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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in Best PC Brand?   
    home built is always the best, easier to upgrade built for purpose and no bloatware, but if i had to buy a prebuilt, which ive not done for many moons, so my opinion may be a bit outdated, i would stick with DELL, as they have brands within DELL that are for specific purposes, like Alienware for gaming, Studio for editing and other high demanding tasks and XPS as a good all rounder, Plus they are a big name in the world of PC's and have stood the test of time. every DELL PC/laptop i have used or had to repair has always stuck me as well made and fit for purpose, so yeah Home built defo number one, followed by DELL! 🙂
  2. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in Which game scared you the most, maybe to the point of you not even being able to finish it?   
    Also as to the sound, you could probably use a good surround sound system, but i would advise a good pair of surround sound headphones for VR, as then you are completely immersed! Logitech make a vey good pair of in ear headphones specifically made for VR which are supposed to be awesome. I personally use my 7.1 surround sound over ear headphones (corsair virtuoso SE) so yes mate sound is much better too through PC! 🙂
  3. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in What was the last game you played, where you where that engrossed in he story that you could not turn it off! :)   
    Hi Blackangel, i hope your good! 🙂
    Yes mate i have to agree, it is one of the best for defo, but so was the first one back when it came out, obviously its dated now and the bar has been lifted, as far as gamer's expectations now, but back then the first game and Gun were the best western era games out! And yes i can totally feel ya regarding the binge comment, as probably 80% of my life has been a gaming binge hahaha but yeah i can understand why you would need to be wheeled away to bring you back into the real world for a while, if just to eat (something other than junk food or noodles lol), get a wash and some fresh air lol, as again been there done that hahaha but yeah mate i agree, defo one of the best games out there! 🙂
    Yes mate they are really well written games and i think they aren't as well known as they should be because when they were released, gamming was still quite new and growing, plus the Devs weren't the biggest of companies, so it seemed to fall through the cracks unfortunately, which is a real shame, as i would defo have liked the games to have kept coming! Yeah it was funny how to plot went from zero to a hundred miles an hour, with some outlandish cult or artifact behind some dark plot lol a bit like the tomb raider games in a way i suppose, but they were all packed with facts and accurate historical info, which is how i first heard about the templars and their holy quest, so yeah just an all round great title and series of games! Yes mate i would look at the sam and max games, as they are really funny and Syberia is a great adventure game and the latest and concluding game isn't that old, so yeah i reckon you will really enjoy Syberia if you like Broken Sword, ill attach the link to the trailer below for you! I will be featuring all the broken sword and Syberia games on my YouTube channel, so if you cba laying them you dont want t buy them you can always watch them on my channel! Here is the first Syberia game trailer!    
  4. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in What was the last game you played, where you where that engrossed in he story that you could not turn it off! :)   
    Hey Killamch89 🙂
    Yes mate RDR2 is friggin awesome and yes Alien Isolation too, ive got to admit ive got a soft spot for anything to do with Alien, as ive been watching it since i was a kid and love the band as a whole! I can't believe you mentioned Broken Sword though, that is one of my all time favorite adventure games, in fact it was Broken Sword and Monkey Island that got me into Adventure games back in the 90's, ive played every single Broken Sword game that ever came out and i love George Stobart and Nicole's relationship throughout the games, as its so believable and the humor in the games is right up my street! 🙂 If you like that genre of game, have you played the Siberia and the Sam and Max games, as they are pretty much the same sort of game and are great too!
