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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. Classic gaming is more than just nostalgia. I'm a classic gamer for the simple fact that in my opinion, games back then were far superior to what's coming out nowadays. Everything is a damn sequel, with little to no difference between it and the previous entry in it's respective franchise. And also, so many games are carbon copies of each other. But with classic games, I defy you to find anything today that even resembles A Boy And His Blob. There was originality and uniqueness. There was always something to keep you on your toes, because games were so different. It even happened in some of the big franchises like SMB and Zelda. Can you tell me how SMB2 was in any way a true Mario game? And don't even get me started on Zelda, despite it being a long time favorite of mine. While there are good games coming out now, they don't and even CAN'T hold a candle to the classics.

  2. As it sits right now, Vegas is leading in the finals against the Florida Panthers 3-1. If they win their next game, which is Tuesday (6-13-23) they take the cup. I've been rooting for Florida, but it doesn't look good for them.

  3. You've been talking about the game for years. Luckily you found a game you've loved since its inception on the PS5, because you're been getting bored with your games lately. Which leads you to bugging the shit out of me for the rest of the goddamn day.

    Maybe now I can get some damn peace.😉

  4. Is there a genre of video games that you absolutely refuse to play? What is your reasoning for not playing? Of what is available today, I can think of only one that I would flat our say "no" to. There's genres that aren't my thing, but I don't just absolutely refuse to have anything to do with them. In recent years, my taste in games has actually expanded dramatically. I'm not the biggest fan of first person games, but I do play a couple. The only thing absolutely I refuse to play is online games. I absolutely hate them and quite often just want to puke at the mere thought of them. I'm not condemning anyone if they like them. Have at it. But I still can't stand online gaming, and I've given it many tries, from many games, on many platforms. I absolutely hated it every time I tried, and actually DID puke after a couple due to the experience.

  5. Let's start with a few of mine.

    1) They are extremely playful.
    2) They love to explore.
    3) They're affectionate as hell.
    4) They're cute as hell.
    5) Rats are one of the most loyal animals in the world.

    1) They have an extremely short life span.
    2) They bite often if they don't know a person.
    3) They're masterful escape artists. Houdini has nothing on a rat.
    4) Despite what many will tell you, they're incredibly high maintenance.
    5) Rat food isn't cheap.


    1) They're playful.
    2) They're beautiful.
    3) They love to cuddle.
    4) They have wider personalities than any other animal.
    5) They have the intelligence level equal to that of a 3 year old.

    1) They're expensive.
    2) They tend to bond with only one person.
    3) They're extremely high maintenance.
    4) They have the intelligence level equal to that of a 3 year old.
    5) They are often mean as hell to the people they didn't choose to bond with.
    6) They require lots of stimulation for their mental health.
    7) Their supplies are extremely expensive. Cages for a macaw tend to run close to $1000.

  6. I love it when their bigotry backfires on them. They deserve it. The thing is that while the bible is banned, the Book Of Mormon is not. So there could still be a fight on thier hands in Utah over that one. We'll just have to wait and see.

    On 6/2/2023 at 5:36 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

    I tried several times to open this link, but it wouldn't work. I eventually had to cut and paste it.

  7. How many of these games have you guys played? Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of my absolute favorites. @Rain Dew is a huge fan of the Resident Evil series. She's making videos playing it all the time. And who hasn't played Majora's Mask? I mean seriously?

    I was initially surprised that Hatred wasn't on the list. But then considering that it was pulled from almost everywhere you could have gotten the game, it would have been hard as hell to find. I'm just happy that I was able to find it on Steam.



  8. 6 hours ago, NightmareFarm said:

    I couldn't even make it past two hours in that game. The world seemed completely empty, climbing felt boring/restrictive, nothing about it pulled me in.

    Exactly. The game was severely lacking and just horribly written.

  9. On 5/23/2023 at 12:18 PM, killamch89 said:

    However, how is Madison not on this list? That game is absolutely terrifying - It's the first horror game that terrified to no end. It's a pretty good game but to play through all of that again - No thanks!

    I've never heard of Madison before, but after viewing the trailer, I can easily say that I'll be buying it as soon as I get paid next week.

    Another one is Remorses as it's a total mindfuck. It doesn't look like it's out yet, but it's another one that I'll be buying upon release.



  10. On 12/16/2022 at 2:55 PM, Smokey said:

    Did you own a Wii U before the Switch launched? We picked one up years ago and it was fun for awhile but it was just a very underpowered system and the gamepad tablet was clunky and uncomfortable to play games with IMO. I feel like they should've just released the Switch instead of having the Wii U be a stop-gap between the Wii and Switch, personally. What do you think? Did you own an Wii U?

    I never owned one, but I do think it was an important system. It was a precursor to what would make the Switch a success. They heard what gamers were saying, which led them to design a console that fixed those problems as best they could. The Switch is a complete redesign of the Wii U. So while it was a massive flop, I think that told them that they had to do something different for their next console if they didn't want to go back to making playing cards again.

  11. On 5/23/2023 at 7:01 PM, killamch89 said:

    What games do you have for it?

    As of right now, the only game I have for it is a ROM-hack. It's Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets. It's also called Zelda B.S. a lot. And no the "BS" doesn't mean bullshit. It's actually Broadcast Satellaview. I've been awake all of 10 minutes, so I'm not going to be able to go into detail right now. All I can say is google it to find out the whole story behind it.

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