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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. When you put it like that I can fully understand. KFC for many is very addictive and I know I have tried it myself and it is very nice so anyone who is a huge fan of their food, the last thing they would need is a constant reminder of their food and that urge to want to order food or even head out for food from there. I can imagine it would be quite costly in the long run have that constant temptation.
  2. Shortie

    Xbox Museum

    The Xbox Museum is absolutely amazing, I remember when they first launched it, I went and checked it out and was amazed at how much it had in there regarding my Xbox history. Looking around it was amazing as it brought back so many memories of past gaming nights, I used to have with friends that I have now lost contact with or very rarely speak with now. I really do hope they keep this now and it stays updated so that every once in a while, we can always go back and look back at what we did and the things we played.
  3. My most favorite game for Xbox would without a doubt be Halo 3. I remember getting Halo 3 not long after I got my Xbox 360, and I was hooked pretty much right away. I played through the campaign on all difficulties so many times and I spent months playing the multiplayer with friends I had met through the years playing different games on Xbox. If I had to choose another game on Xbox that is my favorite, Gears of War would be a very close second. It's another game I can spend a chunk of time on and not get bored easily and it's a great franchise.
  4. I am a sucker for consoles that have some kind of image on that is from a game or a brand and as much as I do feel this is a little over the top and a little on the ugly side, if I was to be collecting those kind of controllers, it would definitely be one I would purchase for my collection just so I had it but I would probably never use it. It does seem like a great controller though for those who like those colors and are a huge fan of KFC. I do like KFC, but I wouldn't say that I am mad on it if I am honest.
  5. I feel if you have the want to be an esports player and it's something you really want to achieve you would work hard to get yourself up there and at the skill that you could become an esports player. I don't think there is any such thing as someone cannot be an esports player because everyone can be if they really want to be, but you need to really want it and to really put that work in to reach it. It's also about seeing your mistakes and fixing them as well when playing games and wanting to become a pro in them I played a lot of Call of Duty especially when Black Ops 3 released and me and my boyfriend had our own clan/team, and we would hang out quite a bit on Black Ops 3 and do really well in games. I got to the point where I really did feel that if our team was to enter some kind of tournament, we would do well, but it took a lot of me playing and practicing and seeing my mistakes and fixing them for me to get to the stage I was withing the team.
  6. Oh my I remember Zuma very well. I remember it from the Xbox 360, and I used to play it a ton when I just wanted to sit, chill out and just play a quiet game like that. I used to spend hours on that game and would grow quite addicted to it over the time I played but it was some levels that would frustrate me, and I would end up leaving the game for a while and coming back to try again. I believe you can still play Zuma on the newer generation of consoles, but I have not checked recently so I am not sure if that is still the case. If it is and it's still there to play, I would definitely love to go back and play it again, it's just one of those games that you just cannot get tired of if you pace yourself on it.
  7. I purchase Xbox Game Pass Ultimate which gives me access to Game Pass and Xbox Live all in one bundle for a fee a month and so far, I have been very happy with the service I get from that. There is a huge number of games to choose from in the Game Pass section and being able to have online thrown into it as well it just a bargain. I am however awaiting the Xbox Live Family option which I understand is coming in November from what I have read. I have 5 people in the house who play Xbox and it can get quite costly having to purchase them Ultimate each month or even at 3 months or a year. From what I am seeing the Family Subscription will be around £80 for me in the UK if not a little more and for 5 of us, that is not a bad price at all and would definitely help.
