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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. If anything, I would give that to Pokemon. I could have said Mario or Zelda, but those two have changed so drastically over the years, that it doesn’t seem viable to me. I mean if you try to compare SMB1 to Mario Odyssey, you only going to make a fool out of yourself. The same goes for Zelda. Compare the original to BOTW, and you’ll look like a fool. Whereas Pokemon stays relatively similar enough to be a gen gapper.
  2. I like the Lite because it’s more compact, costs less, and can do everything the normal Switch does with one minor exception. It doesn’t support a rumble capability. It’s still listed in the settings, but doesn’t have it. Aside from that, I often see it as a better option than the normal version.
  3. Even though that wasn’t the intent, I moved this topic as it’s discussion is directly about a political issue.
  4. Every game that isn’t made here in the states will most likely be completely unavailable to us in this shithole. I don’t know how it will affect those of you from other countries, but a $50 game will probably end up costing us at least $100. Adolf’s tariffs are doing more damage to us than most realize. The stupid bastard doesn’t even know what a fucking tariff is. But that’s not even his biggest concern. The most pressing issue in America today is changing the name of the fucking Gulf Of MEXICO to the Gulf Of America. Everything else takes a backseat. Inflation, national security, crime, all of it. Nowhere near as important as the goddamn name of water. I won’t be at all surprised if he tries the name of the Pacific and Atlantic to his own name. We would have Adolf 1 and Adolf 2.
  5. The Nintendo world championship tournament was beyond amazing. After SMB3 was released, it sparked off so much. The cartridges from the tournament are the most valuable gaming cartridges in the world. Unless there’s one I’m not aware of that is made out of solid gold. The gold copy that was given to the winner is booking at almost $19k on a low day. The NWC is what gave rise to eSports.
  6. That’s pretty much what the ISS is for. One of the most advanced and cutting edge astronomical labs is the ISS. The tools and equipment onboard the ISS allows the astronauts to see clearly what the atmosphere hides. The study of dark matter will continue until we actually know what it is. We know it’s there. Scientific measurements have proven it. We just don’t know what it is yet. As for black holes, we got our first ever picture of one a few years ago.
  7. The further I am away from civilization, the better. Nature is where I feel the most tranquil. It’s why I always took a month every summer to disappear into the woods and live entirely off the land. I wish like hell that I was still physically capable of doing it. It’s why we moved out to the country. My physical and mental health suffers severely in town. I can’t get far enough away from urban areas. The calmness and tranquility of a silent and still morning as the sun comes up, with the crispness of the air is so sacred out here. I couldn’t even enjoy that in town. I’ve always been a country girl. I lived in the country my whole life, and I just can’t survive in town.
  8. I would have to give it to the shoulder buttons on the SNES controller. It showed that just about any spot on the controller itself could hold a button. If it wasn’t for this, I don’t know exactly how long it would have taken for companies to realize that a button could have easily gone there.
  9. I want to knock the everliving shit out of this cunt. I hate people so invested in hate that they don’t care about anything but abusing people they have never even met. I bet my life that this worthless cunt has never even been in the same building as anyone who is transgender. I left her name uncapitalized because she doesn’t even deserve the slightest bit of respect. As someone who’s LGBTQ, this just fucking pisses me off.
  10. When Detroit makes the playoffs, we always throw an octopus on the ice at home games. The tradition started on April 15, 1952, when Pete and Jerry Cusimano, brothers and storeowners in Detroit's Eastern Market, hurled an octopus into the rink of Olympia Stadium. Having eight arms, the octopus symbolized the number of playoff wins the Red Wings needed to win the Stanley Cup at the time. The team would go on to sweep the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens en route to winning the championship. Since then, the tradition has persisted with each passing year. In one 1995 game, fans threw 36 octopuses, including a specimen weighing 38 pounds (17 kg). The Red Wings' unofficial mascot is a purple octopus named Al, and during playoff runs, two of these mascots were also hung from the rafters of Joe Louis Arena, symbolizing the 16 wins now needed to take home the Stanley Cup. The practice has become such an accepted part of the team's lore, fans have developed various techniques and "octopus etiquette" for launching the creatures onto the ice. On October 4, 1987, the last day of the regular Major League Baseball season, an octopus was thrown on the field in the top of the seventh inning at Tiger Stadium in Detroit as the Tigers defeated the Toronto Blue Jays, 1–0, clinching the American League East division championship. In May of that year, the Red Wings had defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs in the Stanley Cup playoffs. At the final game at Joe Louis Arena, 35 octopuses were thrown onto the ice.
  11. The short answer is we can’t. We don’t usually possess the money that would make us matter. If you have money, the probability of the higher ups caring about anything you have to say increases exponentially. Money is the only thing that matters in this world. If you have money, you matter. If you don’t have money, you’re a useless peasant. I doubt anyone here isn’t a peasant. I’m a peasant and always will be, unfortunately.
