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Everything posted by ForwardSlashDownPoke

  1. No, I've never bet on spots. I make predictions all the time just for fun. I use an extremely elaborate system that isn't really a system, but takes into account just about every factor and even sports fraud that I mentioned in other threads.
  2. **SPOILERS** (Maybe) The entire point of the Assassins Creed games from the beginning -- literally the whole fabric of the story arc -- was to take Desmond Miles (a person from the modern day era) and send him to the past through a holographic re-living of the past in order to acquire information and context for the present-day events. Desmond has since been replaced by a plethora of randoms and now the modern day sequences I basically ignore as much as other folks like you do. Modern day stuff could be excellent, it's just that the developers choose not to take the risk at this point. If they removed any reference to the modern day at all, the games themselves would be essentially be random tours of random historical places. Even when you play as Alexios or Cassie in AC Odyssey, you find the original network of the Knights Templar and track them down. And that's like a thousand years before Desmond was dealing with the pharmaceutical company in the games modern era in the first game; the company of which both created the Animus and was a Templar front. So the context is still there. The satanic looking devil being "cult" members in Odyssey developed into a modern day drug company; why am I not surprised.
  3. I was more or less comparing COD's stories to Assassins Creed caliber specifically. I don't think COD would have the same level of success if it released games every year or two with their current style of story, but Assassins Creed does that and is still huge. Even where Valhalla is at in terms of story is still based on Assassins Creed 1 in a sorta kinda way.
  4. UFC or Pro-Football. I watch little league nothing and nothing in college and don't care at all. Pro-Football has made me think it is irreversibly rigged, however. Tom Brady/Bucs won the first Super Bowl in their own stadium in NFL history only for a team the next season to...... Become the second team in NFL history to win the Super Bowl in their own stadium, meaning we had back to back teams winning Super Bowl in their own stadium. The problem is that the Los Angeles Rams played the Bucs 2 slots before the Super Bowl in the playoffs and one of the Rams hit Tom Brady right in the face at a critical juncture in the game where he was finally getting in rhythm while at an enormous point deficit. It was clear helmet to helmet, right on video, and cut Brady open to the point where he was bleeding the rest of the drive. Apparently Tom 'hurt the referees feelings' by saying naught cuss words to him after the extremely blatant hit to Brady which didn't even knock him down it just staggered him standing up. Referee then throws a relatively big penalty on Brady, which was the first of Tom's 20 plus year career in NFL. There are books on Amazon that claim there is fraud in professional sports, and that playoff game made me a believer if I wasn't already. I will read the books later as the second one by same author gets into e-sports, but let's all guess who does the rigging. That's right: The referees and judges!
  5. Not quite yet because I think alot of that stuff is done through electronics and people would be surprised by how much interference and hacking you could get through electronic means these days. I feel like I'd either lose, be mediocre at betting or really break out and make money. As soon as I made money and accurate predictions then I would have private citizen hackers basically snooping through my electronics, cell phone, etc. But I've made predictions and was able to get like a 90% prediction rate pretty easily for playoffs a while back.
  6. Yeah, it's just not for me I guess. Like I said: I play the Gears of War video games, so Fortnite just felt vastly too different and worse than the Gears games in a few areas already mentioned.
  7. I'm out of the loop so I didn't know you could sell your account or stats. Thing is that COD isn't really heavy on a complex story and grand innovation like Assassins Creed, so games like Assassins Creed can release every 2 years at this point with excitement from people unlike COD. The current system of Assassins Creed is downright spectacular, and ties together several elements of other popular games. Valhalla's system, which I'm guessing is based on Odyssey although I haven't played Valhalla yet, is certainly going to change and shift around in the future. The new Assassins Creed games are practically guaranteed to have a great reception by fans, but the only thing the AC people did wrong was throw out the Desmond Miles/current day part of the story in terms of how complex and relevant it was. At some point you would think the Assassins Creed developers are going to have to go full Sam Fisher mode and have the series involve modern day sequences involving armies and intelligence agencies like Fisher was, because the Templar's came from BC era and go all the way to the modern day except the gameplay currently does not touch on the modern day as much as it used to. It's kind of like "Check Out Historical Exhibit #1 This Year", and in two years comes Historical Exhibit X. More reasons why I should be made an AC executive.
