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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I don't look forward to any holidays anymore. None of them mean anything to me, and the major ones, I typically don't have anyone to celebrate them with anyway. @Rain Dew is at her parents house for the holiday, and I'm here at home. So aside from the fur/feather babies, I'm alone.

  2. As an author, I can say that books should not be free. I wouldn't want either of the books I have currently written to be going for free. I started writing my first one when I was a teenager. I'm 41 now. The other one took me a couple years to write as well. I've also written several short stories. I put a lot of time and energy into those books and stories. If I was to publish them, I would definitely want to make money off them. Assuming they sold well enough.

    As for the medium, I'm fine going either way. Digital is typically where people are going these days. Me personally, I prefer a physical copy of the book. It's just easier to me. Yeah 10 books on my table takes up more space than those same 10 books being on an iPad. But it's in the same boat as games. I prefer physical discs to DDL's.

    Either is fine, to me. It comes down to personal preference between the author and reader. You reach a broader audience going both ways, as most people have a preference going one way over the other. If the physical medium went the way of the Dodo, publishers it would turn the publishing world upside down. Some would see it as the best thing since sliced bread since they would no longer have to pay for the printing, and could just sell with less cost to them. However, they would also have the risk of people simply not buying because they don't own/use/like tablets.

    Sure, purely digital could save the publisher money, but a lot readers would also stop buying books because they just didn't like the option being taken away from them.

    Also, what are you going to do to continue reading if something happens to your tablet or it dies and you can't get right to a power source? You don't have to plug in to charge that paperback.

  3. Tennessee passed a child marriage law last year that children in the single digits can get married. It's basically a pro-pedophilia law. If someone marries a 4 year old, they will just abuse the kid until they age out, divorce them, and then find another 4 year old.

    The worst things in human thought are becoming legal.

    Anyone with a care about their lives should just leave. I've already applied for a job in Finland. If it comes through, I'm fucking gone.

  4. They aren't considering the fact that if we were to actually invade Mexico, everyone would turn against us and assist Mexico. All of our allies would aid Mexico in some way. Using their own military against us, or sending aid to Mexico in some fashion. Us invading Mexico would be no different than Germany invading Poland. An unjust invasion draws enemies from all over. Canada would probably be one of the first to take us on. So both our borders are fighting us. We would be done for. Pure and simple.

    But we can't forget our European allies. They wouldn't be standing by us for our nazi reasoning to attack Mexico.

  5. What I was getting at was two people of the same ethnicity using the terms toward each other in jest. Like I said I usually get a kick out of it if a white person calls me a cracker. And I don’t bat an eye about black people calling each other nigger. By this day and age it’s their word to use however they want. I have neither the right nor the privilege to call them that, even if they tell me it’s okay. And that has happened. I still didn’t call him that. “Jackass”, yes I called him that.

    Using a racial slur against someone of a different race has never, and will never be acceptable.

  6. Ok is it just me, or are rupees in BOTW extremely rare? Everything I kill drops something, but almost never any rupees. Am I not killing the right things? Am I not going into the right areas? What the hell is the issue? I would buy armor and whatnot, but since I can't get money, I can't buy jack shit.

  7. I would say Arthur dying, then playing as John several years later. RDR2 did a gut punch on that one. I knew Arthur was sick, and that TB is a killer. Especially back then. But as the game starts out, I wouldn't have expected that. Also, Dutch betraying everyone wasn't something I initially expected.

    Now when I look at it, I honestly believe that Dutch was using the gang to make himself rich. And as son as he thought he had a good enough amount, he was going to take the money and disappear.

    Hosea should have been the gang leader anyway.

  8. Of the 3 channels I have (two of which are several years old) it's pure luck if you gain any kind of following. One channel I have is nothing more than my YouTube account. I uploaded a couple videos just for the hell of it. The other is just a bunch of rants and goofy stories from my past. The third, is a gaming channel that @Rain Dew and I both run together.

    We're not looking for any kind of following, we just do it for fun. If we start getting subscribers, great. If not, oh freaking well.

  9. On 3/10/2023 at 9:12 AM, Shagger said:

    Yeah, I certainly won't offer any sympathy over what happened to her, but that doesn't change the fact that she's still alive, so I would obviously still go for the octopus because that is at least edible. Before I explain further, a quick lesson in tastebuds. There are two primary functions for tastebuds. 


    1. To alert you to incompatible and dangerous materials before they can enter your digestion by having them taste horrid.
    2. Offering a pleasurable experience in reaction to nutrient's you body is the most in need off, that's what cravings are.


    So whilst what this streamer stupidly put herself though was unpleasant, eating a poisonous mushroom would, if anything, be worse. Not only could it kill you, the experience eating would be something I'd wish on nobody. It's not just the taste, that would likely be rancid, but how it would make you feel as your body reacts to it as it attempts to digest it. Poison is prolonged and way more painful than any work of fiction can do justice. Even if you survive, it's unlikely the mushroom would even have any nutritional value anyway, so you'll be putting yourself through it for nothing. Wait, no, worse actually, because your body will have wasted valuable energy and water trying to neutralise said poison, so you'll probably be worse than you were to begin with. The octopus is at least food, it will quell you hunger and has nutrients and protein. So, with all due respect and with I genuine application for the topic @killamch89 (mostly for the video), this is quite a stupid question with an obvious answer.