    Hey Empire! 🙂
    I take it by The Walking Dead games you are reefing to the Telltale ones, which are split up in to episodes? If so i have to completely agree with you, as ive played every single series, not only of the Walking Dead games, but every game series that Telltale have released, such as Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, The Wolf Among Us, Law and Order, Tales from the Borderlands, Guardians of the Galaxy and Batman! i dont know if ive missed any out but they are all made in the same way as the walking dead games and are also great, so if you like the walking dead i would also advise you to play all the other Telltale games releases above, as they are obsoletely fantastic! 🙂 I've played all the other walking dead series that Telltale released too, like season 2, the Michonne story, A New Frontier and the Final Season, all of which are as good as the first season you are playing, so if you decide to play them, that should keep you busy for a while hahaha! 🙂 I will also be featuring all of the above games on my YouTube channel, as that is the only type of games i feature, Story based games! 🙂
    Hey Kane99 🙂
    Yes mate im the same, RE4 was not one that i got into before the VR version, as i think RE4 was one of the RE's that came out in a period where RE moved away from its roots into just another zombie shootemup, so i lost interest in RE at that point, but im glad to say im back in love with the newer RE games! 🙂 But yeah mate i really enjoyed playing RE4 in VR, its more of a fun game to pay in VR as the graphic's aren't great or anything like that, but its good fun! I didn't realize you were into VR, have you played Half Life Alyx, Fallout 4 VR or Skyrim VR? they are really good VR games I really like the Lone Echo games too! 🙂
    Hey Shortie! 🙂
    Yes ive always wanted to play the Destiny games, but im a PC gamer, so unless i emulate, i cant play them unfortunately and i dont like to emulate games, as it sucks the performance right out of them and spoils the experience, but from what ive seen of the destiny games, i can see why they would be Immersive! 🙂
    Hey Reality Vs Adventure 🙂
    Yes mate Valhalla is great and as im from the North of England, it has historical value to me too, as it was my ancestors that would have faced the Vikings and Romans for real, so in a way gave me a better appreciation for what they went through! Also god yeah Cyberpunk is in a league of its own! Its such a well made game, that Knight City feels real and alive! I had a bit of a yo yo experience (as you put it lol) with Cyberpunk, as i got it straight away when it came out, as i had been waiting for it for ages, as im a massive fan of the Witcher games, so was really excite about Cyberpunk, as millions of others were, but the game was unplayable at that point, which was really depressing due to how long i had waited to play it! 😞 Also i was disappointed in the Devs for releasing the game in such a sorry state, which as im sure you are aware caused uproar and rightly so, its a prime example of what happens when money is more important than the game itself! So i left the game alone and waited until the issues had been fixed, instead of just writing it off as a flop and boy am i glad i did, as once it was playable it was effing epic and i can definitely say its one of the best games ive ever played, its so addictive its unreal and it draws you in, which again has a lot to do with how believable Knight City is, it actually feels alive and the characters within the game are fantastic! There is a documentary on YouTube about the making of it and about how it could have finished the Devs off, due too it being the mess it was upon release, its a really good documentary and gives you an appreciation of the work that went into making this legendary game, it really is a fantastic game and without a doubt had its hooks in me for a very long time, as im the type who has to 100% a game, so all the side quests and everything, so lets just say i had bags under my eyes for quite some time thanks to cyberpunk hahaha maybe in 6 months time ill let it get its hooks in me again, just waiting for enough time to pass that i forget a lot of the story and missions! This is another game i would love to play in VR, as imagine how immersive that would be actually walking round Knight City in VR, only reason ive not tried playing it in VR via VorpX is because of how system intensive the game is, it takes  a lot to run the game when just playing it normally, so to play in VR, which is basically rendering everything twice (once for each eye) so with todays GPU's you would need the very top end cards to even attempt it, like a 3090 or a 4090, so ill wait for a few years,, upgrade my GPU then try it in VR! 🙂
  5. Thanks
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Which game scared you the most, maybe to the point of you not even being able to finish it?   
    Also as to the sound, you could probably use a good surround sound system, but i would advise a good pair of surround sound headphones for VR, as then you are completely immersed! Logitech make a vey good pair of in ear headphones specifically made for VR which are supposed to be awesome. I personally use my 7.1 surround sound over ear headphones (corsair virtuoso SE) so yes mate sound is much better too through PC! 🙂
  6. Thanks
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Which game scared you the most, maybe to the point of you not even being able to finish it?   
