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Everything posted by Jayson

  1. Who is Ninja? Anyway, sure, becoming an authority in practically anything is gold. The same is true with domains. A domain with a high trust can sell for $100,000 or more probably.
  2. http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2019/03/11/niffelheim-updates-and-plans-for-console/ Looks fun and well, I really like the graphics and theme. OK, who has took Mythology in the past? I don't remember studying Norse myth that much - but certainly we went over the Greek stuff in a college course.
  3. I think there should be REAL CHANGE before they are allowed video games. I mean, talking about people who have become Born Again Christians or something. OK, I would say the same for other perks (things allowed for good behavior).
  4. To be honest, the US was a highly racist nation in the past. I mean, it was Hitler - but why not Woodrow Wilson? OK, well, Wilson doesn't have the same pizzazz as Hitler - and isn't well known - and especially not as a racist. Well, anyway some Nuremberg defendants used the racism of the US to point out the hypocrisy I think.
  5. I went to school pre-1996, lol. There was no internet. Therefore, it would be amusing to see what chaos cell phones are causing these days! I mean, the class clown would obviously be getting under the teacher's hair with gaming - especially if she/he was boring!
  6. I don't think they are rare enough to be considered antiques. In that case, you see them all over the US - and probably other countries, selling for 30 or 40 dollars a bundle (controllers, main console, attached wires). OK, you would find these mostly at used gaming stores - but also online (eBay, Amazon etc.).
  7. I think it should be an incentive for good behavior. I mean, everybody makes mistakes. However, I've heard at least one person saying gaming is "being too soft to prisoners". Anyway, the games they play should be monitored, or should they? For instance, would violent games increase violent behavior and/or be a mockery of the prison?
  8. Is it for real? What do top pro-gamers make? Is there competition to even get into the games - or can anyone off the street sign up?'' O.K. What is the most/least made in pro-gaming? How would you compare the earnings to other sports - like golf?
  9. A person traveling to China - who goes past China - always in the opposite direction of his home - will indeed land in the same longitude as his home! How can flat-earthers explain that? That must be interesting! 😀
  10. Trump's record is generally Pro-Israel and while he's made venomous remarks about blacks and other groups - minus some visit to a Mississippi Civil Rights Museum (Was that genuine?), he's stayed off the Jews This is true - despite being a "darling of the racists". Anyway, I fail to buy that Trump's a racist - but rather a "law and order candidate" playing to white identity politics.
  11. SNL in the 90s had "Lyle the Effeminate Heterosexual" and the "Gay Beer Ad". I don't think that stuff would be put on now. Also, Mad Magazine took a swipe at "Gays in the Military" - now they mostly just target rednecks. All in all, media seemed less biased along time ago - and while swipes were taken at gays, there were also ones taken at conservatives.
  12. Jayson


    I'm not obsessed with coffee - but I do like a cup a day. Anyway, it's usually not gourmet, but that's not saying gourmet isn't awesome! Anyway, I enjoy coffee with a soda - though that sounds weird.
  13. Based on stuff I've seen on social media, from ordinary people, this violence isn't shocking. I mean, people are programming themselves for it all the time! Of course, though, I live in Tennessee, however. This is a red state - a hot bed of conservative politics.
  14. People tend to be judged by the way the dress - like it or not. That seems to be the big problem with the Ferguson riots in the US etc.. In other words, this is racial profiling - but it's tough not to do so. Well, actually, it can be deadly not to racial profile sometime - but some racial profiling is just being mean. OK, an example of this in certain Asian nations - where a black face cannot get a job teaching English.
  15. I never have - but I love long distance running! In fact, when I'm not doing ski simulators, I love to jog. Anyway, it would be cool to do some long distance running. I would have done some in high school - but I suffered from low-self esteem, behavioral problems then.
  16. Jayson

    Country Music

    A lot of people feel the opposite. However, I don't think the new stuff sounds that bad. Anyway, it's all not "beer, trucks, and women songs", nor sentimental crap. Certainly the sentimental stuff makes me puke!
  17. I can play drums the best, followed by guitar, piano, and bass. Not sure if I can play the piano or bass better. Anyhow, the piano and bass needs more work - always possible with more time - but who has it?
  18. There are two genders - and maybe a few sub-genders. I mean, some girls are into sports. Some guys are into poetry. Of course, that's not dissing their sexuality or assuming they're gay/lesbian.
  19. I'm not good at gaming, ha ha. I'm just saying, hypothetically, if I was. Anyway, that's certainly an awesome way to get cash - but how much cash?
  20. Hands down, it would have to be the late George Carlin. After that, I find the late Rodney Dangerfield and Andrew Dice Clay to be funny. Anyway, even though I find the comedy funny - I don't always agree with their worldview. It's just funny to listen to their worldview.
  21. I'm not sure if it qualifies as horror; it seems to be more an "end of the world" type movie - but I'd have to bring up The Road. I found that movie profoundly interesting - because it's very fun, but disturbing - to imagine a nation in an post-apocalypse. scenario. OK, another good horror movie - but one I simply cannot watch (It's too disturbing.) is Hostel. That movie was the most scary one I'd ever seen, hands down!
  22. Jayson


    It's funny - but they take cheap shots at Christians and/or small town USA people. OK, I'd say this show - despite probably being enjoyed by the targets, contributed to the Trump backlash we see now - as well as the backlashes since the H.W. Bush era. Anyway, though, taking cheap shots is all what edgy comedy is about - but in the PC climate, small town USA people seem to be the only ones.
  23. I don't really like alien movies. Well, I guess I've never really TRIED to watch them. Anyway, I wouldn't like them, even if I did. OK, exceptions to this prejudice are Predator and Total Recall (Arnold Schwarzenegger). Those were cool!
  24. Jayson

    Mad TV

    It seemed better than the newer SNL. In fact, today's Mad Magazine is funnier than SNL. The problem is that SNL - aside from bashing Trump (not commenting on whether I support that or not) has gotten too soft.
  25. I'd have to say 2012. It was a cheesy spectacle which proved special effects don't always save the film! Anyway, the I can't really describe how it was corny - but maybe someone else can. Who has seen it? OK, a good "end of the world movie" would be The Road or 28 Days Later. Somehow they managed to pull those off as believable.
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