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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. No, I feel if I am going to be playing the game, I want everything that happens in the game to be unknown until it happens. Sometimes when a character dies in a game, especially when it's a game I really enjoy I do feel a little upset but that is all about being drawn into the story and that is what I play the games for. I remember in Destiny 2, Cayde was one of the characters that eventually passed away and I was pretty gutted by that, I didn't know prior that he was going to die and it really drew me into the story line.
  2. Yes, I have played many games just like this where when I have found something, I know it was something I would have needed further on in the game. It's all part of what those kinds of games are about though so I guess that is why I expect it when I play them. It's the ones that I find early and then have to keep for a while during the game because I didn't need them for the longest time bug me.
  3. I have been in quite a mess with what games to play at the moment. Fortnite is great but I am now waiting for a new season, well the new chapter so I haven't been playing that a whole lot like I was. At the moment I have been jumping between Overwatch 2, Roblox, Fortnite and Destiny 2. I am super excited for the Christmas events to start coming out on games, so I am also waiting for that as well as they are always fun.
  4. I once bought GTA V for £5 (roughly $6) from a store where I live. Being that GTA IV wasn't a game I fully enjoyed I was reluctant to spend a huge amount on GTA V if I am honest and I waited until it was at a great price. Being that I also had a £5 voucher as well for the store I purchased it from, I never paid anything out of pocket for the game. I mainly got it due to the fact I had seen people playing the online side of things and I got interested. I haven't played it as much as I thought I would to be honest, so I am glad it didn't cost me much out of pocket. My eldest son though has played the heck out of it so that was a bargain.
  5. A few years ago, I would have said a cat and now we have a game where we can play just as that and that is stray. I am not sure if there has ever been a game where you are a dog. That would be interesting, playing a game as a dog but playing from being a puppy and growing up from that. Other than that, I would love to play a game as an insect, I feel that would be very interesting.
  6. For me it would definitely have to be Destiny 1. I remember that being released around the time I had my operation to have my gallbladder removed and having access to that game helped pass the time I had to spend in bed resting up after the operation. If it wasn't for Destiny 1 I would probably have struggled with my recovery after my operation, that game really did suck me it and it was so addictive. I now spend a lot of time on Destiny 2 as well.
  7. As a kid I used to have a lot of cart-based games, but I will be honest, I never thought to hide anything in these at all and I never knew anyone who did either, so this is new to me that people used to hide things within the cartridges. Not going to lie though, that is a really great idea and something I wish I had of thought of now. The number of times my brothers would steal money from me because they knew where I stored it was shocking, this would have prevented it.
  8. When it comes to the release of a game, I always go by how excited I am for the game and how confident I am the game is going to be good before I purchase it. Usually, a first-time purchase of a game is very rare, especially within the first week of it releasing unless I know it's a game that I would definitely enjoy. I tend to wait a few weeks to see game play or reviews on the game if I am unsure and will then purchase it if I feel I will enjoy it. Other times I will wait for a price drop of the game before I purchase.
  9. Yes, I do watch game play videos on YouTube but usually the only time I do this is if I am struggling with a part of a game and would like to see a walkthrough of the area I am struggling with. The last game I used walkthroughs on YouTube for was Destiny 2 and it was to complete quests I had as part of the Witch Queen expansion. Without those walkthroughs I would have been stuck for a while.
  10. As much as I know these are an option for you to use which is supposed to be easier on the eyes and to help you sleep after gaming and using it, it's never been something I have ever used or will use. I prefer to be able to see my game as it's intended, and I honestly have not found any difference myself when using blue light over just having it set normal for me, so it doesn't seem worth it to change it when I game.
  11. I often question why game developers will choose to not have a difficulty setting on their games, especially when some of them make the default setting difficult. That often leads me to just lose interest in the game if I am honest. I prefer to go on the normal difficulty of a game and then play through the game, get used to it, get to know the game before going up a level of difficulty. When the difficulty is just set for me and I can't change it, if I struggle, I just leave it and don't bother going back. It's a very odd choice to have no difficulty settings and I am glad it's not a normal thing for all games.
