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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. As someone who is a huge Harry Potter fan and I used to love playing the games years ago on the PlayStation I was super excited to hear there was another Harry Potter game coming out and I have been really excited for its release. Since finding out what was said by J.K.Rowling as much as I am very much excited for the game, I feel that because of what was said, getting the game now would just not feel right. I don't know. It's something I would love to play, and the game wouldn't just help J.K.Rowling but would help anyone involved in the movies and the game so it's a difficult situation and one that means all parties suffer.
  2. I remember when I was younger back in the 90's I would sit for hours on point and click adventure games and would get so hooked on these games because there was so much you could do in these games. Roll forward to now and I still love to play these kinds of games. I believe New World is one of the most recent games that had a point and click feature when you play. Unfortunately, as much as I do enjoy that game, with my PC being the way it is it's not handling some games very well so I have not been able to play that game as much as I would have liked. I love that they are still releasing games with the point and click.
  3. Another big advantage with having Game Pass I guess as well, the points you can accumulate not just from Bing searches but also from completing quests for reward points that all go towards you getting another month or even more of Xbox Game Pass. It really is an amazing service with so many amazing perks. I wouldn't be without it now and the amount of money I have saved through Game Pass with games they offer, and rewards points is just amazing.
  4. They sure do. The ones I have now, once I charge them fully I can game for example for about 6 hours if I am live streaming and still have quite a lot of battery power left from continuous usage, I can only imagine how many batteries I would go through if I hadn't of changed to rechargeable and being that the most decent batteries are way more expensive I wouldn't even like to guess how much that would cost me in the long run compared to the small price I paid for rechargeable batteries and the dock.
  5. There was only one game that was an exclusive to Nintendo that I was really looking forward to this year and that was Nintendo Switch Sports. I bought that a few days after it was released and me and my family have had a ton of fun on it since and it's been amazing to play on family game nights as all the family can get involved. I am eagerly awaiting an update as they said one would be coming in the fall, so I am keeping an eye out for that now.
  6. Have you looked into AVerMedia? They are another company who make capture cards and they are quite affordable. I myself have an Elgato HD60S which I have had now for around 4 years with no issues, but I do have friends who stream console games that use the AVerMedia capture card and they have not had any issues with it and say it's great as a more affordable capture card. If anything were to happen to my HD60S, AVerMedia would be the company I go with next for sure.
  7. I only really use two email services and that is Google with their Gmail service and then Outlook with their Hotmail service as I use that for my Microsoft account. I do find that Gmail is the one I use more with me having my business emails and my personal emails firing to that service and I have never had any issues with my email storage getting too full or with spam getting through as they are really good with detecting spam which is what I like. I have only ever had to tell them that something wasn't spam a handful of times and it usually saves that and I don't have an issue again.
  8. When I purchased the PC, I have now I think if I remember rightly, it cost me a little under £700 and its lasted me since March 2018. I have been able to game on it and also use it as a streaming PC to be able to live stream and it's done really well. I feel now that it is starting to get old, and the hardware is starting to get old and I do need an update at some point. I think when I update, I will go for a more expensive one so that I am able to do more on it when it comes to gaming and creating content and live streaming. It's going to take a little while to save up I feel but I am looking at definitely spending over £1000 when I upgrade.
  9. I am subscribed to Xbox Game Pass, specifically the Game Pass Ultimate so that I have access to Xbox Live, Xbox Games and PC games and I think it's an amazing deal. With having access cloud gaming as well it just another added perk that I love, I just wish they would bring more games that I play to the cloud so that I had more use for it. When I do eventually upgrade to my Xbox Series X I have said that I will be going the All Access route so that I get the console and the Game Pass Ultimate for 24 months as well so that I do not have to worry about that for a while.
  10. I did hear that the reason they haven't ever released a controller similar to what PlayStation have for theirs that is rechargeable is because of a deal they have with Duracell. I always did wonder why it was always Duracell batteries that would come with the console and the controller over any other make of batteries that they could use and now it makes sense. I personally myself get a charging dock and rechargeable batteries for mine as it's cheaper than having to go out and buy batteries all the time for my controller.
  11. I guess when you think about it, some people prefer to keep their subscriptions all in one place and at the moment, Xbox only offer games for Xbox and PC as part of their Game Pass Ultimate for a small fee a month, but I wouldn't say that something like a subscription service from Xbox for TV shows and Movies wouldn't be a hit if they were to release something like that. Maybe having some kind of subscription service for just games on Xbox, PC and then something for Games and Movies and TV would be pretty cool for those who wanted to keep their subscriptions in one place. I don't think we will ever see anything like that though as Xbox seem to be focusing more on getting games out to more people at an affordable price right now.
  12. That is a lot of TB for a hard drive and definitely not one I have ever seen for an Xbox 🤣 the highest I have ever seen for a SSD is 2TB and they are quite costly. This is definitely photoshopped unless the guy owns his own date center and is able to get access to that kind of storage. I mean, don't get me wrong I would love to have storag of that size but jeez! I wouldn't even like to imagine how much I would pay for that! Let's hope we never see sizes that high for games 🤣
  13. Nothing will ever beat the Xbox 360 blade dashboard that we got and I often do miss the blade dashboard we had on the Xbox 360. I myself still being on the Xbox One X right now am starting to see a difference on the speed of how fast the dashboard loads up when I boot up my console and I do feel that it is getting a little too heavy for older consoles which is a shame. My Xbox will boot up and it will take a good minute for all the tabs to load on the home and often I feel like something is wrong with my Xbox. I would love to see the option to be able to choose your own dashboard so that it suits your console, unfortunately I feel that would be too much for Microsoft and Xbox so I don't see anything like that happening any time soon if at all.