  8. I remember seeing this game get announced and I was super amazed to see a game that involved a cat. Unfortunately for me it was only released on PC and PlayStation so I have not been able to play it as much as I would love to play it as I really liked the look of the game on the trailer. I know people who have played the game and they all have the same reaction to it, it's an amazing game and a great experience and it's got me so much more eager to want to play it. I am hoping that Stray comes to say Xbox at a later date but so far, there has been nothing mentioned about it coming to any other consoles other than the platforms it is already on which is a shame. Hopefully one day.
  9. It doesn't happen so much now that I have faster internet and I am on a more up to date console, but I remember back in I think it was 2015, I downloaded a COD game on my then PlayStation 4 and I remember it went so slow that I had to leave it to just download and install overnight. I can't remember if it was because my internet wasn't the greatest or if it was a time that everyone would have been downloading it so it was causing the download to be slower than usual. That is the last game I ever remember downloading and installing that took so long I had to just let it run whilst I slept.
  10. It doesn't happen so much now but way back in 2008 - 2009 I used to have a few friends that I would game with that lived in the US and I am in the UK. We would have a 5-hour time difference and they would work, and I would work, and it would be difficult to try and find the time to get together and game because of the time difference. We in the end did manage to find a time that we could all be online and get to hang out and game but the busier everyone got, the less that became until it just pretty much phased out altogether and we stopped playing together. I would hope that one day we could possibly pick back up just like we used to and hang out like we used to but at the moment, it's not looking like a possibility.
  11. I would like to think that in 100 years or even 1000 years from now gaming would most definitely be a thing, but it would have progressed quite a lot and would definitely be a lot more different than it is today. With the way gaming is now I very much doubt that it will phase out any time soon but just continue to progress and become more and more accessible for all as well as keeping up with the newest technology. I would very much love to still be around in 100 years' time just to see how gaming has progressed but given my age now, I know I will not be around to see how gaming is in 100 years' time.
  12. As soon as I saw the title of this thread only one game instantly popped into my head, and I would guess it's one that pops into many heads when asked what the best Xbox game is in their opinion. The best Xbox game I would have to say is Halo 3 hands down. It was a game I thoroughly enjoyed and spent a very long time playing it after it was released and even now I have so many memories from those games and the friends I made playing that game. In terms of Xbox games for teens that are the best, I would definitely have to say the Forza Horizon or Forza Motorsport series for teens. You cannot go wrong at all with any of those games and there is so much to do on those games so no worry of them getting easily bored and have nothing to do on it.
  13. I at the moment only have one controller for my Xbox and that is a new official one I had to purchase a few weeks ago after the 3rd party controller I was using got terrible stick drift and was virtually unusable by the time I had got my new controller. I would like to get another one as a spare just in case anything happened to this one and I had to send it in for repair or even a replacement with me having a protection plan with it so that I would not be without my controller for a little while whilst I had my main controller sorted.
  14. That is one very lucky guy! Some people are lucky to be able to snag one with how things are at the moment with cost of living and even sometimes with them being in stock so the fact this guy received two is really lucky. I would like to think he may be thought of someone who was struggling to find one of the consoles and possibly sold it to them unopened and brand new so that someone else could jump on the next gen console train, at least that is what I would do if I received two and only needed one but that is just the kind of person I am, always thinking of others and how I can help them get something if they want it.
  15. Shortie

