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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. Shortie

    Radio Stations

    This is a feature that has been added to Fortnite within the last year and it's an amazing feature that really does add to the game. When I am driving a vehicle, I love to have the music playing when I am playing, and I usually end up on the Power Play radio station as I feel that has the best music on that I really enjoy, and it really does give a whole different experience to the game. One thing I would like to see them do in Fortnite though with the radio station is maybe find a way to provide like Halloween and Christmas songs on the radio around that time of year. They do seem to be getting a lot of deals so who knows.
  2. It's not very often that Xbox Live goes down and I see any major issues with the service, if I ever do, I usually feel that it's my internet that is the culprit and not the Xbox Live service itself. I do however always check this page when I have any issues just to be on the safe side. The only time I did not check the page was when my son made a purchase through Xbox for something on Apex and I was unaware that they were having issues, so my payment went out and we didn't get what we were supposed to. I contacted them regarding it and they sorted for me and I had a refund by the next day which was great. I now always check the status page before making any purchases to ensure that problem doesn't occur again.
  3. When people say banned, I automatically think of banned fully and now allowed back. I have never been banned to the point of where my account was gone, and I could never come back but I have in the past been suspended for messages I have sent over the Xbox Network. I remember one being a message I sent to stick up for myself after something was said to me and I was the one that got penalized and not the person who said way worse which I thought was unfair. I got a 7-day suspension on the message service so I couldn't message or use party chat at all for that week, but it was given back after. In terms of being completely banned I feel it takes a lot for Microsoft to have to outright ban you for good.
  4. I had actually forgotten about Anthem. I remember getting early access to this game after winning a giveaway from a streamer I used to watch on Mixer back when that was around. I did have fun playing Anthem, but I felt it was missing something and I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I know many people who still go back and play this game and they do still enjoy it but I can't say I have seen it become a very popular game at all. I did hear that they made changes and updates to the game, but I have never gone back to it myself to take a look. When I played Anthem, I never had any issues playing it on my console and I had the Xbox One S at the time.
  5. When it comes to gaming with friends, I will always go into an Xbox party and communicate by talking. I feel like talking is a lot easier way to be able to communicate than it is to take your focus away from the game to be able to send messages back and forth in text form. Back when I used to joint own a clan I would be in a party on the daily with friends when I was gaming, however, many people have now moved away from Xbox or gaming in general and I now only use party chat if I really need to. Nowadays when I game though I am usually gaming with my other half who I am in a long-distance relationship with and we are usually on skype, so we communicate that way. I can't remember the last time I used an Xbox Party when gaming.
  6. When it comes to purchasing any kind of Xbox console I will always go for black. I feel with black you can't go wrong, and it just fits with everything so it's one of my favorites to go for when it comes to a console. I know when I was upgrading my Xbox One to the One S I was gutted that you could only get that in white. I ended up letting my eldest son have my Xbox One S console and I upgraded to the Xbox One X so that I could have black back. I guess that is my main reason for wanting to go with the Xbox Series X when I upgrade again, because the Series S is only in white and the One X is in black, that and the extra storage is another factor.
  7. When it comes to keeping my Xbox cool, I always ensure that I have my Xbox in an area where it has good ventilation and where it is easy for me to get to so that I can clean it and vacuum around that area to keep it as dust free as possible. So far, I have had absolutely no issues with my Xbox One X overheating and it always seems to be very cool when I am using it, so I guess what I am doing is working really well. I think when I get my Xbox Series X though I will be keeping it on my desk rather than on the shelf beneath my desk like I have my One X now as I feel with the design of the Xbox Series X it would be better on the top of my desk where the ventilation would be better, and it would give me more room to keep it clean and dust free.
  8. At the moment the current Xbox I have is the Xbox One X and I have had this console since around 2019 I think it was. Prior to that I had an Xbox One S and then before that I had the Original Xbox One. So far touch wood I have had no issues with the Xbox One X I have now and it's still running well enough for me to be able to use and keep using for much longer and maybe even pass down to my daughter when I am able to upgrade. When I am able to, I am wanting to upgrade to the Xbox One X as I feel I would need the space due to my live streaming and content creation. Hoping to be able to do this hopefully next year and finally be caught up.
