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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. It is indeed a good start to the year. My disability check went up $50. So to celebrate I bought a Zippo to add to my collection.
  2. Something I love is how laid back everyone is. Meaning that we can all give each other shit, and typically no one gets riled up by it. We can even give @DC shit and he just laughs. Most of the other forums I've been on, doing something like that, would get you suspensions and possibly even bans. Video gaming aside, this is just a great place to hang out.
  3. The biggest misconception about the Yellowstone volcano is that it's overdue for an eruption. First off, there's no way to accurately predict an eruption ahead of time. You may be able to the day before, but not 10,000 years before. Second, if you go by the math available, we're well within the safe zone for now in relation to an eruption. Scientists are also saying that it will most likely be nothing more than a lava flow. Scientists are also saying that only 5-15% molten (the rest is solidified but still hot), so it is unclear if there is even enough magma beneath the caldera to feed an eruption. Kill us Americans? That's fine with me. It would honestly be one of the best things for this world, and may end up saving it. We're the biggest polluters and the greediest country in the world anyway.
  4. I have no issue on my iPhone with the ad. On my computer both the ad comes up somewhat frequently but it always comes up already muted. One quick click and it's gone until I go to another page. So for though, I can't remember having seen it even once on my phone though. Then again, my memory is pure shit, so that is a factor.
  5. We'll see another variant of Covid come out. We have already seen the Delta strain and the Omicron strain. By years end, we will see at least one more. A heavily anticipated game, think GTA6 for example, will be announced with a release date. But at the last minute it will be delayed another year, and piss gamers off worldwide. PERSONAL PREDICTION: I'll never find the title to my Camaro.
  6. The first time I played RDR2, when Arthur died, afterwards I went for about 4 months or so where I just couldn't play any video game. I was too broken hearted. But I ended up missing him so much that I had to start playing it again.
  7. I'm not saying that remakes should never be done. I have no problem with a remake. But there are some games that to remake them would just be obscene. The original Zelda is one of them. I would be really interested in a remaster/remake of Zelda II, or A Link To The Past. But not the original. One of my all time favorite games is Blaster Master on the NES. I would be really curious to see how a remaster/remake of that one would turn out, as long as it was the same game. There are just some games that are, (for lack of a better term) sacred. In my eyes, it would be like trying to remake the Mona Lisa. As such, they are games that are not to be messed with. Played in the original setting, but not screwed with. You just need to know where the line is and remember not to cross it. Besides, I don't think anyone wants another FF7 occurrence. Or worse.
  8. GameStop already has the Switch. They have had it for a very long time now.
  9. I just realized that I screwed up, and that RDR2 is performance capture and not FMV.
  10. I would have to say PlayStation. I was always a Nintendo chick. It was nothing else for me. Then Sony released the PlayStation the same time the N64 came out. A kid I knew had one, but I thought it was lame. Yet after watching a while, I had to get one. So I saved up from my next two paychecks from Pizza Hut, and bought one with 2 games. Castlevania SOTN, and FF8. Now I have multiples of each PlayStation console from 1-4.
  11. Nintendo's two icons. Mario and Zelda. With Mario, every incarnation of the Mushroom Kingdom is a totally different universe. It's the same with Zelda. Hyrule is never the same from one game to the next. And the differences are so extreme, it's like we're playing the game on the multiverse theory. And this is for the main series, and none of the spinoffs from Mario or Zelda.
  12. The original Legend Of Zelda. It needs to stay where it is as an 8-bit game. It needs to stay on a cartridge, and stay on the NES. Anything else is an abomination, and an insult.
  13. RDR2. If you don't go for anything on the side for yourself, like a wild horse, or trying to complete the challenges, then it's extremely easy. If you're like me and you choose otherwise, then it adds a little bit of difficulty, but not much. Either way, it's a very easy game. Actually, a little TOO easy.
  14. RDR2. Everyone should have expected that answer from me.
  15. Not a lot. The older stuff doesn't really do a lot of traps. The only thing I can think of is road bandits, and gang surprises when they try to stop you to rob you in RDR2. That shit gets annoying, but they're always so damn dumb that they're easy to kill. Which leaves you with a few bodies to loot.
  16. Violence. But that's not really due to gaming. It only helped me go numb to it. I often walk up to people I've killed in RDR2 and shoot them in the head with a shotgun of some sort just to watch their head explode. It's really funny to see them laying there, their head explodes, and there's nothing left but a stump. It's also why I play Hatred. I relate to The Antagonist and feel everything he does. Going out and killing every human that he encounters. The cops eventually get you, but you can make it into the PD and kill a lot cops them in there, as opposed to looking for civilians. But running out of ammo sucks.
  17. They're not going anywhere either. And you're also wrong about them going extinct. They are still selling almost as well as they did the day they launched.
  18. As far as that kind of thing goes, all I know is that Missouri is the only place on the planet where you can and will frequently use both your heat and A/C in the same day.
  19. We have until December 5th? A whole year to vote. That's going to be an interesting one since we have 15,275 total members.🤣
  20. I'm missing something. I think you left a word out of your question.
  21. Those of us who have PTSD that is in part related to time in the military can't play it.
  22. I'm trying to follow your line of thinking but failing to do so. Can you give an example? I'm sure you're not talking something like the 8-bit Link appearing in GTA.
  23. Because the vast majority of cartoons these days suck. Some of the more adult oriented cartoons have had games. Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, etc. And some of the children's cartoons have games. The only one that comes to mind at the moment is Spongebob. If we still had the same cartoons that we had in the 80's we would have a lot more cartoon based games. When was the last time there was a TMNT game? SNES I believe. That should be your prime example.
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