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Everything posted by Bilita

  1. If your personal value system is to prioritize your faith, then it would make sense this would be one of your biggest deciding factors. There are so many complicated things that go into a marriage, and if you can find someone special who shares the same values - whether that's money, family, faith - you're blessed.
  2. It would almost be like life without emotion
  3. If Jon Bon Jovi gave me his hand, I might fall off the bridge! 😁 It's such an amazing thing to see that he was able to so compassionately talk a person down and give her hope!
  4. Bilita

    Empire Eternal: Trailer

    I've been watching this game for awhile, and it looks to be an amazing refresh of classic RTS elements such as base building, resource management, tactical combat, and multiple eras of human civilization. It looks to be a nice throwback to classic RTS!
  5. I loved the lazy afternoons in college when I was doing co-op raids with my college friends; it was just the sheer joy of doing something stupid and everybody laughing. I definitely think games that were close were so much more fun; when it was a stomp, it wasn't as fun.
  6. A lot of it depends on the emotional maturity of the person. I kno wwhen I was 18, I was still a hot mess and NOT ready to move out on my own in any way, and even though I knew the basics of living independently such as cooking, cleaning, washing, I just wasn't ready for it. So I don't think it's an age as much as a mindset.
  7. It would depend on the skills of those online jobs / freelancer jobs. Are they relevant, high-skilled jobs?
  8. One of my biggest turn-offs is when a friend totally ghosts you. This just happened to me over the weekend where I was planning a girl's outing with a few friends, and even though I'm close with a cousin, she has a habit of going totally hot / cold. When she goes cold, she totally ghosts you, never returns calls or messages, and she didn't show up to a fancy dinner out where I had to make reservations
  9. I know this news is a couple of years ago, but it's a good reminder to always be vigiliant when walking around. We're all trespassers on Mother Nature, and all of her creatures can be anywhere
  10. I absolutely adored the latest Lego Batman movie, it was so cute and fun! One thing that I liked about it is that it didn't try to be the moody and dark version of past Batman movies, they had inside jokes and made fun of themselves - it was very cute! It's on Netflix right now
  11. Wow I didn't know this was such a thing - this must be really hard for you to get around in public. It's not something that gives me a phobia, but I've often noticed that concrete, or cobblestones, or old walkways, will usually have small porous holes usually due to the composition of the rock or material
  12. Anyone planning on getting a new laptop or hardware this year? The graphics cards that have come out recently are really impressive
  13. Never rush through games, I'm here to play for my own enjoyment I do like wtching Youtuber who rush through games, but usually they've played those mods or games like a hundred times so it's almost muscle memory of what to do next.
  14. If it's a game that I adore and love, then yes I am a 'completionist' and love going back and exploring everything. Some games get better with time as you discover more nooks and crannies and all of the details that you missed before.
  15. Only some light sports games like the Nintendi Wii were fun!
  16. I do enjoy some light dabbling in poetry Over the weekend, I started putting together a poem ... In the sunlit morning, soft and bright, My cat sits, a quiet knight, With emerald eyes that softly gleam, In the dance of the daylight beam. Perched upon the window sill, He watches the world, serene and still. A flutter of leaves, a bird in flight, Each moment fills him with pure delight. His whiskers twitch in silent awe, At mysteries that he never saw. The world beyond, so vast, so grand, A place he doesn’t understand.
  17. I will confess that I'm not older than the Internet, but I do remember these Apple Macs that were THE hottest items in the school computer room
  18. I keep a water bottle by my desk and it's a good reminder to keep myself hydrated When I was younger, I was horrible at drinking water so now I try to be mindful about it
  19. Someone's gotta pay the bills, and it's not my cats 😁 😽
  20. Oooooh I love ASMR, gives me CHILLS while watching ...
  21. This is too funny Tekken boss and game director Katsuhiro Harada is once again petitioning his many followers for information about the mysterious breakfast restaurants that litter the Southern US that seem to have a strange culture all their own. He's referring, of course, to Waffle House. Harada tweeted a lengthy response to a video that appears to show a raucous brawl breaking out at a Waffle House. In it, he asks many pressing questions, such as, "Why do fights like this between waitstaff and customers happen so often in this restaurant?" He notes that he's never seen "plates and chairs flying around" in his world travels, and he discounts the explanation that the restaurants' 24-hour service and reputation for inebriated customers causes these sort of confrontations. He finishes with a stark conclusion: "I need to learn more about American society." Uhhhh ... he needs to visit the local Waffle House LOL
  22. After more than 25 years, one of the most influential series of all time is about to make a return, thanks to a huge new remake that revitalizes a groundbreaking classic for the 21st century. And it’s arriving really, really soon. It's a remake of Riven! I'm so excited 😍
  23. I agree! There were so many awesome games from the early 2000's, and there was no transfer of publishing rights. One site thta I remember is myabandonware.com which used to have some old downloads, but there are often multiple versions
  24. One thing that I always do is add the games to my STeam account on the wishlist, and whenever there's a big sale, I always do a quick check. If the game is every on an amazingly sale, like 75% off, then that's when I buy it. It's great, because I'm always playing new games at fantastic prices
  25. $70 is like the new price for a tripleA game, which is crazy. It's hefty, but when you think about how many games sell DLC's (which can quickly add up), then $70 isn't that much anymore
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