  9. Yes I have. For the longest time I had a specific one that had my username and then my year of birth with a 1 at the end of it. I did this when I was part of a clan, I joint owned with someone and we would all have our usernames, out date of birth and a 1 at the end. Later the clan split, and people left Xbox or stopped coming around and I changed mine to coincide with my streaming career back when Mixer was around, and I added my username and Mixer at the end, and I had that for a while until Mixer closed. Now I have it set as ShortieLive and I have left it at that as it suits for my streaming career, and it has my username as well. So, I have changed mine 3 times and one was a free change when they allowed us to have a free change when they changed the username system a few years ago.
  10. It would seem that Xbox are looking towards their console being for almost everything and not just being a console for playing games. So far that does seem to be working really well for them and I do feel that if things keep going the way they are, they may not need to release another console like that but will just update their console when they need to. I honestly feel the only thing missing when it comes to Xbox is a handheld and that may be something they may consider dropping at some point whilst keeping the current console up to date. I am someone who has wanted a handheld from Xbox for a long time though, but I feel if they did want to release another console so to speak at any time, handheld would be the way to go.
  11. I will admit I would love to see Xbox bring out a dual sense controller for their consoles but so far we haven't heard anything regarding a new console other than the one that they released with the Xbox Series X and Series S. I do feel that if they were to release a dual sense controller I would love for them to look at making the controllers a lot more better quality so that stick drift doesn't become such an issue as quick as it seems to with their current builds of controllers. Maybe one day we will get an announcement but for now, I'll play the waiting game and hope.
  12. I love the design, but I guess I am one of the more biased ones with me being a huge Xbox fan. I know Venon have released a stand for the Xbox Series X that allow you to have it stood and you have an LED light on the stand and that looks absolutely awesome from what I have seen. I at the moment do not own one of the newer generation consoles but I am hoping to get an Xbox Series X when I can afford to and I will definitely snap up the stand as well as I think that would look cool with my setup. I have to agree though it does look like a mini fridge and the fact that Microsoft and Xbox took that and used it to release a mini fridge I feel was awesome!
  13. Shortie

    Trial codes

    It's very rare now that Xbox gives away the 14-day free trials. It would seem that you would get a card in almost every new game you bought but now I don't tend to see if as much when I buy anything physical. I know on Ebay they do Xbox Game Pass Ultimate codes for a very little price for a month that existing customers can use. Your Xbox Subscription needs to be up, and you need to add the code only when you do not have an active subscription and it should work absolutely fine. I have done it over the last few months on mine and my kids accounts and had no issue at all. The code is an instant delivery to your email as well.
  14. When it comes to the Xbox 360, it's a tossup between Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 if I am honest. I remember not long after getting my Xbox 360 I grabbed Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and spent about 9 months on that game playing with friends on a nightly basis and it was a lot of fun, and I made a lot of memories. Once we got a little bored of Rainbow Six Vegas 2, we moved onto Halo 3 and that was a blast. I absolutely loved the campaign as well as the multiplayer and ended up playing that for months as well as making a lot of memories. I think if I really had to choose, Halo 3 would be a first and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 would be a close second.
  15. Yes, I used to get this a lot on my Xbox 360, and it was such a pain in the behind if I am honest. I would check the disk, clean it, check for scratches or anything else that would cause the error and I wouldn't find anything, would put the disk back in and it would boot up fine. Sometimes I felt that it was the disk drive would just have issues reading the disk for whatever reason or that maybe the disk drive was just failing but it wouldn't do it with every disk, so it was a difficult one and definitely one that baffled me. I can't say it's ever happened to me on my One X though but then again, I don't use many disks now as most things are now digital.
  16. Yes, I did do this not just with consoles but also with my TV box that I had back when I did it so that I could also watch TV through my Xbox without the need to switch to different HDMI's and it was all. It was a great feature they had, and I know of many that used it for that said purpose whether it would be for their TV box or for another console. I am pretty sure they did away with it though on the newer consoles as they only seem to have one HDMI port now unless I am mistaken.
