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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Being a classic gamer it's almost impossible to find a new game. But for current gen games, I buy whichever I find at the best price. I've bought a lot of used games, and never had any issues with them. I got the first 3 AC games from Gamestop used, for a total of about $4. They have never let me down once. So if I can get a deal like that, why the hell would I look for new copies that by themselves are at least $40 instead?
  2. This seems to be becoming a bigger issue these days. It's an undeniable fact that blacks dominate sports like basketball and football. I think baseball is pretty well split down the middle, but honestly don't know. I'm a hockey fan. A lot of people make comments that "hockey is a white mans sport". I have heard it more than once. If that's the case, then basketball and football are not a white mans sport. There was also a soccer player that was sanctioned or something for using a racial slur against another player. The clippers owner was banned from basketball for racism after calls to his girlfriend of the time were leaked. Players in every sport have been fired for racist comments. There was a hockey player a few years ago that was fired in the middle of a game, for commenting that they needed to "get that nigger off the ice" about a black player on the opposing team. I don't remember who the two teams were. I do remember however that he was the best left wing the team had. The only ones that heard the comment were his own team. His coach heard it, pulled him off the ice, and fired him on the spot. The owner of the team had him banned from professional hockey. Racism in professional sports is starting to look as natural to the sport as a bat is in baseball. It's a sad, sickening fact.
  3. I'm not saying any of that was right. Quite the contrary. We had no idea where Osama was, so we just attacked everybody in the neighborhood of where we thought he was. We killed more innocent civilians than the public will ever know. A lot of Americans wanted Hussein out of power because they were still butthurt after Bush Sr. fucked the entire thing up in Desert Storm. He failed to take him out, so his idiot son sent our military in. While Hussein was executed during Bush's administration, it wasn't until Obama was in office that they actually got bin Laden. It was nothing more than a show of power that resulted in wasted resources. In other words: while the hunt for bin Laden was justified, it was completely pointless.
  4. It's actually been recently proven (here in the US at least) that the vast majority of the time it's a case of mistaken identity, and pitbulls are just being used as a scapegoat for bigotry by the willfully ignorant. Like I said, the dog may have a similar feature to that of a pitbull, but is in fact NOT a pitbull. Let me try to find the stats and articles, as they're hard to find due to the negative bias against pitbulls. Also the article you linked is more than 3 years old.
  5. You can have as many as you want/need. You just need to sign up for multiple accounts. Typically you have to use a gmail email to sign up. Like I said I have 3 YT channels.
  6. I know HTML fully, and have run several forums over the years. I build them to my specifications, and go from there. They're fun, and sometimes I make them just for the hell of it.
  7. The Blackangel

    Hair Bands

    Immature? I'm dying to know how that makes sense.
  8. Maybe look a bit at them and be willing to learn a little bit.
  9. They're not "ticking time bombs". They're gentle, they're friendly, and they just want to love on people. It pisses me off when people pass judgement on these dogs when they don't know a fucking thing about them.
  10. I can't remember a time when the Preds went to the cup. They tend to make the playoffs often, but I can't remember them going to the cup even once.
  11. Hockey players have to be able to skate forward, backwards and sideways. They have to be able to stop on a dime. They may not do tricks like a figure skater, but often the skills required to play hockey far outweigh the skills needed to be a figure skater. Also there's several teams in the south. Lightning, Coyotes, Golden Knights, Panthers, Stars, Kings, and Ducks just to name a few.
  12. There's a difference there. We went to the middle east because we were hit by a terrorist attack from there. Saddam Hussein had been killing his own people for no reason other than them expressing an opinion. Russia however just went into Ukraine for the sake of going into Ukraine. There was no catalyst to this. Putin has wanted Ukraine for a long time, and tried this before. Even before he was Dictator of Russia, he tried. He's never been successful. Now he is hell bent on just destroying the entire country until no one wants to live there and annexing the land into Russia.
  13. One thing I forgot to mention, is that pitbulls share one fear. They are afraid of loud noises. It scares them to death.
  14. True those with a Y chromosome are built physically bigger and typically stronger, than those with two X chromosomes. But I still think the competition was fair enough for the points that I made earlier about women being slimmer and having less resistance in the water.