    Xbox Cloud Gaming

    The last time I tried using Cloud Gaming it was not long after it was released, and I found it to have some lag when I was playing and there would be dropouts. I do still have a phone that is capable of handling cloud gaming, and I am very interested in trying it again. I have heard from many that the service has got a lot better than it was when it was first released and that has me curious on how it would run with my connection and my phone. I feel if they can get it right and if they bring a lot more games to the cloud that many people enjoy playing, cloud gaming with Xbox will be the way forward. One game I would love to see brought to the cloud that isn't as of yet is Destiny 2. I love that game and would love to be able to play it on the go if possible.
  16. Throughout the years I have seen so many different dashboards on the Xbox and each one has been a refreshing change, but I honestly feel that you cannot beat the blade dashboard that the Xbox 360's had. That dashboard was simple, it was easy to navigate, and I just loved it. Now there is so much going on with the dashboard that sometimes after changes it can feel like you are looking forever for something. I understand why they have changed the Xbox dashboard the way they have so that they can advertise more and such which is a good idea but to me, the blade dashboard will always be a favorite.
  17. Shortie

    Got an X

    That is super awesome that you have been able to pick one up! I have yet to pick one up myself but that is more in regard to the fact I haven't had the funds to purchase one yet rather than just not finding them in stock. I did wonder whether the Series X was heavy or light in weight as it does seem to carry a lot for how compact the console does look. I don't think I would be too worried myself about the weight as long as the console played how I needed it to and played to the extent it should with the quality of games. I right now have the Xbox One X and that one is a little on the heavier side compared to the Xbox One S that was released which I know is down to it having more in the console.
  18. I always used to think that everyone used controllers the same way until my youngest son picked up a controller and started playing games and he would hold it in a completely different way to the rest of us. I put it down to him having small hands but as he has grown up, he has still continued to play the way he does which is using the claw method. I always use the thumb on buttons and sticks method, and I have never changed the way I play using a controller. My youngest has often questions why we hold controllers different to him and I simply tell him that everyone holds a controller how they feel more comfortable, and he has been fine with that.
  19. The TV I have at the moment that I use for gaming is a Bush HD Smart TV and it is 32 inches. I find that it sits on my desk perfect, and I have the space to be able to do other things that I do on my PC as well as having the ability to use my console as well. I have often heard thought that gaming on smaller size TV's can be better and many people I know tend to opt for say a 24-inch tv over say a 32-inch television or even higher. It has got me curious though. Is there anyone here who has used a bigger television in the past to game on and they have then switched to a smaller television and found it better?
  20. I at the moment have the Xbox One X and I currently have mine placed horizontal on a shelf on my desk which I have found works really well for me and gives the console the ability to have that room to circulate the air with the fans and it's also easy for me to keep it free from dust as well which is a must for consoles or any kind of technology for that matter. My sons though have the Xbox Series S and they all find that having theirs's vertical is better for the area they have for their gaming set ups. I was always wary about letting them have their consoles vertical even though they can sit that way or horizontal because it really did look as though it could fall really easily but so far, no issues with it falling and everything has been fine. I will eventually be upgrading to the Xbox Series X when I can, and I will definitely be having that vertical because I really don't feel it could lay horizontal with the shape of the console.
  21. I like this question and it has really got me thinking about all the consoles I have had in the past from growing up with my siblings to now living in my own home. I remember when I was younger, me and my brothers first console was the Sega Master System and I loved that system, that was my very first console and I always remember playing Alex the Kidd on that, it was a built-in game in the console and was a ton of fun. I have so many memories of playing Alex the Kidd with my cousin who helped me out with all the rock, paper, scissors games to be able to complete the game. The next console we all got after the Sega Master System was the Super Nintendo and this was my favorite console. I absolutely loved the Mario Games on the Super Nintendo but one game that really does ring out to me that I played so much of as a kid and my Mum would join in and play with us on, that was Yoshi's Island. It was such a fun game and I loved how Yoshi was the one taking care of baby Mario throughout the whole game. Turn to now and Xbox is the console I use the most at the moment and it is one of my favorites but if I could go back to the Super Nintendo I most definitely would in a heartbeat.
  22. At the moment on my console, I have apps such as YouTube, BBC iPlayer, Netflix, Spotify and WWE Network installed on my console but that is about it. I try not to take up too much of my space on my Xbox for apps so that I have more space for games I would like to have installed and keep for future playing. I would say out of all the apps I have installed though; Spotify and YouTube are the two that get used the most but the others I keep because I know throughout the year, they will be needed for me to watch something at some point.
  23. For me I have both an Xbox and a Nintendo Switch and I usually buy all games on Xbox if they are on Xbox to play. The only time I purchase any other game on another platform is if it's only on that platform, for example, with Nintendo Switch games such as Nintendo Switch Sports, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros are only available on that console so that is where my Nintendo Switch would come into play for games like that. I know you can play almost all games on either console I have but certain games, as much as they do play on the Nintendo Switch, the quality is never as good as it is on my Xbox such as Apex, Fortnite and even Overwatch so games like that get played on my Xbox.
  24. I remember picking this game up when it was first released back in 2014, it was not long after I had my operation to remove my gallbladder and I spent a lot of time resting and healing and needed some games to play to help pass the time. This was one game I grabbed, and I never fully played it enough to really enjoy it if I am honest and I found that I got sidetracked by other games that were also released around the same time. I often see people saying that it was an awesome game that many overlooked and that it really is worth going back and trying. I believe I still have the ability to go back and play it so I may give it another shot just to see what I missed out on.
  25. I used to be able to do this years ago, I would find myself working on work or homework I would need to get done and also playing games. Now that I am older, I unfortunately find that I am unable to focus on more than just one thing and multitask on things such as gaming and work like I used to. Now I either sit and work or I sit and game, I cannot do them both together as I get too confused, too out of routine and just end up giving up on both or just stopping doing one and not doing the other. I am not sure if this is because I am older now or because of health issues I now had that can cause brain fog and for me to be easily confused but it's something I have noticed in the last few years. When it comes to say multiplayer games and waiting in between matches, I am able to focus on something else whilst I wait but as soon as my game starts, I am straight back to focusing on the game rather than trying to continue what I was doing and play the game.
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