  8. My point was actually that physical sports people don't really take that much risk in many fields these days. A long time ago in the NFL, they used to have pretty weak protection and the players were along to freaking clothesline people like they do in the WWE. Speaking of WWE: That's where the real risk is at. I know how the WWE works and it's not fake but "pre-determined". They are basically trained to hit other people of equal caliber very hard in safe places. The generally do not strike "opponents" in the WWE for real in the head, face, neck and specific areas of the back but areas like the backside of the shoulder plexus area those guys could care less how hard they hit the other person. And then there is new people that pop up in the WWE who have a much with an established person, and I don't know why it is, but the newer guy will get beat up and manhandled almost as if it were a real fight. In pro-football, people BESIDES THE BALL CARRIER and PERHAPS the quarterback himself are going to get hit just as much as people in the WWE in 2022.
  9. Fortnite is terrible. It's made by the makers of Gears of War and makes you build stuff in the middle of a firefight and starts you with no guns.
  10. None. Only games I thought would be easy that ended up being unnecessarily difficult.
  11. If you're making the argument for the long term continuation of games like Earthworm Jim and Banjo-Kazooie, I am IN! I wouldn't mind seeing yearly releases for Earthworm Jim and bi-yearly releases for BK.
  12. E-sports people obviously take less physical risk than physical sports people because video games are not physical sports. However, there's not that much risk in physical sports these days, especially due to how some of them were played in the past. Basketball players have practically no risk on the court, and I'm not talking about the cases where players just fall over and faceplant out of no where (I know why that's happening but won't discuss it here). Basketball is just one massive cardio triathlon. Players would be tested before entering pro-basketball to see if they have any risks, and if they're told that they dont, then that's all they have to do is run around on the court the whole game and basically fool around with the ball a little bit. Pro basketball people have good cardio and very fast hands/arms -- the latter of which is similar to blockers in pro-football. You can have 350 pounders in football that have extremely fast hands.
  13. They are very similar depending on what type of sport and gaming field we are talking about. Some athletes spend thousands of hours practicing; so do some e-sports players. NASCAR is a "sport" and could easily be played by just good (high mid tier) e-sports people. Baseball requires very little athleticism, but has some of the most pay in sports. Pro-football is not what people think it is, and quite frankly some of those dudes in the pro division are pretty lazy. The best players in pro-football are relatively athletic, but people don't understand how much time a player in football actually spends in REAL time play (it's small, look it up). Hockey/Basketball require the most athleticism. Pro-Esports people could out-golf Tiger Woods on his best day.
  14. Just the new Batman Arkham game on PS5, whatever the name of it was I forget. The new Splinter Cell, Gears of War 6, and new Perfect Dark when they finally come out in 2035.
  15. That's going to depend on each game, which means that the answer to your question cannot necessarily be answered. Usually modern day autosaves just re-write over the previous autosave, and a manual save you make will just save right next to it. Modern games don't fill your whole list with a unique auto save each time.
  16. I've never watched a single one of his videos ever, and I never watch any "youtubers" video's because I genuinely just don't care about their opinion unless they are an expert in a field I study or whatever. The "popularity" among "youtubers" kind of goofing off on video very often comes down to a random dude basically being an expert at goofing off all day on the internet in front of a younger audience. I support their right to goof around, etcetera, but I don't think alot of these people are well trained in areas that I care about. By context there are elite video game players who occasionally, or very often, post some youtube stuff, and I still don't even watch that but used to and may occassionally. Only actual channel that I've been watching recently is Karl Jobst, and he's kind of an expert at exposing some very, very sneaky frauds in the video game communities at some of the highest levels on earth.
