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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. This is the one I use. It came with my computer, the same as my keyboard. One thing I really like about it is the two small buttons on the side that allow me to go back and forth without having to go to the actual back/forward buttons in the window of what I'm viewing.




  2. 11 hours ago, Empire Of Sight said:

    Wellll my runescape items are able to be sold for IRL money and in my game I built I use a ton of NFTs haha

    I still don't understand exactly how NFT's even work. My  understanding is that you sell something that doesn't even exist. Like I could say the phrase "farting monkey" and sell that as an NFT. In simple terms that a toddler could understand, would someone please explain to me how NFT's even work and what the hell is the point of them? Aside from making money.

  3. He's facing 91 felonies. Yes, literally 91. With that many, it's guaranteed that he will be convicted for at least one of them. If it's only one conviction, I hope it's the most serious one that would get him the most prison time out of them all. He's so arrogant, that he honestly thinks he's superior to everyone, and everything. He views himself as some sort of god. Like he's the second coming, or some other bullshit. He's the only President in American history to have been impeached twice and face a massive felony count after leaving office. Or any felonies for that matter.

    He's finished. He's toast. But at least we know he has no problem wearing orange.



  4. I have an iPhone 12 pro, and would trade it in for an iPhone 15 max. My hands are so big (especially for a woman) that a regular size phone is just hard to use, so I need something physically bigger to make tings go easier and more smoothly. Don't get me wrong, the 12 pro is a great phone. But I can't count the number of times I've tried to post from it, and my message got so jacked up that no one could even understand what my point was. Most of the time, I was with them and couldn't understand or remember what the hell I was trying to say. I've gotten in trouble for it in the past, both before becoming a mod, and after becoming one.

    So I'm going to be looking forward to getting a new one that fits my hands better. @Rain Dew on the other hand (no pun intended) has really small hands and the only iPhone that fit her hands and actually use, was the mini. It was the only one she could actually hold.

  5. Like a fiend. I played it non stop whenever I could. We had family friends that had an Atari with it, Pitfall, Q*Bert, and Pacman. At least those are the ones I remember best. They actually had to get a second TV because we were always playing on the Atari. Frogger is a cherished memory from those days. At the time, that 2 bit was the cutting edge of graphics. That was before Nintendo came out with their 8 bit graphics, and completely changed the game. We were all amazed at how lifelike SMB was. But we still played the hell out of Frogger. The goddamn gators drove me nuts, but at least I could time my jumps however I wanted. Unlike withe the damn cars and trucks. I have to go on their schedule.😡

    Ah well. I still kicked ass on it. And I still have it to this day on Atari, among other systems.

  6. The antichrist can be human or supernatural. The mythology says that people will be duped by them, and start thinking they're the correct prophet.

    In my opinion, that's a load of complete bullshit. The closest anyone would come to, is people. Especially people with a grudge (or total hatred) against xtianity.

  7. I picked this up yesterday, and want to get some reviews of it before I begin playing it. My PS5 came with Horizon Forbidden West preinstalled, and everyone said I should play Zero Dawn first. So I'm wanting to get a bit of info and opinions so I don't go in totally blind.

    What do you all know and think?

  8. On 8/18/2023 at 10:17 PM, CoryAR said:

    I liked Linkin Park when I was younger and I still like them today.

    Linkin Park is number 2 in my favorite bands. The only band above them is Disturbed. Disturbed's music is just awesome and every one of their songs tell a story.

  9. Yes rats are mischievous as hell. But that's part of their appeal. Coincidentally enough (and appropriately) a group of rats is called a Mischief. I've had and raised rats since I was a teenager. The first two I ever had was an albino female named Ghost, and a solid black male named Daemon. Ghost wasn't particularly friendly, but Daemon was friendly as hell. And smarter than a lot of people I knew. I've written an article about rats as a guide for anyone wanting to get any as pets. Wild rats get a bad rep due to the black plague. They carried the fleas that spread the disease so far and wide. So now people look at them as vermin. But when a wild rat saved your life, they tend to become sacred.

  10. First of all, welcome to VGR. Secondly, your game ideas seem like something that a lot of gamers would be interested in. You’re giving a hell of a lot of detail about them, which I for one appreciate. If I may, I would like to offer a bit of constructive criticism. Your Castlevania like game might not have any success. The fans of the franchise don’t want modern capabilities, such as guns.

  11. Keep it civil and mature people.

    The purpose of this discussion is to focus on hate. If you have a prejudice, this is the place to talk about it. You can go into specifics on the "why", or opt out of that. It is also to discuss your feelings about bigotry in general.

    Now, do I have anything I'm prejudice against? Yes. There is a demographic that I absolutely hate. Not because I don't like them for no reason. It's because I have received hate and abuse from them from every angle. Literally every encounter I have had with these people has been abusive towards me. So now, I can't stand them. In my eyes, that constitutes a valid prejudice that has an understandable reason. Not a reason that people would necessarily like, but one they could understand.

    As a lesbian, I have received hate all around from multiple demographics. Truth be told, it has come from almost all demographics. I don't tolerate it, but if I was prejudice against them all, it would cover the entire population except the LGBTQ+ community

    Now at this forum, we refuse to allow any kind of bigotry or prejudice. Mine is nothing I will bring to VGR under any circumstance. It is left at the door. I couldn't do my job as a mod if I let it dictate my actions here. I couldn't be decent at posting as a member, mod or not. Thus, I do not bring it here. Bringing it here would constitute an abuse of "power", if you will.

    Webster's Dictionary defines bigotry as: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot.

