessary at this time. I personally like a linear title as opposed to a title with endless possibilities, etc. If I play Final Fantasy 17, I'd prefer it to have a story that I -- in combination with an AI -- do not create, but one of which was crafted by the best developers in the JRPG field and then properly presented to me. In reference to the guy above; AI has gotten extremely advanced and it's a field that I actually study (a little bit). They more than likely have the (privatized) ability to process more information and make more calculations than the human brain itself, which of course is obviously quite dangerous. Stuff like that is in military possession and/or private control as I've said, and who the private guys are you might as well pick a random number out of a hat to determine what their true motives are. All one of those groups would need to do is take their really advanced AI and apply it to the gaming world, which is what they're already doing slowly -- but I don't think this is the route that gaming shoudl take at all as far as how far the TC claims it could be taken.
  3. I'm pretty sure that some are still exclusive to the PSP like Metal Gear Acid 1, Acid 2, MGS Portable Ops, Portable Ops Plus, etc. Alot of stuff was indeed ported to PS2 and other areas. TC the Mario game you got has got to be modded. Make sure to be careful of scammers on the internet.
  4. I don't want to get into any politics at all, but I just came up with a prediction model a second ago and Sony may have been ahead of me by a few notches by saying that the PS5 will be readily available late 2022 going into 2023: Sony says PS5 shortages will end… by 2024 (inputmag.com) I would until what Sony is saying. I'm not trying to bring politics into the matter, but Sony themselves are saying that political situations have slowed down their business and at the end of 2022 they should be able to finally look at closing the gap.
  5. I'd actually wait a few months to see if some changes in power cause a supply chain correction, to be honest. We're only a couple days out from September and I would wait until about December 1st to look at Sony's projection models on if and when PS5's will be on store shelves. There is a possibility that they could be back on store shelves just a few weeks before Christmas time and with virtually everything being expensive I would just wait and save the extra several hundred dollars.
  6. SOCOM US Navy Seals 1, 2 and 3. Ratchet and Clank 1, 2 and 3. Mortal Kombat 5 (Deadly Alliance). Mortal Kombat 6 (Deception). Metal Gear Solid 2. Final Fantasy X was likely my favorite PS2 game.
  7. Sure... In simple terms it is nothing but fear. The "pandemic" caused fear, which caused people to take counter-measures as a result. The counter measures destroyed smaller businesses, tinkered around with the supply chain, but as opposed to ending a goliath of a business like Sony it simply stalled them that's all. But it all goes back to the creation of fear from the "pandemic". Job cuts, layoffs, the list goes on at a technical level.
  8. I think the Gamecube was cool, but that is the era in which Nintendo fell from grace, so kind of an interesting and strange milestone to achieve I guess. What's most interesting is the fact you can't find a PS5 but still managed to sell a healthy amount of them.
  9. Unlikely. I'm pretty sure the PS2/Xbox era had such a diverse library of games, with alot of those games being shared between the two consoles, that it'd be kind of random to choose a set of games to throw on a PS2 mini.
  10. Mortal Kombat 11 is a cake walk. I clutched like 5 #1 Ranks in the World on that game. What went wrong for you if you don't mind me asking?
  11. You also don't want to waste too much time in one division because competitive play for games outside of fighting games can often have several limitations. Several years ago, most of the COD tournaments in the Advanced Warfare era really just focused on one type of gameplay mode. Fighting games generally let you pick whoever you want, with whatever tools you want, and you're aloud to play any way you want. Some newer people might think that they can just cheese their way through an elite tournament with spamming but that doesn't work because fighting games are based on math and frame data. There's math involved in throwing out a fireball or projectile, for example, and all a pro has to do is know how to counter that math with better math and touch you one time with a full combo punish that could result in 40% damage or more each time they touch you just single time (depending on the fighting game). That means that someone could just open you up 2 or 3 times clean and your entire bar is gone, whether you try to spam or not. So in that sense spamming is generally welcomed in tournaments, but frowned down upon in certain circumstances as people are looking for a showcase of skill and its quite frankly easier to beat people with combos.
  12. Nothing, really, aside from maybe having a sharper mind; perhaps an above average IQ. The main bad thing that can happen to someone is that they can become addicted to being sedentary (sitting around all the time); which could lead to health issues obviously.
