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Posts posted by Cpvr

  1. On 2/26/2021 at 6:14 PM, Kane99 said:

    Does anyone here use facebook games? Do you happen to play anything on Facebook's marketplace? I mainly play stuff like pool, but even that I don't frequently play anymore. Are there even any good games on Facebook worth checking out? I'm always willing to give a platform a try, but I never really pictured Facebook much for gaming. But ever since they bought up oculus, I figure they might have started to support actual games. Do you know of any games worth checking out through Facebook these days? 

    Yes, I used to play a lot of facebook games. Farmville, mafia wars, speed king and a few others come to mind. Their games were good at the time.

  2. Marapets was the last game that I played. I finally got back into my account after not being able to for a few months. Their last password link wasn’t working, so their staff team had to manually reset it for me. I started playing Marapets 19 years ago.

  3. 13 hours ago, Knight Barida said:


    This means that you began playing games a very long time ago. I began with the PlayStation 2 and have since played on PlayStation 3,4 and 5.

    Yes, i started gaming in the early 90’s. I’m about to turn 35 this year.

  4. On 4/25/2024 at 1:09 PM, Shortie said:

    Game chat on consoles when playing video games has always had it's issues, you will always get someone who feels they need to be awful to someone in the lobby or even someone who is rude and abusive or doesn't know when to mute their microphone or keep their TV turned down when they have their microphone active. 

    With how online chat can be on consoles now, has this put you off using in-game chat when playing an online game? 

    Honestly, I don’t use in-game chat systems. I’ve never been a fan of them. I just don’t like them.

  5. 13 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Flight Rising was the last video game that I played. I have been delaying with playing the game for a while but happy to finally started playing it. 

    It’s also the last game that I played. I’ve been doing a few battles in its battle coliseum today. I like customizing my dragons on there as well. I’ve been playing Flight rising for 11 years.

  6. In recent years, we’ve partnered with Discord to introduce more ways for players to connect with their friends and communities across Discord and the PS5 console. Since we first introduced Discord voice chat on PS5, players have joined a Discord voice chat on PS5 more than 290 million times to hang out with friends in Discord voice channels while gaming.

    Today, we’re pleased to share that we’re starting to roll out the ability for PS5 players to join Discord voice chat directly from the PS5 console, without relying on the Discord PC or mobile apps to initiate the connection.


    Source: https://x.com/playstation/status/1801177882372260241?s=46&t=-3RfDsz97MxZ3hqF7LFYiQ

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