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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. In terms of bigotry, there is more racism than anything else. Classism, isn't even close. Whites hate blacks. Blacks hate whites. Whites hate Asians. Asians hate whites. Native Americans hate whites. Whites hate Native Americans. There is always some long time memory of an event. Whites are the biggest bigots in America today. None are an exception. We are all prejudice against someone. And don't kid yourself. You are prejudice. You may not fully realize it, but you are. All white people are. I'm no exception. There is a certain demographic that I want to see wiped off the planet and forgotten. That's never going to happen, but we all hate someone. Just ask someone you know about their thoughts on interracial marriage.
  2. I've worked at Pizza Hut 5 times (both as a cook and a waitress), and Sonic (grill/fry cook) once. There was also a truck stop that I worked at as a dishwasher. Other than that, I can't remember any other restaurant work at the moment. I've had a ton of different jobs.
  3. I'll give Invision ist's due props, but I've always preferred Yabb forums. Well as an administrator I did. I used to run one "back in the day" but took my website down due to the fact that I just quit keeping up with it. I sold the domain a few years ago. It's changed hands several times. I don't even follow it anymore.
  4. We're with Mediacom. It's not a bad server. Just expensive as hell. I pay about $115 every month for it. I was forced to upgrade to unlimited bandwidth a couple years ago, because we stream shit all the time (I'm a YouTube addict) and @Rain Dew plays FF14 all the time. So between streaming, YouTube, and FF14, our previous plan just didn't give us enough bandwidth. I wish it did, because it was only $50 per month.
  5. I like to get out and go for a drive rather often. Typically I follow the same route around town. Very few detours or stops. If any. But I haven't done it in quite a while. My van doesn't heat up for shit, and my My Camaro isn't licensed. So since it's so damn cold I haven't been out much. Which is weird, because I thrive in the cold. It's heat that I can't do.
  6. I grew up on a small stock farm. We mostly focused on Holsteins and Belgians. We did buy some hogs every year to butcher. We did the same with our own beef. It was hard work, but I loved it.
  7. Legendary bounties aren't a thing in story mode. Legendary animals and legendary fish on the other hand, are. They are all more than worth getting. The only downside is that there are a few (3 animals/1 fish if I remember correctly) that you can't get until the epilogue, because they're down in New Austin.
  8. They said the same thing with the Virtual Boy. But they kept going after it. So any talk (from them or otherwise) about Nintendo possibly ditching consoles and only releasing games to other platforms, I call bullshit on. They're the most successful gaming company in the history of Video Gaming. They will never stop releasing both consoles and games. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool, including those AT Nintendo.
  9. You're probably right about that. SMB was a pioneer in it's early days. In the NES/SNES era, SMB was leading the charge in side scrollers. It gave developers ideas they would have most likely never thought of. It also played an integral role in rescuing gaming from the crash of 1983.
  10. I would straight up say SMB is the most influential game of all time. The entire Mario franchise has spawned so many games and offshoots that I don't know if anyone can logically and honestly count them without forgetting and missing several. I don't think anyone even knows about every Mario game, except those at Nintendo that work on the Mario franchise. A second would be Zelda. it has influenced so many fantasy games. I'm sure it even gave inspiration to the creators of the Elder Scrolls series. Those 2 games are huge inspiration to so many developers. It's possible that Zelda could have inspired the GTA series. Perhaps the creators of GTA were tired of the hero killing monsters, and saving a princess. So they wanted something set in modern times where you play as both the protagonist and the antagonist. There's no telling what games could have been inspiration for other games. But my money is mainly on SMB, and somewhat on Zelda.
  11. While I'm a massive fan of RDR2, I pass on the online version. Everyone knows I hate online gaming, but the only advantages I can think of for the game would be if you bought the Ultimate edition of the game. It gives you tons of free stuff, extra side missions/stranger missions, and more just content in general. Ultimate works for both online and story mode.
  12. Absolutely one of the best movies ever made. No one can justifiably deny it.
  13. Just to name a few: Scooby Doo Smurfs George Of The Jungle Looney Tunes TMNT Fraggle Rock Mr Rogers Neighborhood Inspector Gadget Married... with Children Roseann
  14. The Blackangel


    Eminem is one of the best. A lot of his songs have so much emotion and pain. When I'm Gone, I Need a Doctor, Beautiful. Those are some of his most amazing songs.
  15. The Blackangel

    Hair Bands

    Hair metal, (or 80's rock as it's usually called) was about rebellion, not violence. Grunge had no substance. Whereas 80's rock had heart and soul. It was about the music, not the money. Sure there were a few bands that were about the money. But the majority were about the music.
  16. No. Most women don't want some macho asshole. It's a big turnoff. We want a good guy. Mostly we want a guy who is manly, but macho is going too far. It's toxic masculinity. Be a man, but don't be some chickenshit so terrified of having any kind of feminine side or showing any sensitivity that you think it would make you less of a man.
  17. Are you fucking serious? Your kind committed terrorist attack on the capital, you're pushing white washing of education, you pass voter suppression bills, you're pushing religion into public schools, you make terroristic threats, you attack Democrats and liberals in general, you remove the LGBTQ+ community from even being fucking people, and you ban libraries from having books that you would object to. There are even some assholes that are trying to get history books banned because there are images of ancient Greek pottery with nude people on it, so they are calling it pornography. Conservatives are fucking idiots, lunatics, and fascists. They hate democracy, and support dictatorship under a racist moron. They are actively doing everything they can to destroy what is left of this country. The USA is long gone. We are the SA, or just America, as we're no longer united.
  18. There is no proof that any kind of deity or divine being exists or ever did exist. The vast majority of the world believes that one does, but belief is not proof. People believe that the earth is flat. People believe that giraffes don't exist. I'm not even kidding about that. There's an entire reddit forum about it, that is not satire. People believe aliens built the pyramids. Just because someone believes in something does not make it true, real, or fact. I could believe that 2+2=5, but that doesn't make it true.
  19. The last time a JW came to my house, when I saw who was at the door, I stripped naked, smeared some ketchup on the blade of one of my swords, then answered the door and asked them if they were my 11:30. We never saw them again.
  20. Microsoft isn't full time video game, but they are starting to make the same amount of capital as the do from their PC side. Their Windows and MS programs bring in more money than Xbox does by a vast margin. But the amount of money that Xbox brings in is no joke. I would be willing to bet that Xbox brings in over a billion per year in sales and exclusives. And now with the acquisition of Activision/Blizzard that amount of capital is going to go through the roof. Yes still, I don't think Xbox can catch up to their PC side.
  21. After Microsoft entered the gaming world, their PC sales weren't hurt at all. Obviously they were a PC company first, owning both DOS and Windows. But I don't think Nintendo making any kind of PC would be a good idea. They don't need to branch out into that market. If they did, then unless their PC's were completely unique they would have to run on Microsoft systems as well, so Xbox would profit off it's competition. Or they would have to run on a Mac, which would severely limit the consumer base that would even be able to play the games. It would cost them more than it would profit them. And if they did come up with a PC, they would have to come up with an OS, and a user program like Windows or Safari. It's just not a good idea for them to do it.
  22. This was 30 years ago that I found it. I was a child playing with a metal detector. That thing is long gone.
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