    In my eyes bigotry is hating someone due to ignorance about them, often willful ignorance. Typically from misinformation or being taught the hate from the moment you were born. The group that I believe receives the most are Jews. The Jewish people seem to get it more than even the black community. And we all have an idea how much the black community gets. The only way to actually know of those two communities is to be black or Jewish. I am neither, so I can't say I know how much they receive.

    Prejudice is often born of abuse. Being mistreated by an entire demographic often causes becoming prejudice. That can at least be understood, if not condoned.

    I feel this topic is something that has not been fully discussed. Abusive words such as racial slurs need to be left out of this conversation, unless you are presenting CIVIL & MATURE discussion related to such word. Even then, it would be best to leave these words out. Saying something in context like "N word" would be preferable. We all know what that means. If you can't think of something that would be obvious what word you're referring to, only then can the full word be used. I ask as a fellow member that we all try to censor the word, exploring all alternatives.

    This post is not made as a moderator, but as a member here at VGR.


    However, I do ask @Shagger to join in with me and keep this discussion heavily moderated, so as to prevent someone coming in and making posts that are meant to be bigoted and abusive towards a demographic, or promoting bigotry in general.

    • Stray
    • Atlas Fallen
    • Mortal Kombat 1

    Has anyone gotten any of these games? Or at least knows of a review they can lead me to? Preferably YouTube, but articles are fine. They have peaked my interest, but I can't find much of anything about them. So I'm looking to get it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak.

  12. Has anyone got this? I'm wanting reviews before I buy, assuming I buy it at all. It looks good, but looks are deceiving. I haven't played every FF game, but I've played most of them. My favorite is FF8. I don't know if that would make a difference or not. I have tried FF14, and despised it simply because it's an online game. So if FFXVI is either a single player game, or has a single player mode, I'm interested. If it's strictly online, I have absolutely zero interest, and want nothing to do with the game.

  13. This is from an email I got from an organization I follow, and occasionally donate to. I only changed things that directly call me by name and such to protect myself. With those exceptions, this is word-for-word exactly what the email said.




    Dear MoveOn member,

    Last night, Donald Trump was indicted for the fourth time, and the charges lay out exactly what Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis believes Trump to be: an organized crime boss.

    Trump was charged with 13 felonies related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, and 18 of his co-conspirators are charged as well, including Rudy Giuliani, his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell, and John Eastman. The charges are all damning, but one stands out above the rest.

    Trump is being charged under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act statute in Georgia, more commonly known as RICO. If that word rings a bell, it's probably because you've heard it in a mafia movie, as RICO is most often used in cases involving organized crime. And that's exactly what this effort was.

    There are two important differences between this indictment in Georgia and the federal indictments Trump is currently facing. First, the RICO charge in Georgia is the first charge in any of the indictments that comes with a mandatory minimum sentence, five years in prison. Second, unlike the federal indictments, Trump will have no way to make this case in Georgia go away or pardon himself from the charges—even if he wins the 2024 election.

    MoveOn is determined to ensure Trump not only loses the 2024 election but that he is also finally held accountable for his crimes—and to the fullest extent of the law. That will require us to run the largest presidential election campaign in our 25-year history, and we can do it only with your help.

    MoveOn has been preparing for this moment for months, and we are ready to stand at the forefront of the fight against Donald Trump. Here is just some of what we have planned:

    A massive effort to disqualify Trump from the ballot. The 14th Amendment makes it clear that no person who engaged in insurrection against the United States may ever hold office again. We are calling on secretaries of state across the country to do their constitutional duty by refusing to certify Trump as a candidate for president, and our call is gaining momentum. Just last week, two conservative lawyers from the Federalist Society joined our call to disqualify Trump. Our petition has almost 400,000 signatures.

    A huge ad campaign to ensure that voters know exactly what crimes Trump has committed. Polling is beginning to show that these indictments are causing Trump to lose support, but we need to educate voters so that people who don't closely follow the news know about the crimes and are motivated to ensure that Trump loses. We are planning a huge, monthslong ad campaign to hammer that message home all the way until Election Day.

    The largest voter turnout campaign we have ever run. As these charges remind us, Trump lost Georgia by only a razor-thin margin, which means that every single vote is critical. MoveOn will be expanding our successful work from 2020 and 2022 to turn out "high-potential voters"—voters of color and young voters who otherwise may not vote—in swing districts and states, using innovative digital and on-the-ground strategies.

    Before this year, no president or former president of the United States had ever been charged with a crime.

    Over the last five months, Trump has been charged with 91 felonies.

    After so many years of getting away with his crimes scot-free, it finally seems that the chickens are coming home to roost.

    And yet, Trump is still the unrivaled front-runner for the Republican nomination, and polling has him in a dead heat with President Biden in a general election matchup.

    That means the work MoveOn is doing to hammer home the message to voters about Trump's criminality and disqualification from holding public office could not be more important.

    We have a real opportunity to put a stop to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement once and for all in 2024.

  14. I thought it was insane when they went nuts on the blue M&M for being “too sexy”. Listen, if you’re turned on and getting all hot and bothered by a piece of chocolate with a colored coating, then the candy ain’t the problem. But now they’re taking things up a notch and going just too goddamn far. I don’t know where it can possibly go from here. What food will be sexualizing children next? Hot dogs because of their phallic design? But regardless of what it is, they’ll find a way to blame it on us. The LGBTQ+ community. At this point the shit officially hit the fan and no one had time to duck. It is now apparently a competition to see who can make the sane world reach for a bucket the fastest.



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