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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. On 5/23/2023 at 5:16 PM, NightmareFarm said:

    You plan on getting Zelda TOTK sometime?

    Honestly I have to say no. In my opinion BOTW was junk. It was just a horrible game. Why they chose to downgrade the graphics so drastically is beyond me. But that's just a pet peeve. The thing about the game that really turns me off from it is the tiny inventory and the shit weapons. Plus the fact that everything breaks in 3 hits doesn't help. Rupees are EXTREMELY rare, so if you're wanting to upgrade your armor, you're shit out of luck. It's just not worth it in my opinion. So I have no interest in playing a direct sequel that most likely didn't improve a damn thing.

  2. Ok all modern(ish) copies of Windows have the "Run programs for previous versions of Windows" feature. I've tried using it to play games like AOE2 and Diablo. But it never works. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if the program is screwed up, or if the games simply aren't compatible despite the program feature. If there's anything I can do to run those games I would absolutely love it. I know there's a remaster on Steam, but you all know I'm all about nostalgia.

  3. 11 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Nope - I haven't. I do remember playing Galaxian as a kid and this game seems like it's almost a clone of that game. 

    It more or less is, but it's still a blast to play.

  4. On 5/22/2023 at 8:24 PM, killamch89 said:

    did they find the mass shooter as yet or is he still on the loose?

    It is so sad that that's a normal daily question, instead of a rare unique one. When the Columbine incident happened, people were in shock and couldn't believe it. Now everyone's blasè about it. It's become as normal a question as asking what the weather forecast is.

  5. 21 hours ago, Shagger said:

    Gripping the screwhead in a set of pliers and trying to turn it that way.

    The screws in the Switch are down in the shell beyond where pliers could ever reach. Also they're Y screws. If they were phillips screws or flat screws, things would be much easier. Hell, even hex screws would be better. But it's that damn Y shit that seriously drives me insane. I'll try the thing you posted. Hopefully it will do the trick. Anyway, here's a pic of the bullshit I'm dealing with.




  6. Welcome back.

    Most people are concentrating on AAA games. Games like TLOU, RDR2, GTA, Skyrim, and others. Me personally I'm still playing my classic systems. Right now, I have my N64 hooked up and have been playing Zelda OoT. I've been dipping in and out of RDR2, but not as much as usual as I've kinda burnt out on it.

  7. I need to open up my Switch, because the R1 button sticks really bad so I need to clean it up. The problem I'm having is that some of the screws are completely stripped. I've watched videos that supposedly work, but I haven't had any luck. One was to press down with a rubber band between the screw and screwdriver. Another was to put a bit of superglue on the tip of the screwdriver and to hold is firmly against the screw. Neither of those worked for me. I don't want to snap the shell of this thing, but I need to open it to clean it. I spent a good amount of money for the right screwdrivers to so this, and now the screws are giving me a big "fuck you".

    Anyone have any ideas?

  8. This is just a question about spelling. The majority of answers will just be due to where we're from, as a lot of countries will keep/forego is. Here' in the states, we tend to forego the U. Like in words such as color, whereas in the UK they spell it colour. Myself I tend to forego it except with the word behaviour. I'm not sure why, but I unconsciously add a U in there every time.

    I'm kinda wanting to know everyone's opinion on this, as well as why they do/don't use the letter U.

  9. I give up. There's nothing to hope for. I'm in Missouri, which borders Kansas. We share KC for fuck's sake. The right wing just gets more and more corrupt by the second. They are already a fascist Nazi regime. Now they're banning everyone and everything. Even from their own ranks. Can it even get any more pathetic? Unfortunately, they will find another way to fuck even themselves over. The rest of us who actually care, are becoming extinct,

    The former USA is completely dead, and now a third world country. Our government is no better than ISIS or the Taliban.

  10. I've been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600. In those 40+ years, I've got more than 2000 games in my library, not counting DDL's. The systems I play the most are NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, and Atari. I also have every PlayStation with the exception of the PS Vita. We have every Xbox, but don't play them near as much as we do our other systems. There's a few systems I don't really play anymore. Wii, Game Cube, and PS2 being the top 3. I hated the Game Cube, and the Wii was just uncomfortable as hell and a pain in the ass to try to play. The only game I found that was worth having the system was Mario Kart. The reason I'm not on the PS2 so much, is because I missed the entire era, for a few reasons.

    Am I a collector? Maybe, once in a while, if I find something I think is neat or just want for whatever reason. But as for my games, I don't buy them to be pretty. I buy them to play. There is one game I can think of that I would buy as a collectable instead of to play. That's Little Samson. I would buy a repro if I wanted to play the game, but the authentic one would never even be opened for obvious reasons.

  11. I know what it sounds like, but it's not a porn site. It's a comedy site with tons of interactive stuff that are absolutely hilarious. You should definitely check out the Jeb games. There's Bird Calling, Bats and Balls, Alcohol & Ammo, and Book of Spells. There's others that are favorites of mins such as Knotty Kitty, and Crash Test Dumbass Overkill. CTDO is my absolute favorite game on the whole site. There's also the court of Judge Hellfire that is funny as hell to watch.



  12. They should be busted hard. If you're playing a single player version of a game, then I have no problem with people using cheats. It doesn't usually help your experience as it's often taking away from the game in most cases. But if you're a tournament player, or in some online group, then cheaters deserve being banned. I only play one player games, because as everyone already knows, I hate online gaming. It's just not enjoyable for me, and I've given it numerous challenges on numerous games and numerous platforms. I also often use a Game Genie on some games to make them harder due to me being too good at them. So maybe my opinion doesn't count or matter here.



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