    Hi Reality vs Adventure, i hope your well! 🙂
    Sorry for the late reply, but ive been really busy! 🙂 Yes mate, PCVR and playing on a quest 2 standalone is like the difference between playing games on a phone and playing games on a gaming PC or console, as Quest 2 abasically has the processing power of a smart phone (maybe slightly higher) so yes when you connect your quest 2 to a gaming PC via a fast usb c cable (has to be a fact cable to be able to exchange data at needed speed, i use a fibre optic usb c cable) so when you do that, the quest 2 basically becomes just a display and all the processing gets done by the PC, you can also connect wirelessly to a PC now via oculus air link, but the data rates aren't as good as a fast cable, so i would always suggest a cable if wanting the best results, You also have to do a couple of tweaks in the oculus software to get the best possible results, but nothing to technical. Once it is al set up correctly its mind blowing it really is, ive even played GTA 5 in VR on it which was a different experience than playing on a tv or monitor let me tell you lol It does take a good PC to run VR games on max setting though, as you ae in effect rendering everything twice, once for each eye, so when playing top end games in VR, it can get really hard for anything but a top end PC to handle. It is well worth it though, as its an entirely new experience when your actually in the game, like i say check out Lone Echo and Half Life Alyx on youtube, they are top end PCVR games, also Medal of Honor Above and Beyond is another good PCVR game! 🙂 its the future of gaming if you ask me! 🙂
    Hi Shortie, i hope your well! 🙂
    Yes mate i remember the saw game, it was quite scary as it goes, but so were the films lol and yes mate that's what i said in my original comment, resident evil (RE) used to scare the crap out of me when i was younger, but now, maybe because im older or have been numbed after years of gaming, i dont get as scared by the newer ones, although i do still love them! 🙂
  7. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Which game scared you the most, maybe to the point of you not even being able to finish it?   
    That does sound pretty cool to hook up Oculus to PC. How does that even work though with a headset? Does it provide better graphics that way through the Oculus? Does the PC convert it's graphics into the headset? And of course sound improvement too right, if you have a speaker system? I think you are on to something that just might be top notch gaming experience. 
  8. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Shortie in Safe to say future consoles won't have physical media/disc drives?   
    I think heading towards a future of no physical media or discs would be a blow to be honest. So many people still prefer to pick up physical games even now and taking the ability away from them to do that would affect them badly. I feel what Xbox has done with their consoles, one with a disc tray and one without is a better option going forward as it gives the consumer the chance to choose which one they would prefer and still be able to go either physical or digital.
  9. Haha
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to killamch89 in Safe to say future consoles won't have physical media/disc drives?   
    Definitely as we're also entering the age where we can get internet connection from satellites via Starlink so digital only consoles will be the way of the future. It also saves gaming companies a ton on things like shipping among other things and those bastards will do almost anything to make more profit.
  10. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Watching full video games on youtube   
    Hi all, @Reality vs Adventureyes mate you are correct, sometimes it is easier and more enjoyable in some ways to watch the game being played for you via YouTube, as you can completely focus on the story instead of having to watch and  keep an eye on everything else while playing it, plus as you say it saves the hassle of having to setup your old consoles if its an old game your watching, or even just cant be bothered playing the game if its new. That is one of the reasons i started my YouTube channel, which im only really concentrating on the more story focused games with, as they are as good as, if not better than films in my opinion. The other reasons i think a channel like mine is useful is for people who may not be able to afford the games or the hardware needed to play them, especially at the moment where every penny counts. Also some people just cannot play games, as much as they would love to, because of some disability that may mean they simply are not able to play them and i think its only fair that those people still get the chance to be able to experience the awesome stories and work that's gone into some games. I also know quite a few people who just dont play games and never have, but they still enjoy watching them on YouTube in the same way as they would watch a film, so yeah my point is channels like mine do have their uses, as you dont necessarily have to be playing the game to enjoy it! 🙂
    As to the commentary on games, i decided to upload 2 versions of every game i upload, which granted is twice the work, but having commentary or not on games videos is a matter of preference and i think its probably 50 50 when it comes to which people prefer, so i decided to upload both, problem solved lol! 🙂
  11. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Safe to say future consoles won't have physical media/disc drives?   
