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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. As many who are avid players of Fortnite will know, Fortnite started way before there were even chapters, seasons and battle passes and for those who knew about the game before all this started, they will be known as OG (Original) players. I didn't start playing Fortnite myself until the end of Chapter 1, Season 2, it was the first time I started playing and didn't get my first battle pass until Chapter 1 Season 3. I vaguely remember the game before Chapter 1 Season 2 as my son would play it a lot but I don't remember the very early on days despite my son playing it at the very beginning. Did you play Fortnite from the very beginning?
  2. Clone Hero is a clone of games such as Guitar Hero and Rockband and can be played on PC, you can also download song packs from previous Rockband and Guitar Hero games so that you can play your favourite songs from these games. You can play the game either using the keyboard or a guitar from say Guitar Hero or Rockband. Have you ever played Clone Hero and how do you find it compared to Guitar Hero and Rockband? My son recently started playing it on his PC and he is loving it so far with over 800 songs to choose from to play.
  3. I can't say myself I have seen many games that do a New Year event when New Year is being rung in around the world or it could be that games do it that I don't play so I miss these games and their events. The one game I know of that does an event every hour throughout New Years Eve for each country that enters the New Year is Fortnite. They do a countdown and then a firework display as well and it's always cool to experience in game throughout the day if you have the chance. Do you know any other games that have New Year events?
  4. Anyway.. let's hope this thread is okay being well yeah.. anyway. Do you change your button mapping when it comes to your game play? In many games there are setting options to allow you to change which button does what either on controller or on keyboard and it can be changed to better suit your game play. I myself started doing this more so on fortnite for things like crouching and sliding when they were introduced to the game and I found that crouching and sliding was better for me using B as that is what it is for many other games so it made sense.
  5. Each year around this time, games start to release their Christmas events where you may be able to play Christmas themed games, earn Christmas themed items and so much more. I know that Fortnite does their Winterfest and Overwatch do their Winter Wonderland events and I also know that Apex Legends and Call of Duty also do Christmas events around this time of year as well as Destiny 2. My question to you is, which game do you enjoy the most for their Christmas Event? I myself love Fortnite and their Christmas event but for a change I also like to jump on Destiny 2 and enjoy their Christmas event as well.
  6. Kinect was something that Microsoft released for their Xbox that would allow you to play games such as their sports games, Just Dance games and so forth. I remember the Kinect being really well done but it would have it's issues when picking people up and you would need a lot of space for the Kinect to work properly. Did you own a Kinect for your Xbox 360 or Xbox One? How did you find using it and what games would you use it for?
  7. Tennis Ace was a game I remember me and my brothers getting when we got our Sega Master System. I remember it being a really fun game even back on the Sega Master System and I used to spend hours on it after school just playing around trying to get better at the game. Being a tennis fan this game was a lot of fun for me. Do you remember or did you ever play Tennis Ace on the Sega Master System?
  8. Does anyone here remember the Gameboy camera? It was a camera that allowed you to take selfies that would be somewhat pixelated after you took them but it was something everyone who had a Gameboy wanted back when they were first released. I remember myself hearing about the Gameboy camera but we never got one when they were released or at all. I remember having a few friends that had one so I was able to try it and I found it quite cool. Did you ever have a Gameboy camera?
  9. Since the release of Fortnite we have seen so many skins released for the game from their own creations to even icons series with the likes of Ninja, MrBeast, LazarBeam, Lachlan, LoserFruit and more. I have so many games myself in game from purchases from the item store and also skins that we get for quests and also battle passes. My question to you is, what is your favorite Fortnite skin? My favorites would have to be the Lynx skin and the Vix skin. I love both these skins.
  10. Even though you know exactly what you are getting in games when you purchase their in game items, sometimes you can still make the purchase and regret it a little later. This may not be for everyone but for some it has been an issue. My question to you is, have you ever made a purchase in game and then regretted it later either because it wasn't as good as you thought or you just ended up not liking it in the end? I myself, I am very careful with what I purchase to be honest in game and always make sure it's definitely what I want when I get it.
  11. With in game purchases being a huge thing now on games, many people will more than likely have made a a purchase recently within a game. Let us know what your last in game purchase was here. For me, my last in game purchase was the Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass for Fortnite.
  12. Fortnite for me. I have been playing the MrBeast Extreme Survival this afternoon just to see how well I do. I wish there were more games with Christmas events that I enjoyed to be honest so I had a bit of a change around with games. May take a look at Apex Legends at some point.
  13. Christmas is a time for relaxing, spending time with family and having fun together. Some families like to enjoy board games where others like to have fun with video games and with there being many of video games to enjoy as a family, it got me thinking. Do you play video games at Christmas with family? What video games do you play as a family at Christmas? Me and my family enjoy Fortnite with their Winterfest update and we also play Just Dance and I am hoping to snag Let's Sing as well for Christmas which will add to the fun.
  14. Fortnite are today doing a tournament where you can compete for one million dollars in the MrBeast Extreme Survival Event. You have been able to practice on it since Tuesday the 13th December and today, 17th December is the big tournament day. Have you tried the MrBeast Extreme Survival Event? Have you competed in the tournament? I myself am trying my luck at the tournament but at the moment not sure I'll get close to the top prize, will be nice to get the smaller prizes though.
  15. Shortie

