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About BlazeNinja22

  • Birthday 11/20/2006

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  1. I know the point of a trial version is "here's what the beginning of the story looks like, buy the full game if you want more." What I meant was reinstalling the game should get me my tickets back (because they should be tied to the save data or something) and let me play the beginning of the story with other characters.
  2. I was waiting for someone else to reply so I could say this, but I'll say it anyway. Like I said, there's something that looks like a burn mark on the bottom of the screen, so the console might have overheated, and I think I know the cause: when I was a kid, I used to play on it a lot while it was charging. At this point I might just have to get a new PS Vita.
  3. The port doesn't look that dirty, even after 11 years, and there's something inside it that doesn't let me clean most of it. It's probably meant to be there. And my other cable is broken.
  4. Oops, sorry for the late reply. The one I have is a PCH-1004 and I don't have another one.
  5. The cable I'm using is only a few months old, so I don't think it's already broken. My PS Vita's screen has a faint orange color at the bottom, which might be because of overheating.
  6. The second cable I have is broken, and that reboot thing didn't change anything, so it was probably an internal thing all along.
  7. It has been 6 months since my PS Vita's battery died (or at least since I made a post about it), and I finally got a new one. After replacing the battery with some help from my dad, I realized it still doesn't charge. The USB connection still works, as far as I can tell, but when it's charging, the PS button's light is orange, then turns blue and turns off. I'm assuming that's in the moment it would add 1% to the battery. I'm starting to think the problem wasn't the battery, but rather the USB port, or something connecting the two. I've been waiting for a new battery so it could last, not slowly die again, so I really need this fixed.
  8. What I meant with that is since there is almost no one playing these games, there are even less people who share their ideas and fan content. Here I was specifically talking about Toukiden fan fiction on Archive Of Our Own, which is either same gender shipping or tournaments with lots of other characters. People don't write about what could be the story, characters and monsters of a future game or mod. The only good thing about this is that since these communities barely exist, there will never be toxic stuff going on there, like what TheMayz and AmorAltra did on the Friday Night Funkin' community.
  9. Koei Tecmo is a Japanese game studio most known by the Dynasty and Samurai Warriors games - if people actually knew them, that is. Even though they put a lot of effort into most aspects of their games, there are very few people who even know about them outside Japan and China. It's a bit like my YouTube channel (I swear it's not a promotion attempt) - the content itself is decent, but not enough people know about it, so not enough people care. You can't say they really have active communities here, and even when people like them, they just play them as they are and barely try to have ideas for any fan content (unless it's about shipping characters of the same gender). It's not fair that their games' quality is somehow not enough to make them stand out. I guess some of them have themes that don't appeal to the international market, like Asian history and mythology, but they deserve more attention from the west. The Toukiden series was the only one I really stuck with, but if the other Koei Tecmo franchises are made just as well as this one, someone should like them too. I'm not saying all of them have to be the next internet sensation like Friday Night Funkin' 2 years ago, but they shouldn't be the complete opposite either. Let me know in the comments if you know what makes these games so underrated and unknown.
  10. The point is that deleting all data should not only reset the trial tickets, but also the purchased officers, so I wouldn't have to be stuck with the ones I got earlier.
  11. Officer tickets are the ones that you have to purchase, which let you play the entirety of the story mode with the purchased characters. Trial tickets are the ones you get when starting the game for the first time, and I think you can only play the beginning of the story with the selected character(s).
  12. I played the Dynasty Warriors 9 trial version, where there are 3 trial tickets that you can spend to play some the story mode as some characters. I spent them on Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Bei, but none of these appear together in the beginning of the game. This was a problem because my brother wanted to try out the local multiplayer, so I would have to spend a ticket on Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun or Sun Jian, because these were Cao Cao's allies in the first battle. However, even though I deleted both the game and my save data multiple times, the trial tickets were already spent and the same characters were unlocked. Cao Cao's level was also kept the same (I only played as him), so I had to manually reset it in-game. It also doesn't help that the game takes many hours to download, so I had to keep my PS4 in sleep mode at night to try again the next day. I have no idea how or why such a tiny piece of data never changes when the rest of the game does, but it annoys me because I want to play a concise and connected story, instead of random segments just because their characters look cool. TL;DR: Not only the tickets don't replenish in-game, they also aren't reset when I delete the game and all of its data.
  13. I think I somehow damaged my PS Vita's battery when I broke my charger months ago. The third replacement cable, the only one that actually works, arrived this afternoon, but the console itself isn't charging correctly, if at all. I don't think there's a common solution for this problem due to its complexity. When I plug the cable, the PS button's light turns orange, either solid or flashing, but the light goes off after some time. I can also turn it on when the light is off. The battery is stuck at 14% (I can tell because it's jailbroken and it shows the percentage), the battery icon doesn't show it's charging and it may or may not turn off immediately. I guess it might be fixed by ordering a new battery, but I've already waited too long for EACH SEPARATE CABLE, with the third one being the only one the PS Vita even recognizes. I'm not expecting an easy fix, even if you are a professional on this, but thanks anyway.
  14. It worked just fine, thanks. I could tell because I loaded the same world from the screenshot.
  15. In my version of Minecraft, the oak, spruce, acacia and dark oak door textures are broken. I don't know what caused this, since I haven't been messing with the files, but some of these look like they were meant to be used at some point. I can't find anyone else with this particular problem when I look it up, and no, I'm not using mods to troll any of you. This is from Minecraft vanilla 1.20.4.
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