    I have to agree with you @Kane99 i think unfortunately its the only way forward i can see personally, as its already well on the way to becoming that way. The music industry, Film and TV industry and even the Book industry have all become victims of the same trend! 😞 it is sad really, as its the end of an era and i know personally i prefer to have an actual physical copy when i buy something, be it game, film, album or book, as you actually own that product then for life, instead of the rights to watch or read a digital copy of something. Its the same with money too, people are moving away from having actual notes or coins anymore and just using contactless payment methods, which again i have to admit, there is a lot to be said for actually seeing your money in its physical form and using it to buy something, but again its the future, as with everything else in the digital age. I guess its always been the same throughout history, like in the old days when transport relied mostly on steam, when we made the jump to electric motors and the internal combustion engine, a lot of the people that were used to steam did not like it, but they had no choice as there was no stopping progression. I think all the youngest generations have probably never or very rarely bought a physicals copy of anything, as to them digital products are the norm, so i guess were all just old fogies moaning of the old days and ways hahahaha
    I can see the environmental gain i suppose, from not having to manufacture physical products, but again, probably due to my age, i prefer to own an actual physical item given the choice any day, but fear we are having that choice, slowly but surely, taken away! 😞   
  12. Haha
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Empire in Which game scared you the most, maybe to the point of you not even being able to finish it?   
    Silent Hill 1 back in '99 as a kid is the most scared I've been by a video game in my whole life. the entire atmosphere, music, psychological elements, the disturbing monsters, fog and the entire tone of the game was unlike anything I'd played by that point and I cut my horror teeth on RE1-3, AITD so I had played horror games prior.
    as an adult Visage is probably the most scared I've been. the problem is that the game felt overly obtuse, largely boring and just lacked at hitting all the notes I love about horror games. that said I haven't had many games make me take "fear breaks" but hoo boy did that game make me take some of those lol.
  13. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - December 2022   
    Congrats @Shortie! Points awarded.
  14. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to killamch89 in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    I do have to agree that I've learned way more from the bad experiences and they've really helped me out when I run into tough situations in life. How to stay calm rather than always panic when everything's going wrong.
  15. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to StaceyPowers in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    What are your other contenders?
    The other place I wouldn't mind being uploaded to would be a non-fascist, non-racist, irreligious version of Columbia from BioShock Infinite. I want to live in a sky city with equality for all.
    Also, I don't think immortality would be a problem, but boredom would. But if the universes in question were continually evolving and added to, it might not be an issue. 
    And I assume we get to hang out with other real people after we are uploaded? If so, that should solve a large chunk of the boredom problem.
  16. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to The Blackangel in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    So this is basically a Matrix question? Aren't we already doing that? I mean the only difference I can see from your question is that we choose the world we would live in. If it's my option, it would easily be Hyrule. The N64 Ocarina Of Time version. My personal favorite. It's an extremely laid back world, as long as Ganon is kept in check. There is one other option that comes to mind for me. The world of FF8. I've always wanted to live in Fisherman's Horizon (FH). It seems to be so laid back. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. If that wasn't an option, the only other town I would want to live in would have to be Winhill.
    RDR2 does have a foot in this race, but that's just because there are so many cabins and shacks to choose from.
