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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Arthur Morgan in RDR2. Hosea and Lenny made me cry, but when Arthur died, I bawled like a baby. I'm by no means in love with him, but I love him like crazy just the same. He brought me into a family I never had before. And losing him like that was a crushing blow.
  2. PC gaming isn't going anywhere. It's probably the most popular platform to game on, above the big 3. So I don't see anything ever replacing it, nor do I see it dying no matter what comes into the fray.
  3. You're going to be looking at a pretty good chunk of money to upgrade that. I would start off getting more RAM for it first and go from there. That would be your cheapest option to start most likely. If you were building an old PC for old games (think Win98 era) I could help you with that. But with PC's now you're looking at a lot of money, and some super tech parts. According to @Shagger our resident tech guru is @Crazycrab so I would listen to him. These days I'm lucky that I can even turn the damn thing on. Hell, I can be entertained by the neon rings on the front of my computer. What they're there for and what they do, I don't have a god damn clue. But they're nevertheless entertaining.
  4. Games for gold? I don't even know what that means.
  5. My new years resolution is to spend less time on the computer and more time with my babies. The dogs, rats, and bird.
  6. It's a bit of a double edge sword here. On one hand, it could be a marketing ploy. People hear of free games, and they flock to the site. This is probably going to make me look like a consumer whore, but I actually did just now and downloaded my first free game from them. So it is definitely successful. But it could make them look like they're just trying to dump a bunch of shit games. On the other hand, they could be losing money and costing many studios money. And in that scenario, people could be leaving Epic. But at the same time it can reveal studios and games they were unaware of as they're leaving. Or games they have been looking for but couldn't find. A lot of it is word of mouth. People will come to their own conclusions. But in my opinion, I think it's a smart move. For now at least.
  7. Don't fret about it. It's always welcome. Hell you could say it in July if you wanted. You would definitely get some friendly ribbing about it, but it would still be welcome. For all we know you may be planning something that would have you out of reach for the whole xmas season, and you just wanted to get yours to everyone. So it's all good.
  8. I agree with everything you said. My issue is that people have said that one of them was a rare limited edition Game Boy. I don't know which one it would be, as I never really kept up with Game Boy Color consoles. Going by the picture you posted the brown one looks like it's a wood grain. That may just be the picture angle, or he may have painted it. But if he did use a rare limited edition Game Boy in his art project, then yeah, that would piss me off. Otherwise, I think it's a really neat idea for a table. If it had come from anyone else, I would be looking at prices to commission my own design. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that white one a Pokemon edition? I'm no Pokemon authority, but that kinda looks like Pikachu at the bottom right corner of the screen. I can't tell what the stuff to the left is.
  9. I have nothing against open world games, and have been a Zelda nut since 1986. With the exception of the Phillips CD-i games, and the newest spinoffs, I can't think of a single one that I haven't played, and that includes ROM-hacks. I even have the full cartoon series on DVD and remember fondly waiting for Friday mornings to watch it. Every other day was the SMB cartoon. Zelda was only on Fridays. That said, I have no faith in BOTW2. Just because I was so let down by BOTW, and BOTW2 is the first really true sequel in the series. Unless you count the Oracle games.
  10. I hadn't even thought about developers. I just made the assumption that since the first Hellblade was available on Switch, that Hellblade 2 would be as well. I just googled it and at the moment it's saying that it's only available on Xbox Series X/S and Windows. There's only one mention that I could find. According to gamerevolution.com: Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is not simply a timed exclusive on Xbox — it's an outright Xbox exclusive. That's because Microsoft acquired developer Ninja Theory back in June of 2018. ... You'll be able to play it on Xbox One, but it won't release for the PlayStation 4 or PS5. Full Article Here
  11. This is just the latest fuck up in a long life full of fuck ups. We can’t expect anything else from either of them.
  12. If BOTW2 is anything like the first BOTW, you’re going to sorely disappointed. The game is severely underwhelming and a major snoozefest. In my opinion it’s one of the absolute worst in the entire franchise.