  17. It lasted 5 years without getting RROD, that is quite amazing as I heard that so many people would get it after such a short span of time of having the console, I know with me it was only a few months of me having my console that I got the RROD. What did you do when you got the RROD? I am not sure so far on that Microsoft would still be doing repairs or even replacements like they were in the beginning when it was a huge problem. So glad you got good life out of it before it decided to RROD!
  18. I will admit that in the beginning when the Xbox Series X and S were released and the PS5 was released it did seem as though PS5 would do better with how many sales it had compared to the Xbox Series S and X, but I feel a lot of the reason sales were behind for Xbox was because of the lack of consoles they were able to distribute and sell due to the pandemic. Xbox definitely did seem to creep up though a little while after and I would say in the end Xbox did just as well as PlayStation in terms of sales. So many purchased the PS5 first and then at a later date chose to jump on either the Series X or S and that soon boosted sales. I feel that if it wasn't for low stock still even now to some extent both consoles would be doing a lot better in sales than they are now. Definitely feel that neither party lost out thought and both companies still seem to be thriving.
  19. With the recent updates they have made to Sea of Thieves and also with the constant updates they keep bringing to the game, it seems that now is a great time to jump into Sea of Thieves if it interests you and you have the urge to want to. With it being on Game Pass if you do not fully enjoy Sea of Thieves you always have a range of other games that you can also take advantage of as well so that your Game Pass Subscription doesn't go to waste. I myself have been thinking about trying Sea of Thieves again if I am honest since the new updates but I feel that playing with friends would be a better experience, so I am waiting to see if any friends want to try it again.
  20. This rumor seems to be still doing the rounds even though Xbox has not actually made any announcement about a handheld console. I myself personally feel that is something that I am missing when it comes to Microsoft and their Xbox consoles, they really do need a handheld if I am honest, and I have been hoping for so long that they would announce one but so far we haven't had anything. I know they have released the cloud so that we can play using our phones which is amazing but so many people don't always want to be using their phones or even tablets for gaming purposes and that can leave so many left out. I keep hoping for a handheld and I do believe one day we may see it or at least I hope we do.
  21. It does seem as though more games will be coming to Xbox Game Pass early up on release which I think is great. I think we have already had a few games that have come to game pass on release so that is a great start. With the purchase of the studios that Microsoft has now gone through or almost through it's looking like we may be getting a lot newer releases day one on Xbox Game Pass. I was hearing that all Call of Duty's will also be coming to Game Pass when that deal is finally finalized, and I did also hear that newer Call of Duty's will be coming to Game Pass Day one as well. If that is the case, that will be great for Microsoft and Game Pass!
  22. I have just recently been purchasing my Xbox Game Pass Ultimate from Ebay for a small price to get a code that works for existing customers as I am waiting for them to release the Family Membership so that I can pay one price for everyone in the household. At the moment I am finding the way I am doing it for everyone more affordable than it would be to purchase the retail price on the Xbox. I am hoping that they do release the family package in the UK pretty soon as I know it's going to be a great deal to get us all online and with game pass.
  23. I have seen people offer these kinds of things to try new games and you will get paid for them, but I have always been dubious about trying them if I am honest as I have seen bad reviews on some and others just do not have any reviews or there hasn't been many people who have used the service, so I am a little wary about doing so. I wouldn't mind trying new games for developers for at least a little something as it helps out both parties but it's ensuring they will fulfil their deal.
  24. I'll be honest when it comes to a smart phone, I know I am going to have to get at least one of the latest and not too old phones so that it does run apps that I need, and I am at least up to date. I usually go for an android phone that is a little older than the latest one out and I tend to buy mine from Ebay with a 12-month warranty at the highest condition I can. I have not had any issues with buying phones this way and it's been more affordable for me to have the latest phone at a price I can afford. The latest one I have right now is the Huawei P30 Lite and I have no issues with it so far. I do feel like I will need to upgrade possibly this year though so I am looking into that.
  25. I have in the past bought items in some games in the past such as Song Pop when I used to play that but to be honest, as much as I do have some games on my phone such as Call of Duty Mobile, Apex Legends, Rocket League Sideswipe, WWE SuperCards and BTS Island I haven't purchased anything in a while. I think if I was to ever purchase anything in anyone of those games it would probably be the Tiny Pass on BTS Island as that is the game I play the most on my phone in my spare time over all the others.
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