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Everything posted by Empire

  1. Most games comes with auto saves ๐Ÿ™‚ good idea and helps allot, but it does not save when you really wanted it to be saved at. So I still do manual saves ๐Ÿ™‚ Also good to backup your save files also ๐Ÿ˜‰ does anyone also copy there saved files?
  2. In GTA you have option to have it on or off ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you drive away fast you can't put it on, but if you stop or wait and then your fake guy puts it on. With FiveM or mods you can have it setup to not wear an helmet. I have Helmet on for realism and helps from not dying ๐Ÿ˜›
  3. unless opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚ FOr me in that matter, games that have no ending and build and go on forerver ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. I think this will often just be an inevitable side effect of the fact that it takes a few seconds to say that one finds a game fun or that some given aspect of the game is just fine, but can take greatly longer to explain the complexity of a gameโ€™s flaws and why and how they create problems for the experience. If I were to take one of my favourite games of all time, MSFS2020 I could sum up essentially all of its merits in about 20 seconds. But I could talk your ear off about the problems with the flight physics in some of its versions, and the history of and rationale behind those design/control decisions and their implications.
  5. Myself, I watch league of legends pros. Why? Because they play the game at a competitive level that I just cannot match, and it is entertaining to see a game played by the best of the best. Its the same reason people watch sports on TV really. and many others I imagine, it's not that I'm watching someone play a game when I would otherwise be playing myself, it's that I'm watching it when I would be doing something else, like watching garbage on television because I'm just too darn tired to properly focus on the game I want to play.
  6. Never had that proplem, I have 6TB sapce and if I'm running out of disk space then I remove software or games that I do not play anymore ๐Ÿ™‚ I had over 200GB of games that I never played again, still installed.
  7. Not a real survey but I have talked to the developers for games and companies that are small ๐Ÿ™‚ I have done survey's but at times they are not helpfull and not for games in my matter.
  8. Whoever made this wasted their time. They should have been on the toilet eating cereal instead. ๐Ÿ˜› Not for me at one little bit - NOPE, that's my thought. Good luck to those that do play the game ๐Ÿ˜›
  9. Try playing the video in x0.25 to really be able to see differences. TBH they're symbolic. What's definitely worse is the lighting of GTA3 which used to be a bit greenish-grey, and now is somewhat too plastic and colourful. Can't wait for release, and first sales though, The definitive edition is, To me, a job between Perfect Dark & Saints Row III remasters. Not so few or so much lightning and not so modern or classical. Can work. If the other two made it, Why this not?
  10. Empire


    This looks great. Not sure why they thought they needed to bootleg the GOT theme for it. Animation and gameplay sells it alone.
  11. Nope, then again not all games do have that option to adjust the brightness ๐Ÿ™‚ Then again those that do I leave them as default as It's also perfect. Not to mention that when loading up for frist time that it detects what hardware you ahve and adjust to what it thinks it's the best option.
  12. Destiny is the absolute worst of this. Some stats it doesn't tell you what they actually do. Some stats are only described. There are perks in the game that have been in for over 2 years and people still argue about that they actually do.
  13. In The Witcher 3, there is a dead Tyrion Lannister in a sky cell (or whatever is the exact name), located on an island in Skellige. It's not just a dead dwarf. He has the face of Tyrion.
  14. Easy for them to meet there demands I say, they have a team of people working. Be hard if it was a single person you know.
  15. Well, How long can you spend on a game that you always keep on playing. FSX and or just flight sims I spent more money on them then anything else. Like over $2000 worth and that's not even hardware, just software.
  16. Way better than Odyssey. It may have just much bloat but itโ€™s fine tuned and focused a lot more. It doesnโ€™t seem so overwhelming and I like the darker tone. Combat is back to how it was with still trying to make it the new mechanics introduced in the previous two games. Not sure what if I like it 100% but itโ€™s fun and the grit is most welcomed
  17. 2021 is near to it's end and what will be your 2022 game ๐Ÿ˜›
  18. Whether you are a console lover or PC lover, I think we all need to band together these days to even get a decent outcome for things like this. We all need to say 'no' to this regardless of what console you prefer or pc. This greed thing with big companies is getting seriously out of hand.
  19. When sony ever does get around to producing the plates for sale, I hope there is a wide variety of abstract styles and colors to choose from. Based off the consoles exclusive themes in the past, I don't want to see a lot of plates themed off 1st party games. Iโ€™m not going to lie, i liked the balls on this third party for taking a stand, but if sony backed down from them then it would set a precedent for sony and their reputation
  20. RIght, Aside from almost being a brand new game, the cost is totally worth now being able to play this classic on the toilet ๐Ÿ˜› Who wants to do that with me ๐Ÿ˜›
  21. Yeah, Iโ€™m pretty sure casual people do care about the FIFA name, as soon as there is a taker for the offer and they create a better experience (which should not be to difficult to do) EA is going to see quite a loss.
  22. For a specific title: Persona 5. It almost makes me want a PS4. In general though, I'd give up body parts to see ATLUS start supporting PCs. They're one of the last major holdouts who just aren't interested, and it's a real shame, particularly considering that Steam has opened up Japanese PC games to a much larger audience than they had a few years ago. Even thought about seeing if there was a software that you can run on your windows to play PS4 games.
  23. There's plenty of IPs coming out and indie games are at an all time high too. Compared to yesteryear when there would be 5/6 new releases per year, there's now 50 or so. We're just too used to seeing new releases. I love remasters. They take old games that I love and make them shiny and new (and able to be played without an old console). I think remakes are great for deserving games. There are some extremely iconic games that were developed a decade ago that plenty of people would like remastered. Inherently I don't think it is a bad thing.
  24. The battery tends to go before the charger does anyway. More likely so and I had that happen to me. Chargers are easy to replace, you can buy them in-store that supports any output. the battery however is built into the system and not like the old days when you can slide them out.
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