    Gaming mouse?

    I currently have a gaming mouse myself. I did have a gaming mouse that came with my PC when I purchased it but it slowly went on me and my son then got his PC earlier this year and got a gaming mouse with his but he also bought another gaming mouse that he wanted and preferred so he gave me the one that came with his PC to replace the one that had broken on me. I don't know the make of it but it's pretty cool looking with RGB and all the buttons you need for gaming.
  16. Thank you for this Kane 🙂 yeah I am always super cautious where I buy anything from to be honest, especially when it comes to as you say, a site that allows the users to buy and sell their own codes. You can never be too careful in this world and especially not in the internet world and it not too cautious, you will always find yourself caught out.
  17. I have never played Five Nights at Freddy's myself but I have seen it played by others on live streams in the past and the game looks a lot of fun. I can honestly see how they would be able to make it into a movie and feel it would really work as a movie. With it being such a popular game, I can only imagine how popular the movie will end up being on release. Super looking forward to the release of this as I may check it out.
  18. Something like COD mobile would be amazing to see come to consoles and Nintendo Switch would probably be the perfect console for that. I have COD mobile on my phone and I have played it a few times and I do enjoy it and seeing that come to something like the Nintendo Switch would be great. As much as I don't mind using the phone screen to interact with the game, controllers and joy-cons are so much better.
  19. I used to be someone who focused on my gamerscore, especially when I was achievement hunting way back. I am at the moment at 73,238 and I haven't gained any more achievements to be honest since earlier this year I believe. If I am playing a game and I get an achievement that's great but I don't tend to focus on my gamerscore as much now as I used to. Getting to 100,000 would be a great achievement though 🙂
  20. It wasn't really a game that pushed me to get an Xbox One in 2013 but more the fact that I have always been an Xbox fan and wanted to upgrade to the latest console when it was released and I was able to do so when it came out. I am a little behind this time though with the newer console mainly due to the price it is now to upgrade to the Series X which is the one I would like to go to from my One X.
  21. Being in the UK we don't get anything like this to be honest. I mean we have crisps (potato chips) that we get such a we can get bacon rashers, cheese puffs, salt and vinegar sticks and such but they are not performance snacks. To be honest, I don't think I have seen any kind of performance snacks in the UK or at least not any I have seen as there may be some and I may have missed them.
  22. Not being too much of a PlayStation player myself I never really play for trophies but if there was a chance for me to get a platinum trophy I would probably jump on it to be honest just to say that I had one. I guess it would be like an achievement for me to have one being I don't really play PlayStation.
  23. I don't own any Arcade1Up Cabinets no but they do look awesome and it is something I would love to get myself one day if I was ever able to and had the room to as I feel it would be cool to have a huge gaming room with these included. I have always wanted a gamer room and I know my kids being gamers as well would love something like this to be honest.
  24. Shortie


    I sure do miss them, you never seem to see them anymore if I am honest and it's a shame that we don't. I know there are some places that still have them but it's very rare and few and far between and in some cases you have to travel quite a distance to use them. It would be awesome if places like that would make a comeback but I feel it's just too much to ask now.
  25. Fortnite first started out with Save the World and to this day, even with the Battle Royale side of things, Save The World still seems to be quite popular for so many especially with the quests they have to earn vBucks as well which is always something every Fortnite player wants. I was actually receiving vBucks myself for logging into Save The World each day, I would get say 150 vBucks after logging in for so many days and on the odd occasion I would get 300 or even 800. Since they changed how the game loads up now and how you get into Save The World I forget to log in for my daily bonus. Do you play Save The World? How are you liking Save The World? I feel it makes a nice change from the Battle Royale side of things.
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