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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. You will be surprised at how much a game on a phone or a tablet for a cat or even a dog will help them. Much like humans, animals also suffer from stress and anxiety and things like games for them on a phone or tablet will help them so much. I know my cat over the years before she passed, she became very anxious after being attacked by a neighbor's dog once and also going missing for a few days. It got to the point where if I left her to go to bed on a night and she was asleep say on the sofa, she would wake up and wonder around the house calling for me with her meows until I answered her. She also had a heart murmur so any kind of stress or anxiety wouldn't help her at all. Things like mobile games or even YouTube videos for cats really helped her a lot and I would imagine it's the same for dogs as well.
  2. If I really enjoyed the game when I was playing before I took the break, then there being an update will always be something that brings me back. I find with MMO's I can play them for a while but if I play them for too long, I get burned out on them, because of that I like to take a break and wait for something new to come to the game. If I see a new update coming to the game I was playing and it looks interesting, I will jump back on to check it out. By then I have had a break from the game and the burn out isn't there anymore and it becomes a new experience with the update.
  3. I was never a fan of Red Dead Redemption and because of that I never played two but when you mention a VR version of the game that actually got me interested. I remember when I played the first game you had a lot of scenery that would look absolutely amazing in VR, and I know from what I read that RDR2 was even better in terms of scenery and graphics which means that in VR would have just been so much better. I would grab the game for VR if they ever did make one just because of the game and the scenery, that would be an amazing experience.
  4. I feel with open world games there is never any ideal number of hours in which there is completion as everyone plays these kinds of games differently and for one person it could take a lot less or a lot longer than another person. With open world games I feel they should be enjoyed, and you should take your time with them, and each open world game is different in so many ways, there is always so much to explore and do and I feel if you spend too little time on them, you miss so much. Unless your intention is to speed run through and open world then I really don't think there is an ideal time, and it will always vary.
  5. I am a pain for starting a game and then part way through I will either pause if it's a single player game or I will go back to the lobby if it's a multiplayer game and my mind will wander and do other things say on my PC or around the house and then I will think to myself "I didn't play many games today" because I let my mind wonder. I am a pain for starting one thing around the house and then as I am doing one thing, I need another thing I feel needs doing and before I know it, I don't have the time to go back to the game I was playing. It's a vicious circle sometimes.
  6. Thanks for letting me know that I would have been under the assumption that I could play the game even if they were as that is a feature on most other places. I wonder if there are any plans to make it so that more than one person can play the same game when they are sharing. That would be nice to have if they ever thought of bringing that in.
  7. They can get quite clingy, but I always say that it's a way of knowing they know they are safe and well looked after and feel safe with you when they get like that. All too often my cat would sit with me and be fine for a while whilst I played and then she would start to rub her heard on my hand or nudge my controller away for more attention. She was a character that I will always miss that's for sure.
  8. I can fully understand why you would feel how you do when it comes to multiplayer games and interacting with others. As much as we can sometimes come across some of the nicest people we will meet in the online gaming world, we still have that issue where people will be cruel and just evil and will say things that make you rethink why you even bother with online communication. The number of times I have been online in an online lobby on a game and there is someone being just nasty and evil to others in the lobby is awful. Unfortunately, even though there are laws in place to deal with people who fire abuse or harass others online, some still feel like they are immune on the internet. I myself now will only play with people I have known a while and it takes me a while to even start talking to new people online because of abuse or just people being nasty in general. Friends and family are the main ones I play with now either with communication in my home or communication over say Discord or Xbox Party.
  9. I think this is the first time I have heard of a video game made for music creation, but it sounds awesome! I myself have always been a fan of music and I love to mess around with music and create my own beats when I can, it's fun and the possibilities are endless. I am actually shocked we don't see more of this if I am honest because things like music creation games could be great for kids if they are created right to learn music and lead them to things later on in life. I know we have games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero but they pretty much died out and anything music related now especially music creation is pretty much nonexistent.
  10. I will be honest in saying I did not realize you could share your steam library with friends and family so this is new to me. I know in the past my brother has suggested games to me or my kids on steam to try but he himself never mentioned account sharing at all which is unusual as he usually knows all this and usually tells me. I am going to have to look into this as whenever I have bought a game for my kids, they have ended up using my account to play it. If I could make them their own accounts that I had supervision over and share games that would be amazing for them and for me as they would have their own saves and their own progress rather than using mine. I will have to check this out.
  11. I have in the past watched PewDiePie on YouTube with his videos. I have actually found some of his videos I have watched entertaining and have often found myself giggling at some of his videos he has created. One that comes to mind is the Bully Christmas Concert video, he makes up his own lyrics to go with the songs being played on the concert and his lyrics and commentary are just hilarious. I do remember when he made a racial slur during a game and the internet went crazy and since then he doesn't seem to do as much as he was doing. I still like to go back from time to time and watch his old videos, just for that entertainment.
  12. I really do hate the fact that companies can get away with charging customers full price for a game they already paid for previously just because it's a 'new version' of the game that you already have. I can understand them wanting to make something from a new version of a game but if someone has the original version of the game and they want to upgrade to the new version, they should at least get some kind of discount incentive for that upgrade and not just "nope, pay the $70 or lose out" It's a shame that game developers have let themselves get that greedy and I can only hope in the future things will change in regards to that.
  13. Being that gaming is my hobby and also something I do for a living as well for content creation, I would definitely say I spend more on gaming than I do say movies, TV or even music. Gaming I have always said is a very expensive hobby but it's one I just love, and it helps me so much not just with earning that extra but also with my mental health. I would say a year I roughly spend around £100 - £200 on games, I tend to wait in most cases for a sale or for somewhere to do it cheaper than say online digitally before I purchase. I don't mind doing it as it's a hobby I enjoy, it's when I purchase a game and it ends up not being as good as I thought, and I feel like I wasted money when I get frustrated.