    I wouldn't call it edible. Like I said, it's not possible to chew. You will not break it down in order to swallow it. And a live octopus could latch on in your esophagus and you would die of asphyxiation. The mushrooms you could at least vomit out which could neutralize the problem if done quick enough.

    As I said, I've done both and I'm still here.

  10. On 3/8/2023 at 3:20 PM, killamch89 said:

    Looks like a pretty decent game - how much does it cost btw?

    @Kane99 was spot on about price. It will definitely be at least $60. Probably more on release day. As for when it's set to release, they're shooting for a summer release, so it will most likely be released somewhere from June to August. The fact that it has Roger Clark in is will probably increase the sales as he has a huge fan base. Me being one of his fans.

  11. On 2/13/2023 at 2:44 PM, killamch89 said:

    I'd add a feature whereby if the owner steps 10 ft away from the phone in a strange environment, it'd let out a huge announcement like "Owner please come back! I'll promise I'll be a good phone. I'll even mute myself when you want to sleep! Just don't leave me alone with these people!". Thoughts?

    I'm going to do that with my own audio recording and set an alarm to go off 1 minute after I walk away. It would be hilarious.

  12. I have actually tried octopus, and it's like trying to chew rubber. It literally doesn't chew at all. I've also eaten a few poisonous mushrooms when I was a kid in a few attempts to commit suicide. Considering that the options are chew the octopus for the rest of my life, or be sick as hell. I'll go with the octopus again.

  13. There's tons of slurs for everyone. The most I hear is for white and black people. What I'm asking is between people of the same race. I'm white and my friends often call me a crazy cracker. I honestly don't care. I have also seen black people use the N word with each other. I had a friend that was gay and I told him that he should visit for a few days, but that I didn't have much food. He said "You think a chick with PMS is bad, wait until you get a fat fag with no food". It was hysterical. There are also slurs that I hear commonly for Mexican people. There are words for Jews. There are words for us Satanists. If a demographic exists, it has slurs against it.

    I'm ok with most of the white slurs, and words for everyone else, as they typically don't apply to me. There are words that I would rather cut my tongue out than say, and that I would rather rip my ears off than hear.

    So is it ok that I call @Rain Dew a cracker? Is it ok if blacks call each other a coon? Is it ok if Jews call each other a heeb?

    Where does it go too far? Or does it?

  14. They're all quite different. NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, Atari 2600, etc. None of those are even remotely similar. And those are the majority of the systems I play. I do also have an Xbox One, every PS console minus the Vita, and odds and ends of some other random systems. The only confusion I can see of anyone having would be the PS5 and Xbox controllers. I still say the PS5 controller looks like a PlayStation fucked an Xbox.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Empire said:

    wanna revisit gamecube era but it would be like my steam library buy a lot play like 3 of them, i do not like what is happening in the industry too much crunch for devs rush games here and there, Grindy game or buy time savers, colored skins and skins for 1st person games cut content to be sold as DLC and releases exclusive

    I'm just like that myself. I have 125 DDL's on my Switch, and can probably count on one hand how many of them I have actually played. And most of those I have barely played. The only 4 I can think of that I have put any real time into are FutureGrind, Goblin Sword, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, and Layers Of Fear: Legacy. There are several others that I have played, but that was either because I decided while playing them that I wanted to play something else, or it was just too damn hard at that moment. For example I have Cuphead, and still haven't beaten the first stage. That game is a bitch, but I love it for a multitude of reasons. While the challenge is something I'm grateful for, the main thing I love is the artwork and animation. It looks exactly like the vast majority of cartoons I watched as a kid. It may be a game that wasn't even in existence until last gen, but it still gives me feelings of nostalgia. I'm going to have to get a DVD of those old cartoons.

  16. 14 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I totally understand - there's this sandwich place that's right beside my dog's vet that sells some delicious Italian sandwiches but they're expensive as hell. Something like $4 for half a sub - I'd much rather deal with traffic and go to some other fast food restaurant than pay that...

    That's actually really cheap here. The only place I can think of that goes that low is Subway. Everything else around here is at least $6+ for a 6". It's why I often just buy the ingredients and make my own at home.

  17. Roger Clark (aka Arthur Morgan) has a new game coming out this coming summer, and it looks pretty badass. It will especially appeal to sci-fi buffs. I'm not the biggest fan of sci-fi, but that's what I said about westerns prior to playing RDR2. I am however, a huge fan of Roger Clark. So @Rain Dew and I are planning on picking it up when it drops.



  18. There's almost always a place that repairs consoles somewhere that isn't too terribly far away. We have several around here, but I personally tend to do my own work, unless it's something that is beyond my means. I repair a lot more controllers than consoles. But I have done both in the past.

    GameStop can usually point you in the right direction towards a place that repairs consoles.

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