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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from The Blackangel in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    Hi M76, thx for your reply mate 🙂 and wow System shock 2, there's a game ive not thought about in a long time lol, although ive got to say the only part i didn't agree with fully was the comment about half-life not being immersive?? Not that im saying your wrong, as like anything there is no right or wrong only opinions, but would like to know why you didn't get Immersed in half life, as its one of the all time greats!! 😞 But yeah mate Mass Effect defo one of the most influential gaming titles in my gaming portfolio without a doubt, as is Cyberpunk, which is still very prominent in my mind, as I played it very recently for the second time! 🙂  
    I also get your point about quantic making games that are more interactive movies than full on games, but I personally think that's what makes them so Immersive, as they are like a cross between a game and a movie, so because you are not constantly having to be on the lookout, or ready with your trigger finger, you have more time to absorb the story and the emotions emanating from the characters, whereas like I say when playing a third or first person shooter your always on edge and a lot of times dont really have as much time to take everything in. To me this subject is a prime example of different game genres being better played when in the right frame of mind, much in the same way as you would listen to different music depending on your mood, so Reggie or soul to chill, dance, techno when feeling happy and energetic etc etc lol so yeah I play all game genres, but when im in a laid back chilled mood, with a glass of ale or jack D and just want to get engrossed in a really good storyline, I play a game like Detroit become human or heavy rain, as I much prefer having control of what direction the story goes in, instead of just the linear storyline of a film, so they are good for that when you are not in the mood for a full on game session if you get my meaning! 🙂  But yeah mate defo beyond 2 souls too, as I really felt for the main character growing up in a lab and being treat like a freak by the other kids, as I grew up in the 80's and had bad eczema, so not only was I picked on a lot by the other kids, but doctors were still trying new treatments for eczema at that point, so I guess you could say I was sort of a Guinea pig lol but it also made me the strong person I am today 🙂 so yeah i totally sympathized with the main character in beyond 2 souls, also as I said to Moonface above, the last of us is a game ive been dying to play for years, but im a PC gamer and dont like emulating games as it sucks the performance right out of games and that is a big deal for me, hence why im a PC gamer lol but yeah as Moonface said they should be coming to PC soon apparently and when they do ill be first in the que lol!
    Hi again Moonface, yeah that's what I read too, dont know exactly when, but they will defo come at some point! 🙂 they just try and squeeze every bit of profit out of exclusives before releasing them for other platforms, which I totally get, as that the whole idea of an exclusive! 🙂 but yeah mate PS4 isn't an option bud, as high FPS and graphics is a big deal for me mate, that's why im a PC gamer lol, not that I dont game on consoles when I have to, but prefer games that I really want to get engrossed in to be played in the best possible way, so like I say with the highest FPS and graphics setting possible, so that's why ive waited for the PC release! 🙂 dont get me wrong though mate, im not in any way one of those PC master race types lol who thinks anything less than a high powered overclocked gaming rig isn't worth bothering with lol I just a have a very high appreciation for the best possible realism I can get in games, so with the higher FPS it moves smoother and more natural and obviously with better graphics it looks more real lol so yeah mate im all about max immersion, hence the name of my channel lol but yeah ill give my verdict when I have the pleasure of playing them, as ive waited so so long! 🙂
    Hey Blackangel, thx for your reply! 🙂 and yes wow i forgot how Immersed i got in RDR2, well both the RDR games, as I played the first one too when it was released and got engrossed in that one too! :), but yeah mate I was devastated when Arthur died, Hosea and Lenny too, but I was equally annoyed at Micah and Dutch, who I really felt betrayed by lol I also felt a real sense of family with all the girls in our group, tbh it was just an all round well made, historically accurate game, which gave a real sense of what it must of been like to live in those wild west days!
    I also get your point about you Grandmother too, as I was mainly brought up by my Nanna (grandmother lol) too, as my mum was a single parent who had to work long hours to bring me and my brother up, so we were always at my nans, but im so glad we were, as she taught me so much about life in my early years, probably due to her many years of life experience and the bond I forged with my nan was bulletproof and even now that she has passed, she is forever in my heart and thoughts and I look forward to the day we meet again! 🙂 so yeah I get you there too! 🙂
    Eyup Killamch89! 🙂 yes every one of those I agree with, but most of all spec ops and Deus ex, both fantastic games and came out at a point when I believe video game devs, really started turning the immersion levels up to 11 in games, as from that point on the games and their storylines just seem to really up the bar in leaps and bounds, or maybe i was just at an age where i could appreciate them better from that point on??
