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aerodynamik last won the day on December 11 2022

aerodynamik had the most liked content!

About aerodynamik

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  1. It's crazy. I need one though. I bought HL deluxe thinking I could play it on the PS4. 😛
  2. Hello everyone! How are you all doing on this Sunday morning? 🙂
  3. Definitely. It's still a good game, don't get me wrong. But everyone should just stop playing so they have no other choice than to release GTA6.
  4. I'd watch that too. 😛 Seriously though, to each and their own I suppose. The movie looks great.
  5. I haven't played splitscreen in over 15 years. So yeah, it's definitely dying out.
  6. I started with a Gameboy, then it was a Gameboy color, got a N64, mario edition. Probably had some more after but don't remember it anymore, lol.
  7. For me it would be Far Cry 4 I think. I thought It was never gonna end, lol. I'm not much of a story guy.
  8. It's ridiculous to see how they are milking it. I loved it and sometimes think back on how much fun I had with my friends. But they seriously need to come with GTA 6 soon.
  9. Shoothouse is probably my most recent favorite one. Dome from the old ones. Nuketown is okay. Terminal is great. Too much good maps really.
  10. I played it a lot when it came out, had a lot of fun with it. But as most things, time to move on.
  11. I play on a PlayStation. Used to have an Xbox, PC, Nintendo but always liked the simplicity of a PS.
  12. I like to play Mario Kart drunk. No, not kidding. We sometimes play that among our friends when we're drunk and we always have the best laughs.
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