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  1. I know this is a bit late, but agreed with this. Post all the socials including this forum in the channel description. Do short style videos with a link to the site and the forum too even on TikTok.
  2. I enjoy Mario the most out of the mascots in gaming. He's the most influential out of any gaming mascot, IMO. People know who it is if you show them an image, same with even some casual gamers.
  3. Yes, seems so. I am not a big multiplayer fan so don't even care for them myself. I never buy stuff in Fortnite or games like that anyway, so not a big deal for me.
  4. I'd not be too shocked by it. I expect that they will keep coming out with a discless version and a disc version from here on out. I have a Series S and mostly use it for streaming and used it for Gamepass at one point.
  5. I got the SNES for my first Nintendo console! I played Super Mario World, Beavis and Butthead, and Super Punch Out. Those were the good old days...man.
  6. I will also end up likely getting both games myself too. I played last years WWE game and it was alright. The career mode was repetitive and got boring overtime, though.
  7. Heavy Rain's ending was quite something IMO. The twist ending to Star Wars The Knights of the Old Republic was something too.
  8. Papers, Please is a solid game and a good one IMO. Danganronpa V3 but there's kinda spoiler reasons behind the answer here, so will spoil tag it. . . . SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA V3 . . . So in V3 the plot twist is super 4th wall breaking. V3 reveals everything up until then in the franchise was a scripted reality show featuring brainwashed people made to think they are kidnap victims forced to murder eachother, when really they volunteered for a chance to be famous and knowing what the show would be like. It is the most popular show on TV, everyone loves it, in fact it is in its 53rd season (the V in V3 is a roman numeral 5)! The world of V3 is revealed to be a place where people are so desperate for entertainment that they sit around watching people murder eachother just to feel their own sense of hope or despair as their favorite person on the show survives or gets killed Credit to a Quora post, but that's basically about it.
  9. FF14 for sure cause of course it does. I have noticed newbie guilds and newbie help on there for somebody like me. I am not a usual MMO player, but had soo many people offer to help me out and such. I've never felt that sense of community and like people actually wanted to help me. World of Warcraft has it's own dedicated fanbase too, but never felt like I got as much help as in FF14.
  10. I think it for sure delayed some games and the whole working from home thing prolly was rough at first. I feel overtime people and companies got used to it overtime. I feel that during COVID I seen more people actually sit down and play games they meant to play over buying newer games. A lot of people I know even were like the above, and didn't buy games at all.
  11. Gonna be a great movie I think. There will of course me some people who will complain online, but that is typical and usual nowadays. I think I got over the VA cast, and think they'll do a great job as the characters. I am hoping to go see this, but honestly can wait till it comes out on streaming or DVD/blu-ray.
  12. Hyped for it! I played the last one that was on GamePass and loved it. I am not a baseball fan at all, but the games have been interesting. I am the same with the Madden games and even NBA 2K series.
  13. Oh my! That is quite interesting. I don't think I'd buy any of them myself, but I am sure there's that crowd who will buy it. Sex sells, I guess. 😛 I honestly don't think it has to be about that either.
  14. Yes, I plan to get it down the road. I am a fan of pro wrestling and AEW, so know for sure I'd enjoy it. I am curious how the story mode will work in it, and hope it isn't too repetitive or boring. I am quite sure they will then. Happened all the time to me when I was young and wasn't online as much as i am today.
  15. As with most games I honestly think it would only be popular for a few weeks to a month. I feel like the drama and such will also blow over by then and everyone will move on with their lives.
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