  17. Yes, there always seems to be a very large plot twist at the end of Metal Gear games starting with the original MSX game.
  18. The Kingdom Hearts franchise as a whole goes through some fairly unexpected changes. I have a theory that some games, books, media, tv shows or movies can start out with one type of direction or intent and then be covertly purchased to push the said content in a subtle but entirely different direction. Kingdom Hearts 1, for example, had a very pure first game. Then the series got all weird and involved alot of evil and very unnecessary plot twists.
  19. They can develop skills in some areas, but diminish skills in other areas. It may also depend on whether or not a game is, or has the ability, to connect to the internet because very nasty advanced hackers can take the game that someone is playing and potentially make it an un-authentic experience. This is partially a legal theory that I am working on, but it's also essentially proven to an extent, that the authentic version of a game can be vastly different from the game if it is changed or tampered with even if said change is tiny.
  20. I just plain do not watch stuff like that. Like I said in another topic today: I tend to entirely reject people's opinions that video games are bad, and could care less what they think. As far as all of the "facts" outlined in the video: Science is a constant evolving entity, so what can be true today may be wrong tomorrow. Handwashing at one time was entirely rejected by the core scientific establishment leading to a massive scientific showdown for quite some time; and then it was simply accepted as both fact and normal one day. Video games are extremely complex in the sense that what the person in the video is ALLUDING to is true, in the sense that video games can potentially change behavior, albeit the stuff would need to be examined on a case by case basis.
  21. Virtually never; only if I need a guide to a video game or a video game's story. Every once in a while uploaded competitive play (that's not LIVE). Stuff with competitive play I usually either figure out myself, or already know the majority or what I need. With fighting games, alot of the combos you see on youtube either don't work in a real fight or have been patched out of the game somehow (due to a certain property in the combo being slightly changed). I think it's best just to achievement hunt to learn a game competitively so you can slowly do it from the ground up, but I don't achievement hunt anymore.
  22. That's like a person downsizing from an 8 bedroom mansion down to a 1 bedroom apartment; so this is captain obvious type of stuff from the call of duty people (and more reasons why I should be an executive). In a really sneaky way, though, people like Nintendo can still have a good sized mansion while maintaining all of their exclusives. Some of it just comes down to recognition I think. Nobody in the current gaming world recognizes or has previously recognized call of duty as being exclusive to any platform. Alot of people don't even remember that Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy games were Playstation exclusives for a long time.
  23. There's arguments to persuade people; I've gone that route sometimes. Such as I have like 57 competitive gaming #1 Ranks and several world records, therefore it is not a waste of time for me personally. I'm not NECESSARILY bragging about that, I just throw the facts at some people who say gaming is a waste of time. It also increases IQ, or has been said to by studies. Some stories and games are fun to entirely absorb yourself in to for leisure, which probably reduces stress. Lately I don't argue and could literally care less what other people think about my gaming stuff provided that their negative comments are avoidable (meaning not shouted at me over an megaphone all day at work or something ridiculous). There are people in the world that have some pretty terrible and destructive habits, and video gaming isn't one of them. I'm also a competitor and have received plenty of nasty criticism. In retrospect, I can say that 99% of the criticism or more has largely been non-constructive -- meaning that it has no ability to help or assist me in any way, therefore it's basically tossed out and always has been. I can think of like 2 or 3 instances where other people in my competitive field were friendly and gave me actual pointers, aside from groups I was in when I was younger where me and the other dudes just simply traded information without even being critical. Ask question to friend, get answer type of stuff.
  24. No; they HD remastered just about every game that they perceived as needing an "HD remaster" except for the very first Assassins Creed -- which until this day has still not been touched, and it's still pretty awesome (if played correctly). 2, Brotherhood and Revelations were HD remastered in the Ezio Trilogy (all on 1 disc). Rogue and AC3 were remastered and the game where you play as Aveline was remastered in some way a second time, following its first remaster.
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