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Everything posted by Empire

  1. Come on, Really talking the simple act of playing video games that seriously. Nothing is gonna get fixed through video games. Making games will effact our world. I'm as worried about climate change as the next guy but lets not go overboard with stupid ideas to play games that can help climate. End of the day only way to help people is to make a game about climate and maybe it might make them think about the realism here and they will realise ๐Ÿ˜œ Maybe
  2. Learning to experiment at a young age and "think outside the box". Some of the first games I played when I was 8-12 were things like Kings Quest and Maniac Mansion and games like it. Some of the point and click puzzles like that were hard and there was not any easy way to cheat or look for answers like every second of every game on YouTube now. Even Beavis and Buttheads Sega game required similar skills but dumb ways to do things like they would.
  3. All the time, end up not getting them or not playing them, Red dead is one of those games that I wanted to get into for years and just didn't. Ormmaybe you start something that you wanted to do and get into and once you started and see what the flip the game is about you then ended up not doing it. I say thatI love BF2 and always have been, same with CSGO. I can put many hours into the game for months on end and then one day I stop for months LOL
  4. Yes to a point, Like the game called Undertale. It's not just overrated, the fandom treats it as if it were God's gift to the world. Pretty good game if you remove the fandom though.
  5. Depends really, I brought games 10 years ago that I never played XD I end up building the game libery more then anything. Then there are games that I have played right away after that I brought the game. MSFS2020 is only sim that I play right after it got downloaded and stuck with it.
  6. Empire

    Sea Game

    Same, I have played on mobile but it's not just hard it's the content that some app games like that doesn't have, then againat least if you are away and need something to keep you going for awhile.
  7. I was just on my phone the other night just reading and looking up things and this really did popup XD Someone wanted to open up a real shop and so why not ๐Ÿ˜› It's good it's good businessthat will make people want to travel far to go and eat there ๐Ÿ˜‰ One day they might get a good light sign or maybe they might become bigger and be everywhere
  8. I really don't understand what all the hate is about the enhanced version is really good I like it + you get the original game & restored content version free. Even without the free original version it's worth 9.99 & before people start to say you never played the game before i have the original 4 disk game in the case with all the original packaging from the 90s its opened & still works...
  9. Yes, aren't just one but many series of this. I first heard about the game back in 2013 when my mate who is a police officer at the time was into five nights at freddys and he has all of them at the time we talked and he played them all ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Did now know that, then again I do not have Netflix and I wsih I was getting it for free ๐Ÿ˜› End of the day I say that they should stick with what they do best and not get into the gaming makert you know.
  11. I don't see Sony ever making a classic machine again after the PSC bombed. The only reason the machines are even starting to sell is because of the huge price slash and the work of the modding community
  12. Low effort. Doesn't even look like a dual sense controller or a dualshock controller and it looks bad against the phone. Probably the ugliest iPhone accessory today. The border of the phone is black, so why have black on the inside of the controllers to make it look like a dead zone?
  13. For me, if I'm having fun maybe. If I'm focused on laning and winning, no way. Listening to music while playing just takes my focus completely off the game.. Plus if I'm streaming and whatnot, can't really play music with copyright LOL
  14. Empire

    Standing desk

    I'd recommend you just try to squeeze some real exercise in as standing desks present with their own health problems and they still don't really work out your body (in comparison), try going for a 30-40 minute walk once or twice a day, exercise doesn't have to be of the high intensity sort to work, but getting moving is definitely the first step to take.
  15. State of decay is good. Sometimes I go days, weeks without seeing another player when I solo. I play high pop pvp servers as I like the anxiety of potentially running into someone at any moment. DayZ is great fun, it does have some toxic players, but some great ones also.
  16. It doesn't make sense. Xbox came 1 and half year after PS2. This means that the specs and final console design was finalized way before PS2 launched. This is not necessarily new news. One company reverse engineering another's handy work is commonplace. That being said, Sony had sent over PS2 devs to help MS get their Xbox up and running properly. This factoid came out years ago. Sony has always understood that competition is a good thing.
  17. Sweet games that they always added and end of the day they want people to use them right, then again with Hitman 3 is going to be so sweet. I still might buy it on Steam, but I'm glad everyone is going to get to play it! I love the fact they remake the previous games to work on the newest title each time too. (Hitman 1 and Hitman 1 levels in Hitman 2 played slightly differently, and the latter used all the improvements of Hitman 2, so Hitman 3 will be even better.)
  18. I think they should have just gone with Xbox Or Xbox X and Xbox S if they are also coming out with a lower cost system. At this point no one is going to confuse the og Xbox with the new one
  19. That's why they are cheaper to buy over the PS5 in that case, since Supply and demand, my friend. Then again While it beating PS5 is surely due to supply, it's still worth mentioning that this shows increased demand for Xbox compared to previous generations.
  20. I bet they lose the companies money but some idiot manager doesn't want to look incompetent so they dig their heels in and claim it's really well liked by gamers. I personally get a blind spot for games not on Steam, like I'm reminded that EA have new games I was interested in when loading up Battlefield 1. Valve took the risks with Steam and got laughed at. Other companies don't even have the basic decency to produce a fully functioning competitor yet still expect us to opt for their subpar experience?
  21. Empire

    Tiny Thief

    ALright to have on a tblet for the kids, then again for anyone that is bored and only can run this game
  22. CoDM is the best option you can get. I play multiplayer FPS on iOS since back from N.O.V.A3, there is never a FPS game makes better control than CoDM. I think it probably also has the biggest player base in the iOS FPS game? Not really sure. But every multiplayer games filled with bots nowaday, itโ€™s hard to ask a better game than CoDM. Bot will decreased a bit when you rank up.
  23. Empire

    Life After

    Is there even a English verion of this ๐Ÿ˜› Graphics are much than PUBG awesome but the game play seems boring there should squad mode like pubg. ANd what I hear people having a pooped none gaming life with this game ๐Ÿ˜›
  24. Empire

    Sea Game

    I only play world of warships. Perhaps one of the few games that fascinated me for a long time. Earned skills play a major role in achievements of the world of warships.
  25. I have not even seen this poll ๐Ÿ˜œ Seems that most people that are gamers are into PC more then anything so far from the poll ๐Ÿ˜‰
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