Hi everyone,
The below might sound like complaining - but it's just my explanation of what I am looking for.
I'm looking for an RPG but I'm not sure if it exists (xbox one, ps4, or Switch).
I've tried a lot of games, but unfortunately I haven't found one that was for me.
I'm looking for an RPG that is simple (in terms of use; not how hard or easy it is to beat).
I just a want a game where weapons don't break, I don't have to craft food or magic, I don't have to repair or strengthen my sword or armor, and menus are very simple.
I find all these things the opposite of relaxing / enjoyable - it breaks the fun of enjoying the game - it's just sort of frustrating (as if I had a loose HDMI cable and had to get up every 5 minutes to plug it in firmly again - that's how annoying I find weapons breaking, armor and shields needing repair, gathering berries to craft food, etc...).
I just need a game where they give me one sword, one shield, 3 or so potions (fire, ice, and healing), a simple menu, no training (like the game makes you do a training course to learn how to do combos or fight or whatever - I don't want to have to that), a quest to complete, and send me on my way.
Just give me the basics I need. I don't need the realism (I'm fighting monsters and dragons: I don't need actual realism when it comes to weapon durability).
Any video game suggestions are greatly appreciated.
*I know I'm asking a lot - but the less cartoony the better.
Thank you