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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I always thought Red actually did get paroled. But I always thought the old woman at the end of Titanic was asleep and dreaming at the end, whereas most people said she died and was in her own personal heaven. I can't believe I forgot Stand By Me. That one still takes my breath away to this day.
  2. Epic movie wasn't bad in my opinion, it was just way too overkill on the goofy factor. If they had toned it down just a bit, the movie would have been a hell of a lot better.
  3. If we're just talking gaming in general, my earliest gaming memory is playing ladybug on my Colecovision.
  4. Almost 30 tattoos. I've been getting inked for probably 15-16 years.
  5. Every part of my body except my feet, genitals, and ass have at least one tattoo on them. Yes my face and hands are included in the tattoos. I don't get ink just because I think it would be cool. Every tattoo I get has to have meaning for me. I have a couple that I'm going to cover up. One because the guy that did the tattoo, completely screwed it up and it looks like a pile of horse crap. Actually horse crap would look better. The other one, I'm getting covered for very personal reasons that I'm not going to divulge online.
  6. Gas yesterday was $2.36. Everyone was surprised by the price being that high.
  7. ZZT and MDK. ZZT was a game I had on my first computer which was a 286. MDK was one of the earliest Windows 95 games. It was a blast to play, and for the era had amazing graphics. I loaned it to a guy and never saw it again. Age Of Empires was another one. Deer Hunter and Deer Avenger. Diablo is a classic no matter what platform you play it on. These days the only PC games I play anymore are AOE2 and Diablo 2. That's because they're the only ones I have that are even worth playing in my opinion. And due to the fact that I absolutely despise online gaming, you won't see me on WOW anytime soon. I hated that game.
  8. Blaster Master on NES. It's a long time favorite of mine.
  9. I have to go with Final Fantasy 8. When it first came out I wasn't a fan because I thought the game was just too open. But I got into playing it and the openness of the game is one of the things that made me love it. The world is so vast and there are so many things hidden that you can pause your quest to defeat the game and do your own thing for as long as you want, and never do the same thing twice. My characters on the game are virtually invincible, just from junctioning spells.
  10. I don't know if this really counts as an enemy or not, but I can't bring myself to kill the Pupu alien in Final Fantasy 8. He's just too sad and too cute to kill.
  11. The Legend Of Zelda, or Final Fantasy 8. I love the medieval setting of Zelda, but the mix of mythological and scientific of FF8 kinda puts it over the top for me. I always thought I would love to live in Fishermans Horizon. All in all, I just love the whole thing. But if we're talking Zelda, I would want either A Link To the Past or Ocarina Of Time. Either version of Hyrule would be just fine for me.
  12. Yes I wear a watch. It's a Citizen.
  13. Being a paranormal investigator, I do believe in ghosts. But you also need to have a healthy skepticism with your belief. You can't label anything out of the ordinary as something paranormal. have I had some pretty freaky encounters? You better believe it. But most of the time, it turns out to be nothing. Just something that can easily be scientifically explained. Then there are those cases that are genuinely paranormal. I have studied daemonlogy for around 25 years, and over that time I have learned how to control and contain entities, regardless or its nature or intentions. Where we go from there, is your choice.
  14. If I wasn't stuck in a wheelchair, I would love to get out and play some sports.
  15. Hockey. It takes more skill and talent than any other sport on earth, and is the best sport to watch. The action is constant and electrifying. All I have left to say on that is ALL HAIL THE DETROIT RED WINGS!!!!
  16. My absolute favorite band is Disturbed. Yes I have all their albums, and a little bit of random memorabilia. My favorite song of theirs is Prayer. I haven't been to any of their concerts yet, but I'm hoping to go to one soon. Other bands I like are as folows: Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Static-X, Hatebreed, Devil Driver, 6 Feet Under, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Bogir, a ton of 80's rock, Psychopathic Records, and Majik Ninja Entertainment.
  17. The Passion Of The Christ. It was nothing but a bunch of random scenes thrown together in no particular order, all of which had nothing to do with each other. If you want to make a religious film, fine. Knock yourself out. But at least make a COHERENT film. Pay for some decent editors at least.
  18. I've never used Hulu, so I'm going to have to say Netflix is my choice. I'm on Netflix more than I'm watching regular TV. But that may be due in part to the fact that I don't have to deal with commercials.
  19. I absolutely love the movie. I have since it came out, and have watched it only about a billion times. It's one of the greatest works of cinema ever created. Stephen King is an astounding writer, with one of the most amazing creative minds of our generation. But I have to say that his dramas are leaps and bounds ahead of his horrors, and his horrors are the leaders of the pack. Granted there are a lot of good horrors out there, but none compare to the creativity of anything King has created. have you also seen The Green Mile? I can't decide which is better between The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. But if I was forced to pick, it would probably be Shawshank.
  20. Ave all, I am The Blackangel. I'm 36, live in Missouri USA, and have been in love with video games for about 30 years. While I do play just a touch of more modern games (God Of War nut here), I stick to the old cartridge systems. NES, SNES, N64, and Sega Genesis mostly. Portable I play GameBoy. I personally hated both Gamecube and the Wii. They did have a couple decent games respectively, but in general I just didn't want anything to do with either. Also I have always hated Xbox. What I like pretty much sticks to the fantasy realm. Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, that type of thing. I only have 3 PS1 games. Monopoly, FF8, and Castlevania Symphony Of The Night. I love FF8 and Castlevania. Both beautiful games. Aside from a few of the early Final Fantasy games, FF8 is the only one I have found that I like. I hated FF7, and FF9 was way too cartooney for me. FF-X and X2 aren't bad. I've never had any experiences with FF11 or FF12. FF13 was an abomination. I hate online gaming, so I'm not on FF14. FF15 has some beautiful graphics, but I haven't played it much. If it is of any interest to anyone I can include a list showing my video game library, at some point. i have them all listed in alphabetical order and by system. Well over 100 titles. If there is anything I left out that anyone is interested in, let me know and I will answer as best I can. I have always sucked at introductions, so I'm sure this is no exception. Ave
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