  13. I was planning to get Hellblade 2 on Switch. With this next one, I haven’t finished the game yet, so I don’t know if this is plausible. But another I would like to see a sequel to is Tell Me Why. I need to get back on my Xbox and play the game again.
  14. I’m going to nominate @Crazycrab for this one. He is always willing to offer his help and personal insight. He is knowledgeable about everything posts about and able to separate his opinions better than a lot of us.
  15. I have no idea what I’ll be doing on the first. New Year’s is just another random day to me. Nothing more than a change of the date. The same as every other day. That said, I may stay up to watch the ball drop. Which is something I haven’t done in more than 20 years.
  16. Any reseller is a risk, regardless of who it is. I'm not sure how they all approach the business, but you could end up buying a code that has already been used, which leaves you with nothing but a dent in your bank account. Sure you can file a claim, but as @m76 said, they can plead ignorance. Personally if I have a game that I want to get a code for special downloads or whatnot, I spend the money for a new copy that I know for a fact has a valid, unused code. Sure that's a lot more expensive, but considering the short list of modern games that I even play, it's not a big deal to me.
  17. If it's a class on programming or digital design, then it's a possibility that video games might come up. But as for a class specifically on gaming and nothing else, I don't see that ever happening.
  18. I don't know about that. I would give that credit to Doom. Sure, Halo is a massive game that has eclipsed Doom at this point, but I think Doom should be the one that would be the catalyst for FPS games.
  19. Mario 3 was often difficult in several areas. The hardest were the ones that automatically scroll. World 8 was almost impossible at times. But there are items you can pick up all over to skip worlds entirely.You can get a whistle in the very first stage in world one. Use it and you can skip to world 2, 3, or 4. Use one in any of those worlds and 5, 6, and 7 will be available. Use on in them and world 8 would be available. And whistles are easy to come by. If I remember right, there are actually two of them in the first world, but off the top of my head I don't remember where the second one is. I know where the first one and the one in world 2 are. I haven't played the game in forever though, but all the talk of the game lately has given me the itch to hook up my NES and get back into it.
  20. It could lead you to getting a few pointers, but there's no way you could actually learn to do it from a game. That's like asking if you could learn Ninjitsu from playing TMNT.
  21. There are only 2 people who could have any chance of playing Arthur correctly, but one is dead and the other is retired. John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. John Wayne would have been my number one pick. There's no one else besides them who could have a chance of getting Arthur right. And there's no way a 91 year old man could pull off a 36 year old man.
  22. I don't know who else has seen this one, if anyone here even has, but this is one of the best videos The Nerd has ever made. It's so damn funny you will honestly have difficulty processing how to laugh.
  23. AVGN did a video on all the crazy things Nintendo came out with for the game boy. Some of them were so far beyone insane, that I honestly can't believe they were even thought up.
  24. I don't know. I love RDR2, and play it and replay it all the time. But I think a movie would kill off a lot of the charm that the game has. Especially since the actors would most likely be different people if it's a live action movie. So we would have to figure out different and new voices, which would never work for die hard fans. And it would stray so far from the storyline of the actual game, that it would just ruin it. Every movie that I have seen that was based off a game has just turned me off completely. ANd I'm not the only one in that boat. I used to be obsessed with Mortal Kombat, but after the original two movies, I quit playing it. The new MK movie was good, but it didn't make me want to play it again. So if they draw some inspiration for a western movie from RDR/RDR2 that's fine. But if they base it solely and entirely on the game, I have to pass, no matter on how much I would want to see it. The only thing that could talk me into seeing it would be if either Tim Burton or Johnny Depp were involved in the movie. So, like I said, I hope not.
  25. I played someone in a fighting game on SNES once when I was younger, and absolutely slaughtered them. I don't remember if it was SF2, MK, or KI. But hey was so pissed at a girl beating him that he stormed off cussing and yelling that the game had fucked up and caused him to lose. Needless to say, he never played against me again, because he KNEW that the game was going to fuck up again. It's just as funny now as it was then. And I'm so rusty at this point at fighting games, that a chicken could beat my ass.
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