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Posts posted by Demon_skeith

  1. I never used it, far as I know no one watches me play and I don't have time to make sure others can since I rather just get in and start gaming without distraction.

  2. I think the only one I ever pre-ordered as the Dissida PSP edition, which I paid in full. Otherwise I wait for after releases and make sure everything is good, unless its a very special edition that I want which is rare.

  3. 17 hours ago, The Blackangel said:


    They're a bit of a bitch to find here. And there's even a battery store here in town that all they sell is batteries. They have a hard time getting the right battery for video game carts in because they're not in any demand anymore. Next to no one plays NES these days, so no one needs them for gaming purposes. As for other uses, it's just not a needed battery here in my area apparently.


    Well can't  blame them for lack of interest in the cartridges themselves, pretty much all NES games are available via ROMs.

  4. I don't think so, out of the big three it seems like Xbox struggles to keep up with Sony and Nintendo, so I can't see another coming in and matching the others in what they have going on.

  5. 18 hours ago, Crazycrab said:

    Personally I don't like the Idea of Sony gaining control of Warframe, it's one of if not THE best and fairly monetized FTP game in existence.  I'm not anti-Sony nor am i making any accuastions or assumpions but they, just like any major company, are now in a prime position to fuck that up.

    Has sony really messed up any game company they have bought though?

  6. 15 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    I have replaced the battery before. That's not a big thing. The big thing is finding the right battery to put back into the cartridge. There is where the hunt starts. The batteries that are installed when the carts are made were intended to last forever in NES terminology. But being that it's 35 years later, they don't really hold that forever expectation anymore.

    I really haven't looked into myself, but did Nintendo use a very special battery instead of a common everyday one?

  7. 20 hours ago, skyfire said:

    In terms of variety it sounds like a game but what about replay value out of it/?


    I would think it be a path game, choosing one option leads to another gameplay scene selection you wouldn't have seen the first time.

  8. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    A lot of early games that featured a save function no longer save. Either the battery is long since dead, or the hardware is just breaking down. I have difficulty getting Zelda and Zelda 2 to save a lot of the time. It’s a pain, but I’m not going to be quitting playing them any time soon.

    I do believe you can replace the battery, should be plenty of how to guides floating around or a youtube video showing it.

  9. 9 hours ago, ARx182 said:

    Ah, my bad. I completely missed the ‘if you already have a PC’ part. You’re right, if you already have a PC, it really isn’t worth getting the Xbox Series X. It’s almost as if Microsoft have set up the Xbox Series X to be the inferior console in the next console war. 

    I never understand why they release a console when they have the PC market.


    Anyways, Nintendo has a big lead with the Switch, but I feel the PS5 will catch up and surpass all.

  10. On 6/25/2020 at 7:15 AM, skyfire said:

    And things change every now and then for the game. So no point keeping up with same main forever. 

    Very much this, they did nerf one of my favorite characters so I got to move on and adapt to others.

  11. 13 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Considering the anime and manga both are yet to mature. I think the game too would not be that big as of now. In near future you'd find some value out of the game but earlier versions not much so. 

    I think the series is pretty big actually, they just took their time with it due to slow source material. Which they don't seem to pull much from the web comic version of the series.

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