  17. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    Hi Killamch89 hope your well mate! 🙂
    I completely get your point mate and dont disagree with you in the slightest, i was saying in one of the posts i quoted that i would want an expiry date, as no matter what world you are uploaded into, you would eventually have seen everything and would inevitably get bored, so i stated that i would have a max life span of 1000 years (same as an Asari lifespan from mass effect) but with a kill switch or kill word that i could use if ive had enough, basically digital suicide! 🙂 so yeah mate i get your point about immortality. Also as to the emotions issue, there are so many variables and possible difficulties when talkin about un invented tech, that we could chew the fat for hours just on that subject alone lol but for the sake of this topic we are just gonna pretend that the technology has been invented to be able to copy the complete human psyche, emotions and all, so a complete digital copy of you and your traits! Like i say mate i know its far fetched and we could list the possible problems with this tech, but just for fun lets say it exists! 🙂 its more
    , but-about if you would go for it and if so would you want any rules to be factored into your upload, like my 1000 year max life span for example and also what world/character you would want uploading to! But yeah mate if its not something you would be up for then that's valid too, as  it would not be for everyone and would defo cause controversy! 🙂
    Hey Stacey, i hope you are well! 🙂 Yes mate it is very interesting, ive sat and thought about this idea numerous times and still cant decide 100% on where i would be uploaded, but yeah Mass Effect is my strongest contender and yes mate defo be myself and all your memories would be uploaded as it would be an exact digital copy of your psyche, warts and all! 🙂
  18. Haha
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to StaceyPowers in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    The Fallout universe actually wouldn't be a bad place to end up. Where else can you get self-healing limbs from radiation exposure? 
    Hmm, if @The Blackangel will be uploaded with her memory wiped, I'll be uploaded where she goes so we can meet all over again.
  19. Thanks
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Shagger in VGR Member of the Month - December 2022 Nominations   
    I nominate @ImmersionGaming22. May not be the most frequent poster, but put a lot of detail and kindness into what he posts. The fact only complain I have, if you can call it that, is that "you post enough" is actually a testament to much I like him being here.
  20. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    Hi again all, right ive been sat thinking again and while doing so came up with todays topic, so i have seen in the past in certain films where they have the ability to download people psyche and memories, which i suppose is a sort of backup of you in case the worse was to happen, ive seen this idea used in many different and weird ways in films, but my idea is a a bit more on the fun side! 🙂
    Right so lets just say that the technology for uploading your psyche and memories into a digital format was invented and available. A company came up with the idea of being able to upload your psyche into any game world of your choice and any character you want, be it one already established in a game or one of your own making. Once this has been done it is irreversible and that world will then become your new world and life and your real body would die. In this new world you would not be able to tell it isn't real, as to you it would be, much in the same way as if we all actually live in a simulation in real life, like millions of people believe we do. So food would taste as it should, anything you touch would feel as it should and smells etc etc etc so all in all it would to you be just as real as the real world!
    My take on this would be to wait until im at the end of my natural life, or carry like a medical card stating that if im in an accident and there is a good chance i wont survive, that they have my permission to upload my psyche into the game of my choice, so that way i get to live my natural life, then be uploaded into my game of choice for my second life lol Now comes the hard part what game world would i choose, well ive got to say at this point im really undecided as there is so many to choose from that i would really love to be able to visit in real life, but i think one of the main contenders has got to be Mass Effect, as not only would earth still be there, at least in some form, in case i got home sick lol but there would be a whole galaxy to explore and the ability to do so, plus id love to meet all the various sentient races from the Mass Effect titles. Also though in the same way as Mass Effect there is the eve galaxy, which is way bigger than the Mass Effect galaxy, but its the Mass Effect worlds l like and the characters. I would like to say id be uploaded into Shepheard (the main hero of Mas Effect)  and live as him, but i think i would much rather be uploaded as a young lad and grow up in this world as my own character forging my own path through this world, but with all the knowledge and life experience from this life! As i say though im as yet un decided 100% as the more i think about it the harder it becomes to make a decision, as like i say its irreversible remember! 🙂
    So yeah that's my question to you all, what if any world would you be uploaded too and which character and why? I know it a weird one this but it really got my cogs turning! 🙂
  21. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Moonface in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    Hey Moonface, i hope you are well and thats great news, ive only waited how many years lol 🙂 well that's my March sorted for this year then hahaha thx for the heads up mate! 🙂
  22. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Moonface in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    If you didn't see, The Last of Us Part 1 was announced as coming to PC on March 3, 2023 at The Game Awards.
