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Everything posted by Empire

  1. Eh, why not just squeeze a 30min workout into your day? Would work far more better than gaming standing up. I do graphic design and I sit for most of the day, I work from home and take a break every 2hrs or so and do a little stretching and lift a little weights. If being healthier is what you're concerned about, maybe check out the fitness subreddit.
  2. It's good, since they are always giving away games each month
  3. I play video games to escape stress not induce it, so for the most part I avoid games that make me rage. Though i do like fighting games, but if i am getting pissed the age old trick is to just stop playing and come back when you have a cool head. 90% of the time if you are stuck in a game that is the way to solve it.
  4. Silent Hill 2, by a long shot. The main focus of the game is telling the story of a depressed character, and everything reflects that. Just listen to the soundtrack and you'll understand.
  5. Disregarding the fact that they're using a useless LinkedIn figure for this article, it doesn't seem anything weird or off. Looks like the normal turnover rate for this industry.
  6. As a small streamer and people that I game with, we always say that there is no time. People and even myself want to play games from differnt titles and yet it's getting the time to do it. SnowRUnner, been two years since I last played the game and just two weeks ago got back into the game again and seeing that game does take up so much time to get missions done. New games out everyday and end of the day just crazy that we all stick to the same games anyway
  7. They are all separate games, it's like asking if you should get Mario Galaxy or just Super Marios bros, (ok not exactly). But standalone, are they worth playing? Some get high praise. Gta5 is the best one. Alot of these guys are stuck on nostalgia and alot of them have been stubbornly hating on gta5 since before it came out and don't really enjoy games anymore. gta4 was a great game as well but it's not a necessity the story has very little to do with gta5. San Andreas was amazing for the time but again, it's outdated. Play gta5.
  8. GTA had good location with memorables however it dies off after a while when you been there so many times, GTA4 had more locations that are an wow. But since I got into flying in eather P3d or MSFS2020 and even with FSX you can't get away from it 🙂
  9. I use a PC controller with two times rechargeable batterys and that being said I lost the other battery and no idea where it is since I moved 5 years ago 😛 This is what I use https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00284AI3K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Workd by USB cable right into the power
  10. Empire

    Diablo Inmortal

    Looking pretty good. Seems pretty similar to D3. Might be my new phone game of choice for a bit. I'm really ready to see some more D4 gameplay, but I also don't want them to rush that. They want to work on that for an extra couple years than they're planning, that's all good by me.
  11. Epic almost did this last year 😉 But the games that they are doing does not interst me one bit at all, I added some and the rest I didn't add. Most are all the same price anyway.
  12. I love the idea that I can pop in a disc and instantly be transported to a variety of locations. I can be whomever/wherever I want to be. The immersion in games is absolutely incredible. One moment I am exploring a wasteland as a Siren or Vault dwelling average joe. The next moment, I am a commander whose responsibility is to save the entire universe. Gaming allows me to have experiences and adventures that would never be possible. Now excuse me while I get my friend Leonardo da'Vinci to make some improvements to my blade.
  13. Aren't doing much and glad that it's been and gone. MAdness for the last two days then it is dead after christmas
  14. Not always, if you have your saved files located on your system it would stay there or just do a backup 🙂 But end of the day if you finnshed the game it doesn't really matter.
  15. A Razer deathadder is a super solid mouse for almost any game and goes on sale often. Aside from that, get a mechanical keyboard (I recommend red switches). - But then that's not bufjet style 😛 https://www.amazon.com/SteelSeries-Level-Up-Gaming-Bundle/dp/B09GV6RNNR/ref=sr_1_3?crid=32I8RU4UDM2H2&keywords=gaming+peripherals+bundle&qid=1640001025&sprefix=gaming+per%2Caps%2C243&sr=8-3 Steel series what can go wrong
  16. clear water and nothing else, then again I do not eat and drink near my PC 🙂 I go elsewhere and ahve my water or a cup of tea
  17. Valhalla is getting an update that requires re-downloading the game and promises faster loading times. It's right after the vga which is teasing big announcements. Directstorage was announced for the end of the year and the dev build has been available since summer. Maybe Microsoft are finally ready to unveil it, on the game awards, showing it running in games like hellblade. And maybe ubi are updating Valhalla to also have it.
  18. Most games are clouded saved backup. All games on epic does both 🙂 cloud and also local saves, depending on the game that you play. I say yes for cloud backup 🙂 then again it comes down to you being online for the saves to work. If your PC goes on a poop street you will lose everything, 20 years of hard work playing rh game foe nohing and save files onto the cloud helps a big deal. But I rather have local saved backup so that I can edit my saves profile and on that note you can make your own backup
  19. It’s nice to see some things like this, but I’m pretty tired of seeing remakes, remasters, and sequels. Does no one have original ideas anymore?
  20. For my money, Wing Commander is the most painful to watch. Mario and House of the Dead are bad but they can at least be fun/funny to watch with friends; I can't say the same for Wing Commander. Also I remember the Double Dragon movie being pretty rough.
  21. I'm all for the Hugos having a video game category, but it should be for video games within the Hugo realm. Having Animal Crossing as a nominee feels very strange.
  22. Do not hear or see that everyday, I think that she would just give them away to people/kids that needs it that are poor or even keeps one or so for her own family. Be cool to sell them all and make money 🙂 but that would not be the right thing at times and would give them away.
  23. I have and do collect things but regards to gaming content and whatnot - Nope
  24. There's always a balance between showing players exactly what you want them to see from exactly the "right" angle and (on the other hand) keeping them immersed but risking them missing an important detail. Some games work better one way and some another. Some players like one way and some another. Obviously things can be taken to far when the game jerks control away for a 5 second cut-scene every few minutes, but in general it's a totally subjective preference.
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