  14. Fighting bosses in games has always been my favorite part of any game, especially if it's a new game I am playing and I am on that learning curve of having to work out the best strategy to defeat a boss. The only gripe I have with some bosses in games is that some of them will be so difficult that you can spend hours just trying to defeat them. If they are really difficult and you find yourself playing for hours, trying to work out a strategy that would work but you get more frustrated as you try, I find myself just getting burned out on the game and leaving it. Games that get that sweet spot for a boss are the ones I adore.
  15. I myself hate to take breaks from games unless I really do have to due to maybe burnout or just frustration. The number of games in the past I have started to play and then left part way through and then when I have gone back, I am so lost as to what I was doing or what I had to do, it ends up being off putting and I tend to go away from the game because I left it at an awkward part. I am someone who when I play a game, likes to get in the groove, work my way through the game and just try and complete it in one sitting if I can so that I don't have the worry of forgetting things or the confusion of what I was doing. I hate to start a game and then just not want to go back to it after a break.
  16. It would have to be Grounded for me. I started playing Grounded back in 2020 when they released it early access for people on Game Pass and I spent hours just playing the game, trying to work everything out. I got to the point where I found it so overwhelming and wasn't fully getting the gist of what I needed to do that I gave up and I have never gone back. I now see so many playing it and they love the game and seem to find it so easy to know what to do in it but still to this day, I myself am still at a loss as to what the aim is of the game. It's probably something so simple but I just couldn't get my head around it.
  17. I often question myself why when it comes to voice overs for characters in a game, they are so limited some of the time. I often sit and go through the voice overs multiple times when I create a character because it's so difficult to choose as there is only so many and I always feel like they lack something, but I can never really put my finger on what. Hopefully one day we can see a better range of voice overs for characters so that there is something more unique for everyone rather than just the usual normal basic ones we sometimes get in games now.
  18. When it comes to an MMO community, something I always feel it should have is a community of people who will agree and work together as a team to complete the tasks or the task at hand. There is nothing worse than having a group of people in an MMO who don't agree, and you end up with so many problems where it can get quite stressful. Unfortunately, you will always get a few bad apples in MMO's who will make playing the game difficult which is a shame as it ruins it for everyone else. I always say if you can meet and get to know a group of people and build up a community of people who all want to enjoy the game without issues, go for it and do that.
  19. I myself always used to worry when my laptop or even my PC would kick off with the fan going crazy when I was doing anything heavy. I used to worry that my PC was getting ready to just give up on me because of how hard the fan was pushing itself, after a while I got used to it and realized it was doing what it was supposed to which was help keep my PC cool whilst I was doing things such as gaming. It's nice to have something there even if it's just the fan kicking up to know that your PC is doing something so that you are aware to not do too much and possibly cause it to crash out.
  20. I'd say in the beginning for the launch they didn't get everything right. They had a lot of issues on launch, and they had a lot missing such as co-op which many were looking forward to. After it was released last year, I started to play it but I found myself not enjoying it as much as I had enjoyed previous Halo games, felt like something was missing and I was a huge fan of the games prior to infinite being released. Fast forward to a year since they released, and it seems to have got better. I have yet to jump on and check the updates myself, but many are saying with the latest update it's a lot better than it was. Definitely going to be checking it out soon just to see how much better it is than on release. They may have had a bad release and let people down, but it seems they may have redeemed themselves.
  21. I am super looking forward to the new chapter we are getting on the 4th of December. The current chapter and season we are in now which is chapter 3 season 4 will end on the 3rd of December with a one-time event, they are already teasing it and it is getting a lot of hype. In the past seasons have ended and then the new season or chapter is released the next day. We still have 10 days to go for the event, but I am super excited for it and cannot wait to see what Epic are bringing to Fortnite next. I have heard that we will be getting first person, motorcycles and animals that we can ride on that fly. If all that is true, it's going to be amazing to see!
  22. With a game like Rumbleverse I can fully see where you would be able to bring in WWE Wrestlers into it and it would definitely be fun to see Pro Wrestlers come into the game. Of course, they would have to get rights from the companies such as WWE or even AEW, but I feel if they could come to some kind of arrangement, it would be great for both parties to bring them to the game. I myself have played Rumbleverse a few times and I will admit, with how the game is played, having wrestlers in the game would work amazingly.
  23. For playing alone it would definitely have to be single player games, but I will admit that multiplayer games can also be played alone with the solo modes or free for all that you get in multiplayer modes. In terms of playing with others I would definitely have to say online multiplayer, but you can also play story games with other people as well or even local play with a friend in the same room. There are so many ways you can play games so there is always a great way of you being able to meet new people or hang out with the friends you already know.
  24. For me I can play around 2 games at the same time before it gets too much. I feel if I have too much going, I just confuse myself and then it gets too much, and I just give up with all so 2 games at the same time is the sweet spot for me. The only problem I have is having a huge backlog of games that I need to play but haven't had the time to do so, hopefully one day I will get through the backlog but for now, we just keep playing.
  25. Yes, I am someone who is in agreement that playing games helps develop skills. There are so many different ways in which gaming can help with skills. Co-ordination is one of them. I remember when I first started playing more games where I had to follow a mini map to get around places, I struggled at first but the more and more I got used to it, the more I learned how to follow those maps without running into issues so that was a new skill I learned. Also, communication skills. Gaming online especially can help with your social skills. I myself have social anxiety but I have found that the more I have spoken to people online the better I have got at it and it's really helped.
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