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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I am someone who uses my phone a lot more than I used to with the work I do online so I tend to have quite a few apps that I use for each thing I do online. I am so glad that I have a phone that can handle them all if I am honest. The apps I use the most each day are Twitter, Facebook, Messenger Lite, Twitch, YouTube, YouTube Studio, Banking App, Trovo, Govee App for my lights, Amazon Alexa App.
  2. I am someone who absolutely loves to listen to music whether I am gaming, working or even just cleaning, it helps keep me motivated and I feel so much better for it when I listen to music. When it comes to playing video games, I always have some music on in the background, it may sound crazy but, in some cases, it can help with my concentration. Unfortunately, when it comes to live streaming, I have to go for non-copyright music which is a shame. I did buy the Elgato Wave Link 3 to be able to split my audio but so far, I have been unable to use it to its full potential because my Windows is not up to date due to my PC being a little on the older side, so I do not have the option to be able to select the sound settings I need. Hoping to get that sorted soon though so I can use it to its full potential.
  3. I am not someone who watches a lot of TV if I am honest, but I do have times when I would like to watch something like a movie or a television show that I am interested in, and I always feel so much better being able to watch it on my TV rather than on my PC. Even to the point where I will sit and watch YouTube videos on my TV instead of on my PC unless I am watching a video of a tutorial on something I am trying to do or work out. I don't know what it is but I just love to be sat cozy on the sofa when watching something I am going to be watching for a while rather than being sat at my desk.
  4. I have a lot of streamers that I enjoy watching. Being a content creator and streamer myself I tend to do a lot of networking and making friends and over the years I have met a lot of cool people who stream. In terms of really popular streamers, I would have to say the ones I enjoy watching are Ninja, NickEh30, Fresh, LazarBeam, Daz Games and KSI are just a few I love watching and I have spent a lot of time watching. Most of them mainly stream Fortnite with some other games thrown in but Daz Games is more for the horror games which is a lot of fun to watch. Another I have just recently been introduced to by my kids is Speed (IShowSpeed) who is a YouTube streamer. He is pretty crazy, has a lot of energy and has been known to do a lot of really stupid things on stream but for the most part, he is quite entertaining.
  5. I had one issue where I got the RROD one my Xbox 360 Slim version which was very unusual. The console just wouldn't work properly, and I couldn't use it at all when I got the RROD. I did have a friend though who had one of the very first Xbox 360 consoles and we were playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2. We were doing the terrorist hunt which we had a lot of fun on, and his Xbox 360 suddenly decided to RROD on him, however, the console didn't shut off, it stayed going with the game going and his game went funny colors as though it was a heat camera. He was able to see where all the terrorists were during the game, and we managed to get through it when we were struggling. He turned his console off after that and sent it in for repair but that was the weirdest RROD I had heard of.
  6. Shortie

