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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Sometimes it’s a good thing, but it can also be a real bitch. In my case for example, BOTW is both confusing and hard. I don’t know where the hell I’m supposed to go or what I’m supposed to be doing. I left Kakariko Village but even with the map, I don’t have a goddamn clue. Don’t get me wrong, the game is fun, but it’s starting to seem like a game that I would need a guide to. @Rain Dew isn’t a fan, and I’m not sure if it’s for me either. Don’t get me wrong, I love a challenge. But sometimes the game in question just goes over my head. It’s no fault of the game, it’s on me. But it’s frustrating as hell to not have a clue what I’m already doing and what I’m supposed to be doing. On the other hand, Mario Odyssey is pretty simple to me, and I do enjoy it, despite the fact that I don’t play it very often.
  2. I started this petition, and I’m posting it everywhere I can think of. I’m hoping it gets shared all over the world. PETITION LINK
  3. I like the early 80’s style. If you’ve ever seen Clash Of The Titans (1981) you’ll know exactly what I’m referring to. Here’s a clip of Pegasus flying in.
  4. As long as it packs heat into the meal, I’m good. Jalapeño mac & cheese is a favorite of mine. Jalapeño biscuits are really good too. Jalapeños are one of my absolute favorite peppers. I eat them like candy.
  5. Fuck urban. You might see a tree or two, but it has nothing to do in relation to the real thing. You’ll see and hear so much in the wild. Birds chirping, squirrels chittering, maybe see a deer or something. You can’t get that in an urban park. The only reason to do the urban shit is if you’re not able to do the real thing for whatever reason.
  6. To put it simply, IF YOU AIN’T SWEATING, YOU AIN’T EATING.
  7. I’ve never been into this style of game, but with all the discussions about GTA that I’ve seen here, my curiosity is peaked.
  8. This is the kind of fucking bullshit that has me praying to anything and everything that Canada grants me asylum.
  9. Quiet rainy days. It’s relaxing and soothing for me. I can sit and watch the rain fall and be totally at peace.
  10. While I use an iPhone and iPad I will never use a Mac. I prefer a computer. That said I will also NEVER use a fucking dell. They are the most worthless piece of shit excuse for a computer. I’ve had to fix hundreds of them in the past, which is why I won’t insult myself by owning one. And for those who would say a Mac is a computer, it’s similar. It’s like comparing a truck to a motorcycle. While they can do the same thing, they are not the same thing. I also forego all social media with the exception of YouTube.
  11. Considering that all we have is YouTube, I just do it for fun. If a following happens, great. If not, that’s great too. Like I said, I only do it for the fun of doing it. I have 3 YouTube channels, and on the main one I have about 40 subscribers. Which is interesting because I only have one video on it. On another one, I think there’s 10 or so. Lastly, on the one I share with @Rain Dew I think we have 8 subscribers. Most likely it’s all from people here at VGR. Either way, it’s fun and that’s the only reason we do it.
  12. It depends on why I’m traveling. If I’m going to a comicon type of event, I tend to just take my phone and Switch. Other than that, I don’t take a lot of technology with me anywhere.
  13. The only one I use is YouTube. I left Reddit a long time ago. I was never a fan of Facebook or Twitter. Back when it still existed, I would chat with people in Yahoo! chat rooms. Aside from all that, I tend to avoid social media like the plague. Too much goddamn drama.
  14. The internet is the best way to meet people. @Rain Dew and I met online, and I also met my best friend online. I also found the dog that I loved more than life itself. I keep a vial around my neck with her ashes, fur, and blood in it, and I will NEVER take it off. If it wasn’t for the internet, I never would have met the only ones I love.
  15. I’m an iPhone user. You can choose every last detail in customizing it. Its user interface is so simple and smooth that a toddler could easily use it. I’ve tried Android, and it was pure junk. It doesn’t customize in any way. You can’t even choose a fucking background image on it. They’re worthless.
  16. It can be cooked a thousand different ways, and is absolutely delicious every way. As far as I’m aware, potatoes come from Ireland.
  17. I prefer hands on learning. When I was taking guitar lessons, he had me hooked up to his amp, and was teaching me how to hit the frets and several notes. One thing I learned, while not really artistic, was how to drive a standard transmission. I watched my fathers feet from the time I was 10. By the time I got my license, I already knew how to drive stick.
  18. Nevermind. We figured out the situation.
  19. GTA Trilogy on Switch. Worth it, or for the love of the Gods, run like hell.
  20. I’m having an issue with my PS5. I can never get it online. We have no issues with our internet. The signal is strong, and everything else that we own has no problem with the internet. I’ve tried restarting the router, restarting my PS5, testing the connection, even moving the damn thing around the fucking room. Nothing works. It used to be online instantly. But here for the last couple weeks, it’s decided to give me a giant 🖕🏻. So I’m at a loss as to what else to try.
  21. At this time, no there’s not. If I remember correctly, @DC disabled it in the early days of this forum. Invision boards does support signatures, but it’s not enabled here.
  22. WOW I currently have 13 dogs and @Rain Dew has one. The reason why is because my pitbull had puppies. She had 11, but one died the first night. So I have a karen pitbull, a psychotic Rottweiler, and a neurotic yorkie. @Rain Dew has a drama queen mini dachsund. The puppies are almost a month old now. The sire is my rott. Prometheus is his name. The dam is (obviously) the pitbull. Her name is Sissy. The rott is registered, but the pitbull is not despite them both being purebreds. So I have a bunch of pitweillers.
  23. Considering that almost no one today even knows what the hell Atari even is, I highly doubt it. Millennials usually don’t know what anything preceding the Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 era is. And most don’t care to find out. So I don’t see Atari making any comebacks of any kind. Unless they go as a developer like Sunsoft or Rockstar.
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