  14. I was super pleased to see that Microsoft did well with Xbox Game Pass. I myself absolutely love Xbox Game Pass as it gives me the opportunity to try games that I wouldn't normally even attempt to try if I didn't have Game Pass as I would probably never come across them. It's not a bad price either for a month and with the library of games that you get access to, it's worth it alone just for that. I am very glad that Game Pass paid off for Microsoft as it means that they are more inclined to keep it going and for those who are on a budget, this is perfect for them to have access to a ton of games.
  15. I am a firm believer that Game Pass actually helps developers more than it hurts them and my reason for believing that is because you always get gamers who want to keep their collection going and because of that, even if the game is on Game Pass, it doesn't stop them from buying it physically and keeping it in their collection. Game Pass is a great way for gamers to be able to try games for an affordable monthly price and decide if a game is something they want to purchase it. I feel a lot of developers thrive from allowing their games to be on Game Pass.
  16. I know people who have built their gaming PCs from the ground up and as much as I would be able to build my own from the ground up, I haven't quite had the confidence to do so. From what I understand it's a lot cheaper to build a gaming PC from the ground up than it is to get it pre-built and that is one very good advantage of being able to build your own. I would love to sit and possibly try at some point possibly with someone who knew what they were doing so that I could learn and not always rely on pre-built systems.
  17. I don't know what it is but I always feels more relaxed gaming on a night than I do during the day. I feel it's because it's quieter, I don't have anything to worry about when it comes to a night and I feel like I can just chill, vibe and enjoy the game I am playing. Being that I am a content creator I do find myself playing games during the day, but it feels weird to play them during the day just because I don't feel like I can relax and focus enough during the day for fear of getting disturbed by a phone call, door knock or even feeling guilty because I am gaming and not cleaning or doing things that need to be done. I think that is why I always find the time to game on a night more so than the day.
  18. Red Dead Redemption is a game that instantly comes to mind when you mention horses and them being realistic in a game. I remember even though I wasn't a huge fan of Red Dead Redemption 1 I did play it a little to try it out and I was quite amazed at how realistic the mechanics were for the horses. Red Dead Redemption 2 I didn't play myself but I did watch people playing it and again, the mechanics for the horses were just amazing and I was blown away with how realistic they were in that game.
  19. Watching someone play a horror game I can't say I have every been scared, I feel it's different when you watch someone over playing the game yourself. I have played a few horror games myself in the past that I have actually been jump scared by quite a few times, Emily Wants to Play was one of them but when I have watched friends play the same game even before I played it myself, I never found myself scared in any way at all. It's a different experience playing a horror game than it is actually watching it.
  20. I am not so much a K/D gal like I used to be anymore. I remember when I used to play a lot of Call of Duty back in the day, K/D was a huge thing I would pay attention to and the better I got at the game, the more I would pay attention to my K/D and try to improve it. It became quite addictive if I am honest to try and improve it and I was always happy when I saw a positive K/D. If the Call of Duty games were a little better now and I wasn't feeling so burned out on Call of Duty I would more than likely be still working on that K/D. Maybe one day I will go back!
  21. As someone who isn't fully into the Esports world when it comes to salary and such, I couldn't say how much is too much or too little. I would think that if they were being paid too little for the work and effort, they put in there would be some kind of uproar about it and that would very likely hit some news sites and that kind of news does tend to get out quite quickly. I would say $50,000 - $75,000 is quite a nice chunk especially for a mid-tier Esports player and it would definitely help them out a lot with what they needed. I know I would be very happy with a salary like that if I was in Esports.
  22. Yes, the people I see playing it still have a group of friends that they play it with, and they tend to do run throughs and getting achievements and such together. I do feel that if they had of taken a little more time with the game in the beginning it could have been a lot more popular and successful, but it seemed rushed and seemed like not a lot of thought was put into it at first. It's unfortunate that it died as quick as it did. I haven't heard anything about them trying to push it out there more either so looks like they just gave up it seems.
  23. Ah yes, now that you mention that I have heard of consoles being bricked and stopped from going online for things such as hacking, playing pirated games and things like that especially on the Xbox 360 back when people playing pirated games was quite high. I guess when your console gets bricked, and you can't get online that is their way of banning you which is understandable if you are doing something that is very much against their TOS.
  24. When I purchased my Xbox One X I purchased it as part of the All Access they now have that makes it more affordable for people to be able to upgrade to the latest console. It was a bundle of the Xbox One X, 24 Months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and I also got Forza Horizon 4 with it along with the Lego Expansion as well so that was quite a nifty bundle that I got, and I paid it off monthly over 24 months which made it more affordable for me. This may be the route I go for my Series X as well to get a bundle and make it more affordable.
  25. At the moment due to my current set up I have a basic smart TV with HD and that is it that I used my Xbox One X on, I find it works fine but I lose the 4K ability when using it at my set up. I do have the ability though to move my Xbox One X to my main smart TV which has 4K abilities and I do notice a huge different when I do that. I would love to upgrade my current smart TV that is 32 inches to a 4K tv but it's having the funds at the moment. It will be something I will do though if not before but after I get my Series X so that I get the full potential of the console.
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