    Sea of Thieves

    I remember seeing them announce this game and I was super stoked to see such a game being released and was super excited for it. I played it not long after its release and as much as I had fun. I crashed my boat, got my boat stuck and couldn't get it out and I just turned the game off. I have over the years watched people playing Sea of Thieves and they seem to have a lot of fun on it and it does look like a lot of fun to play, especially with friends so it's definitely a game I would love to go back to at some point with friends to try it again. I feel my mistake was going in and trying it on my own, it's more of a game you play with friends than on your own.
  7. This is actually a really sweet thing from Microsoft, it means you can make a controller design that is pretty much exclusive to you and I think that is awesome. I have messed about with their design program on the site and gone through and made quite a few unique designs myself just to mess about and see what I could come up with. It's great but it can get quite pricey. I suppose for a controller that is your own design and unique to you though, it's worth the money. I believe you also get a year warranty with the controllers as well at no extra cost so that is awesome as well if anything were to go wrong with the controller within that year. I always say that if something is going to go wrong, it will within the first year.
  8. As much as I would love an Xbox Series X mini fridge I have as of yet, not been able to snag one either because they are out of stock or due to lack of funds. I know my 3 sons would absolutely love to receive this mini fridge for their bedrooms but each time I wanted to try and grab them one, they were not in stock. I am hoping that before Christmas they end up being in stock and available for buying quite frequently as I would love to get them one each for Christmas if possible.
  9. For me the only issue I seem to have when it comes to Xbox controllers is the stick drift that occurs after a while. Back when I got my Xbox One X I had the official controller came with it and after less than a year the official controller ended up getting stick drift and I have no idea how as it wasn't dropped or misused. After that I went more towards 3rd party controllers and after a few months each one ended up with stick drift and again, not sure how as they were not misused. I am now back on an official controller and so far, *touch wood* I have not had any stick drift issues and the controller is nearly a month old. Time will tell though. I do have a protection plan on this one though just in case that does happen.
  10. My sons all have an Xbox Series S and they would love to be able to get more storage for their consoles but at the moment, no matter how much I have looked, there only seems to be the really expensive ones done by Seagate that are available and at the moment I am not seeing anything third party for these consoles. It's a shame as so many people are unable to spend as much as Seagate want for the SSD and you are pretty limited to what you can get at the moment. I can only hope that we see third party more affordable SSDs in time. I would have thought there would be by now unless I have missed something and there is something?
  11. In terms of the release, Blizzard did seem to smooth the servers out and there have been very little issues with the servers since the initial release. The Halloween event that launched last week, however, did have some issues but I feel that was because so many people were trying to get on after the update that it meant the servers were struggling a little. I haven't been on since the first day the Halloween event launched when I was struggling to get into games, but I also haven't heard anyone complaining about any queues or anything since. The only thing Overwatch players seem to be getting upset about is that most new skins or most Halloween skins that you were able to get in Overwatch 1 just by playing the game and earning loot boxes is now kept behind a pay wall. Many seem to want the loot box option back but whether Blizzard do that, no one knows.
  12. I understand they did this for Overwatch 2 and then back peddled with their decision to do it after so many people complained about the system. I can fully understand why they would want to do it BUT it then pushes some of their player base out who do not have the ability to give their phone number to activate their account for the game. What the developers need to do is look for a way that can be used to prevent such things as people having more than one account and smurfing that everyone will be able to do with the worry of them being left behind. MW2 is out now, and I haven't heard anyone complaining about it yet so maybe they back peddled to?
  13. I was actually quite shocked to see that GTA 6 had been leaked and then for Rockstar to come forward and confirm that was the case and it was in actual fact leaked was even more of a shock. Understandably they are going to be annoyed and frustrated as any game developer would be due to the fact that they have spent so long preparing this game just for it to get leaked before they could even say anything. I really do hope the FBI find out who the hacker was, and the hacker gets what they deserve because this wasn't just awful for Rockstar, but it was awful for the fans of GTA who want the hype when a new game is released and now, they may lose that.
  14. Shortie


    I honestly believe it was just understanding the concept of the game. My brothers pretty much nailed it right away, but I found I struggled, and they didn't want to spend the time showing me, so I lost interest. Like now I can play Pokémon Unite so much and not get bored, but the games back then were a lot different, so I just found myself collecting the cards over playing the game.
  15. Shortie

    Standing desk

    I honestly didn't know there was such a thing as standing desks until a few years ago when I was watching a streamer who mentioned they were using a standing desk rather than sitting down. It was after that, I found that even some YouTubers I watch also use standing desks and I had no clue because of how they had their set up. I feel like the idea of having a standing desk is a good idea because in some cases, it's not always good to sit for long periods of time at a desk as it can affect your body and your posture so being able to have a desk that enables you to stand will help with preventing you from causing issues to your body that will later make things bad for you when you are older. Maybe one day I may consider getting myself a standing desk so that I have the ability to stand and sit if I wish when working and also creating content.
  16. It wasn't the first PC that I had used or even had say in my bedroom when I was a teen, but it was my first PC that I could say was solely mine, wasn't shared and was something I could call my own and that is the PC I am on now. I was purchased this PC back in March 2018 by my boyfriend who got me it so that I was able to stream and make content. I am now able to stream and make content to help me earn extra money which has been a great help especially during the tough times over the last few years. Unfortunately, this PC is now getting a little old with the hardware I have in it and I would love to be able to upgrade at some point when I can but for now, I am making this PC last as long as I can until I am able to make enough to purchase a new PC.
  17. It wasn't coffee I spilt but it was tea that I spilt onto my keyboard, and it had sugar in. I instantly unplugged my keyboard and turned it upside down so that any liquid would run out of where the keys are, and I left it for a little while. After that I turned it the right way up, wiped it down with a damp cloth and then left it a little longer to dry and then plugged it back in. It was fine thankfully but some of the keys were sticky which was a pain, eventually the stickiness wore off and I was able to use it fine until it died earlier this year. It's always a pain when you spill something into something like a keyboard as you never know if it will ever still work or what issues you may have with it. I was lucky that it didn't completely break my keyboard. I am now so careful when I have any drink near my PC and keyboard.
  18. Shortie


