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Everything posted by Empire

  1. Even if it's still all gaming related,I mean most still be interested in that game or games. Even if they dislike the platform.
  2. Well, The Sims can be in French πŸ˜‰ I quite like it, although there is no audio (audio is always Sim-lish). I've learned plenty of verbs so far and short accomplishments will result in a small text for me to read, like a job promotion or a birthday. So anyone able to play games in what ever language.
  3. Seems that most high school allows it, rather then having them to go outside, just that we all get right on the PC as fast as we can before it's all taken. We all do not eat. Yeah, it's blocked, Only time that I was able to have more control when I and another classmate had permissions to set up an own network, we had three to four old PCs laying the class and we built them up to able to play simple games, we had so much gear to play around with, old network servers too. In that room there was a large server room that controls all six classes on the floor and teachers rooms, we tab into the teacher's network and linked too our build server and BANG! we had no blocks, able to enter websites that are not blocked. Able to do far more things.
  4. Same, not since they are sick and tired of the game, it's more likely that they have other life to deal with. Then again I had two people that I tend to froce them to play years back, since they into other games πŸ˜› then again I do not play much anymore. I stick to flying for hours on end.
  5. Most do comes with a light, I mean you can also remove the hub when not using it. or turn off the the Xbox from the wall so that there is no power going to it. πŸ™‚ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Purezento-4-Port-Aluminum-HighSpeed-Transmission-Silver/dp/B08R3N2FH6/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=USB+hub+for+Xbox&qid=1613995477&sr=8-7-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMjIyR1pVV1BRVExTJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzQ0MTM5MU1RMlkwTkhUSDRRWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDg1ODE0Mjk3RktNSDdaWVBYNyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= THis doesn't have a light, plugs and play, as long as you have a hub that has good speeds, or maybe USB 3.1 then all good.
  6. Thanks, πŸ™‚ Five hours can be, doing it each day can wear yourself out, But many that are fulltime have no choice to do eight hours since they might be on a contract. MAny able to handle it others just can't even do three hours. three hours is a goodamount.
  7. Yes, Back in my high school years at lunch time (get 40mins) We did gaming on the school PCs. Can be anything that we able to run off from our USB sticks. No VPN was needed πŸ™‚ Then when at collage we did gaming in class and while in class πŸ˜› we get in class at 9am and leave at 5pm and we able to get the time to do gaming with people. πŸ™‚ One time, I spent 5 hours gaming on my gaming Laptop that I had taken to collage πŸ™‚
  8. Never did follow Fortnite, it's not my game to play. But seems that they have started many other cool interested films out of the game. So was this just a one time screening? because im sure it said they keep playing on the big screen for 24 hours. its been blank for an hour now. typical epic
  9. The USB 3.0 hub will work just as fine like any other hubs for PC or not. I mean just plug and play right πŸ™‚ What are you after, power ports also.
  10. Just read that the system specs has just been released and it's 30GB in size, that's large. I found Diablo 3 on of the most vapid and boring gaming experiences of my life. Button mashing mundanity at it’s worst. Is 2 any different?
  11. I don't know, they buy a ton of stuff many people want, they sell it for a higher price which is scummy, and they expect the world to be okay with this? These Scalps asked for the hate the moment they decided to do this.
  12. Yes, it's not cheap. The cost of the new cards are crazy and they are still going up in price. Partly since they are all out of stock and having a bad time getting chips to the manufacturers, then Bitcoin mining has started again, bigger than before, and so they bought up real fast when they can get there hands on the new 3000 series cards.
  13. Same, but most of my online friends do not play or they are not available, Most of the time I just di missions that are single or a pack of 20 people doing races. Then again it's been months since I was last on GTA online.
  14. Be very surprised at what the PI can do, It's very amazing. I mean if you put your thoughts into it you can get good things going. Yet here we are talking about the PI and seems that you already have your mind set πŸ™‚
  15. Yeah, I have seen cases like that πŸ™‚ If you are a fan of anything then people will do it. I seen many made there own style case πŸ˜› And it's true. Yet that be hard to do, wouldn't it?
  16. I never even have Xbox game store subscription that' you can get $1 for three months then end it and redo it again. Nope.
  17. I’ve always had or played on Xbox since the 360 but think I’m switching over to PlayStation for next gen. For me specs don’t really matter as I know both will perform just as well, so the biggest difference for me is actually the controller. Very unfortunate to see that the series is essentially the same and in a way, will feel the same. Also I play some games competitively which have exclusivity deals with PlayStation (comp scene is there).
  18. Video is not playable, LOL Anyway this movie will be amazing, Sub Zero making a frozen blood knife is not something that happens in bad movies. Could use some Johnny Cage though πŸ˜›
  19. Cool to see two point hospital get to three million players and have game pass be a big factor in that. To be clear, Sega just did a lot of corporate restructuring, so it's possible an acquisition may be in the works.
  20. It doesn't have Souls combat, but Metroid Prime has a really similar way of storytelling, and did it a decade before. The actual story is very bare-bones, but there's a bunch of cool lore stuff you can uncover on your own by exploring, paying attention to surroundings, and "scanning" items, enemies, and computers. Also the environments, atmosphere, and soundtrack are imo better than in DS.
  21. Nope, I mean if I use the keyboard for hours on end and my fingers become cold and my hands get cold πŸ˜› Ever had cold hands while your fingers are moving so fast?
  22. Well, bosses are so damn hard, they are the boss of all boss and they have powers to do heavy things and at times the boss heath is so great, means lonker to kill.
  23. I never can't slep on the flight, and mostly I just watch films and TV shows that they got to offer πŸ™‚ They do have basic little games that you can do however it's just simple and boring. Games that don't take much resources. If you was to do any gaming then use your own phone or what you have on you.
  24. For me, I don't think there is a solution except to not play video games. I've previously found them distracting, even addictive, and I treat them as an alcoholic treats alcohol, I don't indulge even a little, and I stay away from everything associated with them.
  25. Empire


    It's very big when it came out and people do like Valorant game. I never got to download and play. I raher just go and play CSGO
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