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Posts posted by Demon_skeith

  1. I think I read the PS1 classic was a flop (for obvious reasons) so I doubt it unless there is demand, which I'm not seeing much on. Would be nice though, but there are waaaaay too many epic PS2 games to try and fit onto a small console and I still consider PS2 the system with the best game library on it. 

  2. 2 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I wonder what could be the profit for netflix for this? I do understand it feels like another marketplace and maybe only new gen may approach this. I am kind of stumped with growing netflix fees. who knows they may raise prices like they do every 12 months. 


    I think they are trying to get more people onto their service, since they plan on mobile type games it is sure to attract a lot.Once hooked then they can up the prices, if they go that route. 

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