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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. They should be busted hard. If you're playing a single player version of a game, then I have no problem with people using cheats. It doesn't usually help your experience as it's often taking away from the game in most cases. But if you're a tournament player, or in some online group, then cheaters deserve being banned. I only play one player games, because as everyone already knows, I hate online gaming. It's just not enjoyable for me, and I've given it numerous challenges on numerous games and numerous platforms. I also often use a Game Genie on some games to make them harder due to me being too good at them. So maybe my opinion doesn't count or matter here.



  2. @Rain Dew and I were out running errands when we saw a huge commotion. We stopped to see what was going on, and there was someone hanging off the ledge of the top of a parking garage. I watched him let go and hit the ground. The sound of the impact was nothing I would have expected. It sounded like someone slamming a car door extremely hard.

    Luckily, @Rain Dew didn’t see the actual event as I made her stay in the car. She’s kinda freaking out right now. I gave her some anxiety meds, so hopefully that will help her.

    It’s not something I ever expected to see. It will affect @Rain Dew pretty hard, but it’s not really something that phases me.

  3. Is anyone else watching this? I absolutely love it. I've been saving up for a while to get my forge up and running, and then I come across a show that is all about bladesmithing. I love the feel of sweat running like crazy all over me and watching the hot steel start taking shape as I work on it.

    So do we have any other smiths or just fans of the show?

  4. I didn’t say they deserve any form of sympathy. I say round them up and pitch them overboard in the middle of the Pacific, and listen to them scream. They have very little left to destroy to reach their ultimate goal. Those of us in the LGBTQ+ community have a target on our backs. We’re in the fourth reich. And we’re only a couple years away from a full on civil war. People have been getting gunned down by these terrorists for several years now. They opened the flood gates. And they’re going to cry and whine about their right to own guns while simultaneously not giving half a shit about the ones murdered by their fellow cultists. They get pissy when called out for exactly what they are. Fascist Nazis. I’m willing to bet that the only way we can get our country back is through rivers of blood. They happily take guns to elementary schools and kill kids, all while they know that the cops are too chickenshit to go in to take the shooter down and save some kids. Probably because they think it will screw up their hair.

    They deserve nothing better that complete and total enmity. They have made that clearer than air. If you feel anything else, you are just as deluded as they are.

  5. These people need to be addressed as soon as humanly possible. It's hard for people to leave a cult, as they're so brainwashed they have lost the ability to think for themselves. Often times, it takes the death of their cult leader for them to see the light. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, L. Ron Hubbard, Shoko Asahara, Charles Manson, the list is virtually endless.

    The saddest part, is that most of us don't even know where to begin or even how to help them come to their senses. Which only compounds the situation.

  6. 12 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Funny enough, what makes this scarier are the fact that I've known of people like that in real life and it's more common than most people think.

    I’d be in prison by now. I would have killed every damn one of them. Nonhumans mean everything to me. I hate people. They can all suffer and I won’t give a shit. But if it calls for it, I’ll give my own life to protect an animal.

  7. Have any of you ever played a game that had no ending, but instead just stopped? For example, I have a DDL on my Switch that’s called Goblin Sword. It’s designed in the same graphical style of what you would see on the Sega Genesis. But it has no ending. It goes through several different areas like the forest and a castle. Each area has a miniboss that you have to beat to unlock the next area. But there is no boss match that would be the climax to the game. It just stops. There is no objective to anything you do since there’s literally no ending. It’s like going for a walk and you just stop walking and stand there doing nothing.

    I’ve played a lot of games in my time, but when I find one that pulls this kind of shit, I end up pissed off because I actually spent money on a game that must have been abandoned by the devs but released anyway.



  8. This is such bullshit. They can't trademark/copyright a word that has been in the English language since LONG before they existed. For thousands of years that word has been around. Monster Energy is what, 20 years old? And on top of that are they going to try to trademark/copyright it in all languages, or just English?

    Spanish - monstruo
    French - monstre
    Irish - ollphéist
    Scottish - uilebheist
    Maori - taniwha
    Icelandic - skrímsli


    This is some serious snowflake bullshit. You can't copyright a word if you didn't invent it. If they were called gooberflabben, they could probably trademark/copyright. The only thing they can actually trademark/copyright is their god damn logo.

  9. 1 hour ago, Shagger said:

    bet there are good ones as well that not only offer an authentic experience, but are 100% legal and great quality.

    I have to disagree on that. It's not truly an authentic experience when it's emulated. That's like saying that riding a roller coaster in a virtual reality machine is the same as riding the actual roller coaster. Yeah, you "rode" it, but it wasn't an "authentic" ride.

  10. On 4/30/2023 at 12:57 PM, killamch89 said:

    Medieval fantasy with dragons and magic and kinds of crazy world-ending events.

    I have to agree here. Fantasy has always been my number one choice for games. It's why I love the Zelda franchise and the Castlevania franchise so much. They give me that fantasy genre in every entry, but also take a different approach to it. I've attempted to get into Skyrim and Witcher 3, but they just can't get their hooks into me.

  11. I hate emulators. Emulation of any classic game makes me want to puke. This includes those flashback consoles that only ruined the games and ruined a lot of great memories. I'd like to wipe emulators off the face of the planet so that people would actually own the console and play it how it was supposed to be played.

  12. Has anyone played this? It's a version of the games like Galaxian and Galaga. Which is how the devs came up with the name. I absolutely love it, and play it all the time. Some parts can be a bitch to get through, but still amazing.



  13. An update on ownership.
    As of late last year, I own a PS5. Actually, we have two of them, not to mention both Xbox Series X and Series S. If I was to buy a PS Vita, I would have them all. But I'm not particularly interested in the Vita, so I see no reason to spend the money.

  14. 13 hours ago, Anders said:

    I also own every single Playstation, but not every model. My collection currently consists of 2 PS1s (original), 4 PS2s (3 slims, one fat), 2 PS3s (one super slim, one original) PS4 (original) PS5 (disc) PSP (1000) and PS Vita (original).

    My pride and joy among these is my pink PS2 Slim. Absolutely love that thing.



    Where the hell did you find a pink PS2? The only color I know of it being released in was black. I think there was white, but I'm not sure on that one.

  15. I never had one, but @Rain Dew did. I've tinkered with hers, and it weighs a ton. It would definitely be comparable to several text books.

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