  23. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to killamch89 in Cellphones Future   
    It's a bit off at the moment because it needs more testing but yeah, in about 15 years, that'll probably when we seem them rolling out that project.
  24. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in Cellphones Future   
    The future is no phone at all, the phones will be built into chips implanted in our bodies somewhere, which isn't too far fetched even at this point in time! They can already put a heads up display in contact lenses, so team that up with a chip implant that can make/take calls and messages etc etc and your nearly there already, so yeah its already been played with in many games and films, but in real life we are very close, if not able to make it a reality! 🙂
  25. Like
    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Right bit of a weird one for you, regarding uploading your psyche into a video game!! :)   
    Hahahaha Hi Reality vs Adventure, thanks for your detailed and and very deeply thought about response, that's exactly the kind of response i was looking for, as yes you are correct, this sort of topic is very hard to give an exact context too, as there are so many variables involved! 🙂 I blow my own mind sometimes when thinking about things like this, as you can take it in any number of directions and possible scenarios.
    My thinking was that as this technology is very advanced to say the least, it would have to be some time in the future, by which time processing power and the size of components needed for large scale storage of information would be much better than now, so their would be many different options available based on preference or cost, but what i imagined for the sake of this topic was a closed off world, so not one played by actual players, so no chance of someone playing your character and you being taken along for the ride at their mercy, wow how bad would that be lol! No these are more like closed off servers, for example where the world is just uploaded beforehand and then once you are uploaded into it you are left alone to live your life in your new world, that's where the future tech would come into it, as storage of all these worlds that people are living in and the processing power needed to run them would no longer be an issue, plus the tech needed to guarantee that the power needed to keep the world running would never be lost. That is also where the cost of the package you purchase could also come into it, so you could either opt to be uploaded into the game/character of your choice, on your own world, with no other real people being uploaded, so all other characters would be AI, very advanced AI though, that were indistinguishable from real human uploads, which isn't to far fetched based on current AI technology. Or for less money you could be uploaded to a shared server, where you could either purchase whatever characters are left to be uploaded too, or one of your own creating. You are also correct about your comment about immortality, again that would probably come down to cost in a real world situation, so you would purchase a package based on duration, lets say in 10 years increments lol or an indefinite executive package, with an abort function you could activate if you had enough (basically digital suicide) as im sure any world would become boring after a certain amount of time, probably a long time like if the universe was big enough like mass effect for example, but still a get out option would be needed, as i know personally i would not want to live forever, everything has to come to an end eventually. I think living for as long as an Asari (about 1000 years) would probably be enough! 🙂
    But yeah mate like i say it was a difficult one this, as there are so many variables, so was hard to just standardize it for the sake of this topic lol I agree with you about the AC world being very interesting and the ability to travel to the different time periods would be awesome, the only problem being the AC worlds are very small and linear, so would not take long before you had seen and experienced everything (by not long im talking about timescales measured in decades) but yeah mate i agree about not being able to decide where you would want uploading too, as i still cant decide! I think in reality it would be better if you could be uploaded to one world until you had enough of it then be re uploaded to another world, that would be way better lol but again would open up so many other variables, such as degradation of your digital self, through repeatedly uploading to different worlds, so yeah it was a difficult one to convey this, as this the sort of subject you could discuss for hours regarding the possibilities and possible problems that may arise from it, you've got to admit it would be cool as though! 🙂 
    But yeah thanks again for your reply mate and for your opinion on a very intricate subject lol! 🙂 I think for the sake of this topic though, to prevent short novel sized responses like this one, we best just keep it to what game world/character and why hahaha
    Take care bud! 🙂
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