    I have been suspended in the past on Xbox Live for a few days for something I said to someone in a message but that is about it in my case. In terms of knowing someone who has been banned from Xbox Live I do know someone who I used to game with back in 2008-2009 who was banned from Xbox Live due to something he said to someone that was very harsh and I cannot repeat here. I will say he did deserve the ban, but I feel that the person on the receiving end should have also been punished in some way for what they said but it didn't seem to happen. He eventually made a new account and just went from there.
  19. This is a very fond memory for me but my first Nintendo console was the Gameboy. I always remember we had games like Mario and Kirby, and we also had another game, I cannot remember the name of it but it had a series of mini games that you could play, and I remember having a lot of fun and spending a ton of time on that game. I always remember with the Gameboy how the screen was and that if you were not in any kind of light, you couldn't see the screen at all. I remember my parents getting me a magnifier with a light that you could attach to your Gameboy that would allow you to play your game whether light or dark. That gadget was perfect for long drive where I had travel sickness and we would be driving home in the dark. Only issue with the Gameboy was that you needed to make sure you had plenty of batteries or you would run the risk of it dying.
  20. I very much doubt we will see Call of Duty being brought to the Nintendo Switch. As much as I feel some people would love to see the games brought to Nintendo Switch, they would have to be toned down so much for the console that it wouldn't feel as smooth as it does on say the Xbox or the PlayStation or even the PC. I also feel that it wouldn't get as much interest being on the Nintendo Switch, mainly because anyone who already plays Call of Duty will already have the platform chosen that they wish to play on so what would be the point in buying for another console and getting a version that is nothing like what you already have. With us also having Call of Duty mobile now as well, that is perfect for those who wish to play COD on the go and does seem really popular.
  21. You definitely wouldn't notice a difference in terms of what the games would look like or how they would run but you would notice a difference in how fast things do run on the Xbox with a smaller hard drive compared to a bigger one. The only other difference you would have is how much you can have installed at any one time. With a smaller hard drive, you would only be able to get a few games installed so you would have to pick and choose what games you would want installed but with a bigger hard drive you would be able to install more and possibly not have to keep installing and reinstalling which can end up being a pain. I would definitely always advise on paying that little more and getting the Xbox with more storage just because games nowadays tend to be a lot bigger than they ever used to be and you will be surprised at how very little you can have on a 500gb Xbox over a 1TB
  22. My sons have all had the new Xbox controller and my eldest got it a few months after it was released and even though I had seen one I hadn't actually used one since they were released. That was until a few weeks ago when I needed a new controller myself as the 3rd party one, I had ended up with terrible stick drift. I upgraded to the new Xbox official controller, and I must admit, it really is comfortable, but I had to get used to the new capture button on the controller. I will on the odd occasion accidentally hit that button when I go to hit another button and end up screenshotting something random but other than that I am quite happy with it and have no fault with it.
  23. It's funny you should say this because I was just looking at the Xbox Games for Gold for this month and I was looking at them for next month as well and as much as there may be possibly one, I may think is okay, some of them never seem worth it and I never tend to bother with them. It's a shame really as Xbox has so much potential to offer better games through the gold subscription each month to hopefully get people to find more games they will enjoy and possibly purchase at a later date, but they seem to be missing out on those opportunities. Maybe one day we will see better titles offered but for now, I will just keep checking and hoping for the best.
  24. I know that Xbox and Microsoft have made a lot of progress for Discord on Xbox, and I know it is now available for all to use. The only downside to it at the moment is that you have to connect to chats through your phone rather than through the Xbox yourself but then you can talk through your headset on the Xbox once you are connected. I do know this is changing though soon and you will soon be able to use Discord through your Xbox to join chats without the use of your phone. I am personally waiting for that update so that I don't have to mess about with my phone and getting it to connect before I can join chats as that is a bit of a pain.
  25. I have used the cloud service on my phone and on my PC and when I tried it on my phone it was still fairly new so did have it's issues, however, when I used it on my PC it seemed to run really smooth and I never had any issues with it at all. I love the fact that I can play games from Xbox via the cloud on either my phone or my PC but I do wish they would bring more games to the cloud that I play, for example, I would love to see Destiny 2 come to the cloud. I absolutely love Destiny 2 and would love to be able to continue on my phone as well as playing on my Xbox when I am able to.
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