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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. If they're playing kids games, then no harm no foul. But if a 7 year old is playing COD, GTA, or RDR then there is an issue. Those are games that the child shouldn't be allowed near. They're too graphic, violent, and vulgar for a child.
  2. A lot of people I know that have tried it say that it wears them out within an hour or two. Standing all day takes a lot more energy than sitting does. It also puts pressure on your back and causes back issues. Some say sitting is bad, but it's not in my opinion. But that may be a moot point, considering my situation.
  3. It's $5 per month. If you have a few bucks to spare, it's definitely worth it. Even with my limited funds, I'm able to swing it.
  4. I never would have thought Jamaica was a third world country. I thought you guys had a better economy than that?
  5. I have a dangerously high pain tolerance as it is. I broke my collar bone when I was 16 after landing wrong coming off a bull, and didn't even know it for over a week. All I knew was that my arm wasn't working right. So I went and got an x-ray and found out that it was broken. And that's not the only time something like that has happened. I've been shived too, and not felt much of anything.
  6. When I was a kid, calling someone a pussy got a middle finger in return. People had skin that wasn't paper thin. Shit like that just rolled off our backs. Nowadays, if you look at someone they start screaming assault or harassment, or some other bullshit. people truly are pussies in today's world.
  7. Dreamcast came out just a couple years after the N64, so I guess it could be included. Sega Genesis is definitely a classic system. It's add-ons like the 32x and Sega CD, are odd, and a mayor league pain in the ass due to how they were designed (A separate god damn power cord for the 32x? Seriously?) but they were still interesting. The Nerd sums them up exceptionally well.
  8. After being sexually assaulted by a ship steward, I can't and won't get on a ship ever again. As for bikes, as long as you don't have suicide handles, you're good with me.
  9. If you do anything like that to my cooking, I won't be cooking for you again.
  10. A lot of people either don't or won't understand that pornography addiction is a real thing. Many people, both men and women, suffer from it. It takes time and help, but you can beat it. We're here for you @Boblee anytime you need us. This forum has your back.
  11. @DC has a lot of responsibilities, not just with the VGR website, so sometimes it slips his mind to check the new registrations. As mods, we don't have the authority to approve, deny, or ban accounts. That's something only an administrator can do. We're here to help maintain the forum and do our best to keep things running as smoothly as we can.
  12. Absolutely not. I was using an iPhone 5 when the iPhone 10 was out. Why? Because it did everything I wanted it to do, and it still worked like a dream, so I saw no reason to get a new one, or "upgrade". I only got a new one because that one both quit on me and physically came apart, so I didn't really have much choice. I'm using an iPhone 12 Pro now. It's a great phone, if not a pain in the ass. I miss my iPhone 5. But it's impossible to find and get a working one, so I have to use the newest stuff.
  13. One of my main issues with the Oculus Rift, was that the headset weighed a million pounds. You damn near needed a stand to rest your head on just to use the damn thing. The PSVR wasn't much better, if any at all. And the lens on a PSVR scratches easy as hell to the point that it's so distracting that you can barely play the damn game.
  14. I'm a former addict, and believe me, getting over an addiction is one of the hardest things to ever do. The second hardest is fighting the draw and falling back into it. I've been clean for 18 years, but it's an uphill battle for the rest of my life. I'll be climbing Everest in shorts and a sports bra until I die. That's what the fight is like to keep from using again. I applaud anyone who can beat and avoid any kind of addiction they face. Whether it's some form of substance like drugs or alcohol, or it's something else like gambling and pornography. If you can beat your addiction, you have won my respect.
  15. It was a gun. I got shot in my upper thigh, not far from the femoral artery.
  16. We seem to have a lot of people signing up, but they also seem to never actually use their accounts. A lot of them seem to simply be empty accounts that the members never use. I don't know if they are bots or actual people, but there's a lot of new registrations.
  17. Too late guys, I'm spoken for.
  18. I just downloaded the PayPal app last night. It's a hell of a lot easier to use than the website, that's for sure.
  19. Everyone would become a classic gamer, and my knowledge of the era would be useless.
  20. This is the type of question that drives me nuts. There's so many kids here that think the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 are retro consoles. They are some of the furthest from retro. If you want to enter that era you have to start at the early 1990's and go back into the 1980's to 1970's. 2 bit graphics to 16 bit graphics is retro, or as I call it, classic. Even 64 bit is classic. The N64/PS1 era is classic gaming. Anything after that; NOT retro. You kids haven't experienced the best gaming has to offer. AND THAT FUCKING FLASHBACK SHIT DOES NOT COUNT
  21. Ok I have a ton of games on my phone but that's not what people may laugh at. I also have things like Netflix, Hulu, Shudder, and other streaming services. The one that will get you guys is that I have the RDR2 app. Yes there is an RDR2 app. It allows you all sorts of things, like downloading manuals, and I think you an even play RDR2 Online through the app, but I haven't tried that since I'm not a fan of online gaming. So what's your weirdest app?
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