  15. It's not a viewpoints issue. You're entitled to your opinion, the same as everyone else. The issue, is that you take every opportunity to go off on a tangent against blacks, LGBTQ+, and pro-life people. You ignore what the topic is about and show your bigotry for the world to see. That's where the problem lies. By now, we all know you're a bigot. You have made that crystal clear. But if you want to remain at the VGR forum, you need to keep your bigotry to yourself. Post as you like, but the bigotry needs to be silenced.
  16. I still see no problem. They're all women. I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree.
  17. Since you know everything, I would like you to tell me how many children I have molested. I mean I obviously do it since I'm a lesbian, right? Also please remind me again, what my agenda is. I've forgotten it and need to know from someone who obviously knows more about me than even I do.
  18. What's the problem? Women are lighter, and slimmer which gives them less resistance from the water, allowing them to move faster. Saying there was no equality, and implying that the cis gendered women had no chance, is flat out wrong.
  19. The reason people hate right wingers is because they're ignorant, intolerant, extremist bigots that commit terrorist attacks against their own country and get off scot free. They manipulate, deceive, and make up false facts to push their agenda, while trying to daemonize people they know nothing about. They're the scum of the earth.
  20. You've just proven that you know absolutely nothing about the breed. Pitbulls are extremely gentle dogs. I know this because I have raised pitbulls and been around them all my life. They want to love on you. Not injure you. They get this bad reputation because they're popular among the sickest criminals on earth. Dog fighters. The reason they're so popular is because they're very stocky and strong. People claim pitbulls were the attacking dog because they don't know what it was and jump on the bandwagon to daemonize pitbulls. Maybe the dog that attacked them had a similar characteristic, such as head shape, but was in fact NOT a pitbull. It used to be dobermans that people hated. It was rottweillers for a while. It was also German shepherds for a while too. Now it's pitbulls. What's next? Yorkies?
  21. The teaching of Critical Race Theory isn't actually a thing. No public school system in the country teaches it. It's a talking point from right wing radicals to use as a base to attack freedoms. They use it to attack teachers and education in general. They have decided that when all else fails, to make up something completely false and try that. They're pulling shit out of their ass (no pun intended) that is so far out of left field it's circling the moon. They're insane. Plain and simple.
  22. @Jayson We have all noticed that your only talking points are centering around abortion and telling anyone that is pro-choice how wrong and bad they are. The topic is fine to discuss, but discussion requires a civil exchange. Many people have made points and quite valid ones at that, but when they do so you have consistently run away and started a new thread. Either stick with your one thread, or don't post. Offer your ideas in one thread about said subject, or drop the subject. Also you need to stop taking bigoted and intolerant talking points as if they are fact. Your comments about "the gay agenda" are extremely bigoted. Especially to me, as I'm a lesbian. There is no such thing as a "gay agenda". We're not plotting anything. We have no agenda other than trying to live our lives in peace. Take a step back. Examine your post. It's easier to take your head out of your ass if you don't have your foot in your mouth.
  23. Getting started is expensive. You have to decide if you're going for crops, stock, or both first. Then you have to get the land for it. You have to have the necessary equipment. A decent combine can run you $250,000 alone. You'll need a good tractor. If you're raising stock, you'll have to know how to feed them, what to feed them, how to take care of them when they're sick. Also what are you going to raise? Cattle are notorious for getting pink eye. I've doctored hundreds for that. You have to know how to birth a calf and a colt. So if you have interest in doing it, your best bet is to either find a job working on one so you can see how it's all done, or volunteer. Also you need to understand how much hard work it is before you say "I want to be a farmer". It's up at 5:00AM and not until bed before 10:00PM. It's long days, and it's not easy work, no matter how long you have been doing it.
  24. I have to say that bean bag tossing was suddenly called cornholing. As for the last infinity years "cornhole" meant something entirely different. It's like thongs. in the 80's thongs were flip flops. Now they're extremely uncomfortable butt floss. You're basically walking around with an intentional wedgie all day. Assuming you can walk at all. I would much rather have my ass cheeks covered and prevent rug burn from my jeans, than go around with a strip of fabric running up the crack of my ass.
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