  12. Pavel Datsyuk, nicknamed “The Magician”, was going for a goal, and proved his nickname true. He jumped over an opponents stick, shot the puck behind himself, and scored. I’ve never in my life seen or heard of something even remotely resembling that happening. I don’t even remember how the rest of the game went because I was too in shock.
  13. I’d give that one to RDR2. The different locales make huge differences. Whether you’re up in the tundra, the swamps, the desert, or the woods, each one holds a humongous variety of conditions. It can start raining without any kind of lead up to it. It has a massive variety on animals and plants. Some of which I had never heard of prior to playing RDR2. So it not only incorporates the massive variety, but it can be educational at times as well.
  14. That’s an easy one. With 100% convictions, it’s Castlevania Symphony Of The Night. ’Nuff said.
  15. If we’re talking specifically cosmetic, I would choose the SNES. The original top loading design and how it was set up, which included an eject button, was just awesome.
  16. One of my favorites is Kyle "Blackthorne" Vlaros, out for revenge on Sarlac and his minions. The game Blackthorne is an absolute masterpiece. But if you want someone more well known, it would probably be Bowser. He doesn’t give up and leads Mario on a never ending journey, through multiple unique worlds to save Princess Toadstool, aka Peach. He’s a great symbol for tenacity.
  17. I would love to see Nintendo implement some kind of shopping where you could but the old stuff and actually receive the original physical cartridge in the mail. Kinda like a Nintendo exclusive eBay. But that’s something that will NEVER happen.
  18. I have the systems because they had the best games that were completely unique. Nostalgia is also a big factor which is why I play NES, SNES, and N64 more than any other system. I still play RDR2 on my PS5, but it doesn’t compare in the least to the originalThe Legend Of Zelda on NES. But nothing modern compares to the games of the 80’s and early 90’s. The Atari 2600 is another gaming masterpiece. But this is a Nintendo discussion. NES had games like Blaster Master and Legacy Of The Wizard. SNES had games like Blackthorne and The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja. You can’t beat games like those. SNES was also the system that introduced us to Mario Kart. With the exception of RDR2, and a small handful of other titles, I don’t play ANYTHING modern. Nothing past the N64 era.
  19. I would have to go with the time I managed to strike a match from about 60’ away with my grandfathers old .22 when I was a kid. I took about an hour of countering for the wind and my own involuntary movement. But after I was sure, I fired and saw a flame pop up where I was aiming. To be sure, I went to to check it out, and sure enough, the match had burned. I did it with a less than accurate, antique.22 on open sights. That was the only time I’ve ever been able to do it, but I’m pretty damn proud of myself for that achievement.
  20. A lot of it would depend on what moon we’re exploring. If you wan to keep it at home, and talk about our moon, there’s quite a bit to learn. If we could design a robot that will allow us to see first person through the optical sensors on the machine with virtual reality, we could explore every sector of the moon. If you’re talking about foreign moons, such as hose around Jupiter or Saturn, there’s infinitely more to learn. We have so many questions, that stopping at our moon is like going to Disneyland, but sitting on the first bench you see for the whole day. Sure you’re there, but you’re not doing anything at all. Nothing new to experience or explore because you didn’t go in. You stopped at the entrance. When we really get serious about the moon, and potentially a space station on the moon (which has been a fantasy for decades) we’ll just have to wait and see. This may be a fool's errand, but everything we have learned since the beginning of the homo sapien species started off as a fools errand.
  21. I’m looking for some input on this game. I picked it up today, and once I finish BOTW, I’m going to dive in on TOTK. Are there any significant changes? Something like not having to worry about weapons breaking? Or is it like Majora’s Mask or Link’s Awakening where it doesn’t even take place in Hyrule? Or anything else that I’m forgetting. Also I’m wanting to get some opinions on it.
  22. Link’s Awakening already is on Switch. Its been out for several years. I was going to say Mario Land 2: The Six Golden Coins would be awesome to see released for Switch.
  23. The best example I can think of of this, is Mike Meters in the Austin Powers movies. In the third one he played FOUR separate characters. Austin Powers, Dr Evil, Fat Bastard, and Goldmember. All characters in a single film, and all played by the same man. If that’s not versatility, I don’t know what is.
  24. It’s also a cultural thing. In some nations it’s absolutely unacceptable to wear shoes indoors. In others no one even notices. For example, when someone is here at our house, neither I nor @Rain Dew even think about it. It’s a million miles from our minds. If you want to take your shoes off, have at it. If you want to keep them on, have at it. Areas that have a cultural significance, such as Japanese areas always make sure to take their shoes off. If you’re going to be in an area like that, you’re REQUIRED to honor their ways. Or don’t go. But like I said, it’s not even in the realm of conscious thought here.
  25. Not to mention that it’s extremely bad for the animals. The stress of being shipped like that is a big reason why so many animals die in transit.
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