  13. Nope. You can pop into a tournament with a $15 thousand dollar jackpot entirely unannounced (aside from registration) and after having started training 2 weeks prior to the tournament and take the entire prize home right on the spot. E-sports experience can build up skill and experience, or it could quite frankly create negative characteristics in a person such as boredom, exhaustion, depression, etc.
  14. $75 thousand dollars per year is more than an aircraft mechanic makes on average, and mid tier competitors are pretty easy to beat in some competitions. So if mid tier video game players are earning $75 grand a year for basically being in average territory, then they are over paid.
  15. Yeah I got a Switch and two PSP's right here (1001 and a 3001); they are very different than Switch and the PSP has a much smaller screen than even the smaller version of the handheld Switch. If someone has only seen the PSP and Switch online and haven't seen them in person next to each other, now that I think of it they actually do look somewhat similar. But the representation of the PSP's size in an internet picture can obviously misconstrue how large it is in real life (about a quarter the size of the Switch). PSP is about the size of the palm of your hand when fingers are extended. PSP 1001 is a little heavy, 2001 is about the same, then the 3rd version is extremely flimsy and light. Playstation Vita is a little bigger and hardened.
  16. Sure, I'll play on just about anything although I prefer traditional controllers as opposed to motion control stuff (aside from Switch and SOME Wii/U games) and I don't do VR. Only started recently and I've played plenty of really solid mobile games.
  17. Gamestop is terrible and should just do what they really want to do and become what they've always been destined to be; which is a pawn shop. Just go for it Gamestop. Change into your final boss form. You never know, there have been some pretty huge gaming pawn shops, but this place is a dishonest disgrace giving people pennies for games in some cases. That said: I've bought like 2 items at a Gamestop in the past 15 plus years.
  18. Need for Speed Underground (specifically the underground ones). Oh, and Mario Kart of course. But as is already talked about being done with the next Mario Kart, it may be more or less like a Super Smash Brothers Kart (involving a plethora of Nintendo characters), which I've personally want before MK8. Mario Kart 8 is like the best selling Switch game so they are still milking it, but the original version of that title still came out in like 2014. That's like 8 years of them not releasing a mainline Mario Kart, although I haven't tried the one where you build stuff and race the physical toy Mario Kart around your house because I haven't had the money; it sounds cool though and will get it eventually.
  19. Good topic; not trolling or trying to derail the topic, but I'm a huge Assassins Creed buff that's reviewed virtually every game minus the handhelds (which I will review them as well) and Valhalla; the latter game of which I have but will play later. I find the fictional history of the Assassins Creed games to probably be closer to reality than the tours, which I tried to play and just got bored. They are ok.
  20. I am sold already. Technically speaking Oddworld Strangers Wrath (original and HD remake) had weapons you used that were all alive and they did said some stuff in unintelligible gibberish when equipped, so this game reminds me of that. Only thing I don't like about it is that it appears to be download only where I like to physically own my stuff in general. The shooting mechanics and stuff look pretty solid, although they didn't show alot of the tools besides the different talking and what appears to be a device similar to Zelda's hookshot. Taking down the drug cartels also sounds like fun. Maybe I will try clutching the #1 Rank in the World on this game if possible. I will likely go for it day 1 and see what I can do.
  21. I don't play PC games because of all the hackers and fraud, but Nintendo would never do this unless there were likely a merger or sell out at the Nintendo company. I believe that mobile games have the largest market out there, so that's part of the reason why Nintendo put some of its licensed stuff on cell phones/etcetera.
  22. I think most of that stuff got patched out because I only recently played and beat it. Only bug I had was a problem where you move in one direction and infinitely run, and this was not my controller(s) as I both changed them several times to check and verified the bug online. Still a great game though.
  23. It was likely toned down due to the current political environment and everyone has hurt feelings these days. The Southpark makers are one of the kings of comedy and everything in the first game (Stick of Truth) is exactly how America should be when it comes to humor. I personally reviewed Stick of Truth and marked it a little lower not because of the political references of the latter boss fights, but because I just didn't like them. The original Southpark 64 was, I think, the first Southpark game ever made and it isn't bad but the 64 didn't have the hardware to capture the essence of Southpark in its full glory, so it has sort of a strange feel to the game. Southpark Lets Go Tower Defense Play is excellent, particularly with multiplayer. I only played a little bit of Fractured but Whole so far and didn't like alot of it.
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