    How about that then Shagger, 4 posts in 1 reply, now whos the chat expert hahahaha thx again bud! 🙂
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    ImmersionGaming22 reacted to Shagger in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    I just want to quickly point out it is possible to quote multiple posts into a single reply. You can do this by hitting the "Quote" button again while typing your post;

    Or by hitting the "+" icon on the posts you wish to quote the past them all into your reply all at once.
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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Which game if any had the biggest emotional impact on you, so upset you, angered you or left you feeling very satisfied after completing it??   
    Wow major memory jog, yes i agree with every single game you have mentioned there Stacey, especially BioShock and even more so Mass Effect!! Mass Effect was one of the biggest games for me growing up, it really opened my eyes to the size of the universe and potential diversity of other races and how cool it would be to live side by side with such a variety of different sentient species. I have so many fond memories playing those games and was so so happy when they were revamped, as the younger generation really need some Mass Effect in their gaming portfolio lol I also loved how they included the same characters throughout the sequels, as you become so invested in those characters, even the baddies! 🙂 and i remember how upset i was when the killed Shepherd off, i really was devastated and nearly fell out with Bioware over it hahaha lol But with Bioshock it was more the ambience of the game and the atmosphere of an underwater metropolis, plus the relationship between the big daddies and the orphans was quite a powerful factor in the game too! thanks for jogging my memory Stacey, as my memory is shocking when trying to think of examples, while writing a topic like this, as i play/have played so many games i find it hard to recall specifics! Old age is probably a factor too! 🙂 but yeah brought back a lot of good memories reading your post, as like i say every game you mentioned also had meaning for me too! 🙂
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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from DC in Hello fellow gamers, i need help from like minded people who dont mind helping others achieve their dream! :)   
    Hi all, just to let you know ive started uploading the 3rd game in the Dark Pictures Anthology, House Of Ashes! I've already uploaded part 1 and 2, but ive decided that im going to keep my weekends for myself, as I upload most week days, which does take up a lot of my time, as im sure you can Imagine!:) so i think its only fair i keep a couple of days to myself, where i can do the things i enjoy with the people i care about, so Part 3 should be uploaded probably tomorrow (Monday)!
    Anyway for those of you who haven't played House of Ashes yet, come give it a watch and see what you think, as even if you watch it, you can still buy and play it yourself, as by making different decisions in the game, you will get a different outcome and story, so watching my version wont spoil the game for you too much.
    As always if you do watch it and like my vids, I would appreciate it millions if you could like the vid and even subscribe to my channel, as with support things will only get better! 🙂
    Thanks everyone and take care! 🙂
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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Shagger in Are video games under appreciated for how much knowledge you can absorb from them, unknowingly in most cases, while playing them??   
    Thanks everyone for your replies, it makes me feel better that im not the only one who thinks this way, i was starting to feel like i was just trying to justify all the years ive spent in the wonderful world of games, by telling myself that im actually getting more from them than just pure enjoyment (which is reason enough to do anything for sure) lol 🙂 I guess ive just spent too much time around non gamers, who dont appreciate the work, imagination, research and money that goes into making a good and in a lot of cases historically accurate game. Kane99 you are correct my friend, i too have learnt so much from the assassins creed games, as not only are they full of fact based history, but you also get a real feel for what it would have ben like to live in that era, im thinking right now of my latest AC experience which was obviously Valhalla and in that game, especially as im from the north of England, it gave me a real appreciation of the struggles our forefathers faced, not only from the Vikings but from the Romans too, everyone wanted a piece of old blighty back then lol! Ive also just got into PCVR as i connect my Quest 2 to my gaming PC and wow let me say the immersion level has gone through the roof, its another level and can only add to the learning experience, as now im in the game/game world and you experience things and see things that you would have missed playing on a monitor or tv, its absolutely crazy 🙂 ive just finished Lone Echo and i was left speechless, to be in orbit around Saturn, as a worker droid protecting your human partner is another level when your actually there, i was stood looking out of our space craft at the view of Saturn with its rings and all the meteors floating around it, it really gave me a perspective i would never have dreamed of without VR 🙂 There is a few tweaks you have to make when first setting up your quest 2 for PCVR gaming via a link cable, but it is well worth it when you get it right, as it improves the look and feel of the game 10 fold, im happy to help anyone who is using their quest 2 for PCVR, just drop me a message and ill talk you through it, as it does improve the look of the games in VR very much if done right. Anyway peeps thanks again for the replies and sorry for the long response lol once i get chatting you cant stop me 🙂 take care all, Woody