  12. I'll be honest, with the last few years being quite stale for new releases of games or with games that I have been excited for not being as good as I expected when they released and instead being quite a letdown, I haven't looked as far as 2023 for games at the moment. I am hoping that there is some good games though and I look forward to announcements made for next year, I am really hoping that we get out of the stale stage of game releases and start getting some good releases that are not disappointing.
  13. Shortie


    If you can get a group of friends who all get on and you all enjoy gaming together on a regular basis, then that is a great way to be able to start out a clan. I myself used to co-own a clan with a friend and we had a group of friends that we gamed with that were part of the clan. We had a ton of fun playing on a nightly basis and found it was quite chill to run the clan with the friend I was running it with. I also a few years ago used to own another clan with my other half but due to everyone moving away from gaming and into work or other things IRL the clan soon died off. I would definitely create another clan in a heartbeat though if I had the right friends to hang with who wanted to be part of the clan.
  14. I have a charging dock that I use to put my controller on when I am not using it so that if it's not in use, it's being charged. The charge time on the battery packs is around 15 hours and I honestly don't play that long during the day so I know that the battery pack I use will not run out mid gaming session. Once I have finished gaming, I will always put my controller back on the dock so that it can fully charge again without the worry of it dying on me when I next game.
  15. Yes, my cat Smokey who unfortunately passed away in July used to sit with me all the time when I gamed. She would either lay on my desk at the side of me if I was gaming at my desk or making videos for YouTube at my desk or she would sit next to me or lay on my knees if I was sat on the sofa playing. I actually miss that she isn't here now and doesn't sit by my side when I game but I will always have those memories.
  16. As much as I would love to see a Saturn Classic I don't know if we will be seeing one any time soon. I'm not saying that we will never see one or there would never be a possibility of them ever announcing one as there is always that possibility but with there being nothing as of yet and no rumors, usually that indicates there is nothing in the plans at the moment. Hopefully one day we will see one.
  17. If I am honest, I think it would be a shock it anyone was to come out with another console at all being that Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo seem to be doing so well. I would never say never though because you never know what each company has in mind. Apple or Amazon would be my top choices for releasing a console if there ever was going to be another company bringing one out.
  18. You are very lucky and hopefully it stays that way for you. In the last two years I have had issues with at least 3 or 4 controllers one of them was an official as well, touch wood I haven't had any issues with my new controller which is an official. Is yours an official or a 3rd party? Usually, I notice the first thing to go is always the left thumbstick which gets stick drift which is just the worst.
  19. Yeah, I really feel that the newer dashboard takes so much more time to boot up now than it ever used to as they have so much on it. The blade dashboard was basic, but it worked and that is what I liked about it. I understand they want to be able to advertise and have sponsors but for some, especially those on old gen it can lead the console to slow down.
  20. It doesn't bother me. Microsoft's main focus is Game Pass. They don't care how many Series S or X's they sell. They want lots of Game Pass subcriptions. I will always prefer xbox consoles over Playstation though, but how many Microsoft sells doesn't matter to me, as long as they keep making consoles. 🙂 I don't think Microsoft is worried though, they lose money on every console they sell to begin with, but still push them out, like I said, they make their bulk of revenue from Game Pass & software sales.
  21. I would say probably Fortnite! It was different and it's still being played today on the Series line of Xbox. I also really enjoyed Titanfall & Titanfall 2 though. 🙂
  22. With the servers for a lot of games being turned offline. I don't see why not, if you have the means to do so. Modded consoles can be a lot of fun. I would be careful and not try to connect to your xbox live account on a modded console though in case they permanently ban the account.
  23. I think so. The games I play now, specifically Fortnite are getting heavier and more advanced, using unreal engine 5 now, it lags a lot on my aging Xbox One X, so yes, I do believe there is definitely a need for the Series S & X. I wish I could afford an X right now. As stated above, the Xbox Series X outperforms the S, if you have an Xbox One, One S or One X, the Series S will outperform those, the Series X will out perform the Series S, so it's a significant upgrade, in my opinion.
  24. They turned off the Halo servers on the Xbox 360 so I would think other games will follow if they haven't already. I would guess by 2024 the Xbox 360 servers will be pretty dead as the Xbox One line of consoles will be 11 years old by then and the Xbox 360 will be nearly 20.
  25. I never really used my PS4 too much, I'm an Xbox Girl mostly, so I would say I prefer Xbox Live over Playstation Plus.
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