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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Gaming addiction has proven fatal in several cases. But in general I don't see a problem with gaming. Take people like me who are disabled, and have to sit at home all day. Gaming can actually save us. It occupies the mind, hands, eyes, and ears. Otherwise the boredom can lead to health issues, both physical and mental.
  2. I've intended to buy rechargeable for a long time, but never seem to do it. So I always just end up with regular batteries. I know it's better for the environment to use rechargeable batteries, and easier on my bank account, but for some reason I don't even know, I've just never done it.
  3. Angry Video Game Nerd. He's funny as hell, and reviews tons of games, especially classic games. I love his videos.
  4. Tonberrys in FF8. Weird little bastards that just want to stab you with a kitchen knife or wave a lantern in your face.
  5. Try to turn it on and get electrocuted. Toilet Paper
  6. If this was still the Win98 era, I could tell you exactly what to do. But now I can't tell you anything. Custom is great. You can tell the builder exactly what you're wanting it to do, and how you're going to use it. They can give you what you're asking for or even exceed it. I had one custom built and told them I wanted 2 DVDRW's in it. I got it. But the last 2 comps I've had (including the one I'm using right now) were prebuilt. The comp I'm using now is an all-in-one, which is a life saver. So much better. The only alteration I've made to it, not counting files, is I taped 2 sheets of printer paper over my webcam.
  7. If you're using physical copies instead of downloads, then it's crucial to keep it clean. Dirt can really screw up your gam play. For discs I just use a lens wipe like I would use on my glasses. It does it perfectly. But don't ever use one of those lens cleaning discs for the laser inside your system with the little brush thing on it. All it will do is scratch the laser which will force you to have to either replace the laser or get another console. With cartridges, even though it says not to, I use the best cleaning solution I can find and a Q-Tip. Very gently I clean the points on the game then use the other end, or a whole new Q-Tip to clean as much of the fluid off, then let it sit and dry for at least 2 hours. I've saved a lot of games this way.
  8. The Blackangel is a name I've had since I was a teen. People often ask why or what it means. I've never known how to describe it so all I can tell people is to get to know me and it will become clear over time. And they all have agreed so far that I was right. It did become clear.
  9. To me, game reviews are both worthless and useless. Why would you choose or refuse a game based on what someone else that you've never met said? Just because they loved it, doesn't mean you will. Just because they hated it doesn't mean you will. It's the same with movies. For example I loved both Waterworld and Hancock. Both were bigtime flops, both with critics and at the box office. If I had just listened to what they said, I never would have seen 2 movies that I really enjoy watching. Now take Johnny Depp. My all time favorite actor. Mortdecai was a major bust. Career ending type of bust. I love it. The Lone Ranger was the same. Who here enjoys Harry Potter games and movies? Remember the Evangelicals spreading hate that Harry Potter was Satan and devil worship? Not so much when you see how popular it was as ENTERTAINMENT. A shitload of people HATED fighting games like Mortal Kombat and tried to get them off the market, but guess what? Those fighting genres are some of the biggest sellers on the market. So don't pay attention to reviews. All you're doing there is robbing yourself of the opportunity to make up your own mind about whether you would or would not enjoy a game.
  10. Whether it's my cup of tea or not, I always find it sad when a game is in the one time play realm. It's just depressing. It's kinda like "What's the point? I finished it, now what the hell do I do with it?"
  11. Even though they're Rom-Hacks most people argue with me that there's only one Zelda game on SNES. While there's only one that Nintendo recognizes as theirs, there's 3 others. The Legend Of Zelda: Goddess Of Wisdom The Legend Of Zelda: Parallel Worlds The Legend Of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets All of them are extremely hard. If you want to play them you only have 2 options that I know of. Find the cartridges, or find somewhere to download them. But finding the cartridges is easier. At the moment I have Goddess, and Parallel. I actually have 2 copies of Parallel. I'm still looking for a US compatible copy of Tablets, but even eBay is out of them.
  12. Mine is a Samsung as well. It's 75" and 4k as well smart TV. But a lot of times I switch my systems to my 3D TV and watch TV on the big one while I'm playing. The big one is the one that's set up with the satellite.
  13. Zelda games. The Legend Of Zelda & Zelda 2 (NES), one of the ones on SNES (Link To The Past), Links Awakening (Game Boy), Ocarina Of Time (N64). I used to be almost unbeatable at fighting games, but since I haven't played any in years a 2 year old could most likely whip my ass now.
  14. Being that I'm a classic gamer, I know the games on the old stuff really well, so I know beforehand for the most part if I'll enjoy a game or not. With newer stuff, I stick with genres that I already know I'm a fan of. For example I'll look at a game and if a character on the cover has a gun I know instinctively that I won't like it. But if the character is holding a sword, then my interest is peaked and I give it a closer look and more consideration.
  15. I go for physical copies. I'm not the biggest fan of emulators, and I also like having the option of taking my game with me if I want to change rooms or if I'm going somewhere. It's not really an option if you download digital copies. It's a bit difficult to lug a computer everywhere with you unless you use a laptop.
  16. Personally I prefer waiting. On launch day they're always more expensive, but if you wait several months, maybe even a year or more, then the price will be reduced quite a bit. Also after that time there will be more games available.
  17. Most of them think that their fame and money makes them above the law, and that means they can do whatever they want with no consequences. Look at Trump for instance "Grab 'em by the pussy". Matt Lauer sexual harassment. Mel Gibson racist tirades. They think they can do whatever they want.
  18. There's no way I would consider it, since just to play I would have to pay a fee every month. That's just unacceptable. It's pure greed on the part of Google. I'll own my cartridge or disc, but I won't pay every month just to be able to play. That's not a console. That's online gaming. Might as well stick to WoW.
  19. Almost every game from NES, SNES, and N64 that I have I ended up finishing at some point, But there are also several that just pissed me off to the point that I quit playing them all together. MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero is one. That one is just an abomination anyway. I couldn't figure out a damn ting on DK64. I beat DKC and DKC2 on SNES, but on N64, nope. But just because I beat them doesn't mean I play them anymore. If you want me to make your ears bleed, then come on over and we'll pop one in. Then there's one that I've bitched about all over this forum. Solar Jetman. No way, no how, never. 2 minutes into that game and you realize it's only purpose is to paint a little red dot in the center of it and get ready for hunting season. Now there's also a couple games I got because they looked fun, and I just wanted them to screw around in. Hexen is one. It's a blast to play, but I've never beaten it. I just screw around. No biggie.
  20. Am I the only jackass that's never played Minecraft?
  21. There's a lot of early system games that wouldn't have the audience they once had when they originally came out. One that I think wouldn't have the same audience would be Contra. It was a great game in the 80's, with a slight Vietnam war feel to it. Or maybe that part was just me. But today even South Park is fighting aliens. And the war games like Socom, and CoD would surpass Contra in such a great way, that it would most likely flop completely. Then there are games like Dig Dug, Galaga, Q*Bert, and Marble Madness that kids would look at today and flip out asking "WTF is this shit?!" They were mind blowing then. They would be mind blowing today, but in the opposite direction.
  22. For the love of the Gods no! These minis an classics systems are worthless. All they are is a shameful cash grab. Don't waste your money. If nostalgia is your reason, you'll seriously regret it. Nostalgia isn't satisfied by a replica.
  23. For me there has to be an underlying story that evolves as the game progresses. Or the protagonist being forced into a situation against their will, usually to save someone they love. When that kind of thing happens I end up missing my friends when I shut the game off.
  24. Wow. I never would have expected a nomination. I didn't think I was that much of a contributor. Thank you though! I'm honored.
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