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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from killamch89 in Cellphones Future   
    The future is no phone at all, the phones will be built into chips implanted in our bodies somewhere, which isn't too far fetched even at this point in time! They can already put a heads up display in contact lenses, so team that up with a chip implant that can make/take calls and messages etc etc and your nearly there already, so yeah its already been played with in many games and films, but in real life we are very close, if not able to make it a reality! 🙂
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    ImmersionGaming22 got a reaction from Shagger in Hello fellow gamers, i need help from like minded people who dont mind helping others achieve their dream! :)   
    Hey guys, im Woody an old skool gamer, who has been gaming since i was about 8 years old on my Spectrum Sinclair 128k, which is what started my obsession lol anyhoo im 44 years young now so that is a hell of a lot of gaming and a lot of stick ive taken over the years for my obsession, as if i had a penny for every time ive been told that i need to grow up, that games are for kids not grown men, well firstly i dont give a badgers nadgers what anyone else thinks, i love games and gaming and will never change for no one or nothing. Games have gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life, which if i had not had the escape of games, god knows what the outcome would have been!  Secondly a lot of the types of games i play are definitely not for kids and if the people with that view of games were to actually see and experience these games they would see why! lol 
    Anyway fellow gamers lets get to my reason for asking for help! I've also always wanted to stat my own Gaming YouTube Channel, again against all there advice from the doubters in my life who said im wasting my time, where not only can I upload some of the best story based games ever made and show the haters exactly why games are so good, not always for kids and have had so much work and thought put into them, but will also allow people who cannot game, either due to just not being any good at playing them, not being able to afford the hardware needed to do so or having some disability that does not allow them to game. I've tried to cater for all tastes on the channel, for example i upload 2 versions of every video, one with commentary and one without, as not everyone likes some Yorkshire twat talking over the game while trying to enjoy it! 🙂 This is twice the work, but again im not scared of a bit of graft if the content is going to be enjoyed! This has been an ambition of mine for many years now and up until lately, one or another reasons has always prevented me from going for it, be it money, work, self esteem/belief or the knowledge needed to capture, decode, edit, export or upload video's to YouTube, which i have now had to learn from scratch and is way more complex and work than i could have ever possibly imagined and takes way more time to do than i ever dreamed it would, so my hat goes off to all the content creators out there as i now know your plight lol, but its also great fun learning new skills and making a completed upload that you are happy with, dont get me wrong my uploads are nowhere near at the level of quality that i want them to be eventually, but i only started about a month ago, so ill get there in the end, ill make sure of it! My future plans for the channel are also quite ambitious, as i dont just want to upload games, i want to actually go to the game developers premises, interview the dev's and get the inside skinny of how the game was conceived, made and released, plus get a look at the actual place where they were made. I would also like to visit the places where the games are set and if based on real life locations, do side by side comparisons of the real and game worlds, again to show how much work and effort has gone into making the game what it is. I also in the much further future, want to secure a property for the channel, which can not only be used as a studio to make future videos, but to fill with every computer and console ever made, going right back to the beginning of gaming, so i can create a space for like minded gamers to meet up and establish new friendships and for the younger gen of gamers to come see and experience where it all began and how far things have come, so yeah obviously that is a long long way off yet and just a dream at this point, but every reality starts as a dream or an idea! 🙂
    So yeah guys the purpose of this post was to hopefully ask for helps from others like me who love games and gaming and to ask if you would visit my channel and see what you think! Im open to ideas, feedback and opinions and if you like what you see and want to support my channel and become part of the Immersion Gaming community, then liking my vids or especially subscribing to my channel would really help me out at this point and would be more appreciated than i could express on here, as this really is a dream come true  chance for me, if i can make it work, which im 110% committed too, but i cant do it without the support of like minded people!
    Anyway im sorry for the length of this short novel sized post, this was the short version hahahaha! 🙂
    I wish you all the best for the future, take care of yourselves!
    Immersion Gaming
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