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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. In terms of availability, that's a fair comparison. Otherwise, I agree with @Head_Hunter.
  2. What? I'm talking about the comic books not the movies. I saw the first 2 movies with Tobey Maguire, but wasn't all that impressed.
  3. Series X is a bit difficult to get, but the Series S is every damn where. Every store has a full stock of them. At least here they do. Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Vintage Stock, and all the local gaming places. PS5 though, is still all but impossible to find. Occasionally you can find a scalper with some, but any respectable person would go without instead of buying from a scalper. Only a worthless piece of shit deals with scalpers.
  4. I did buy one Spiderman comic when I was a kid. I can’t remember what issue number it was (I think 400) but it’s the one where his aunt died. I thought it may become valuable at some point.
  5. That’s why you set the discrimination high. So it ignores things like that. I found an old toy gun that was under the dirt. Apparently it had been laying there for several decades. It wasn’t particularly valuable, but it’s probably the most valuable thing I’ve found.
  6. It starts beeping. It doesn't really tell you how big or small the item is. At least none that I have ever seen had that feature/ability.
  7. Also, I must be the only one here who is NOT interested in Spiderman, Batman, or Kings-whatever. The only superhero stuff I was ever into was WildCATS.
  8. That's literally how I feel. I love rainy days. The heavier, the better.
  9. With all those people in such a small area, anything that could have been found already has been found. The only thing that could have been missed has to be the size of a simple stud earring. Unless it has sentimental value, go to the fucking store and get another one. Also the discrimination would have to be set so high that they wouldn't find anything anyway, or all they would pick up is other people's detectors. They're not made of plastic. I've had a few, and while fun to play with, they will pick up a bottle cap from 10' away unless you set a high discrimination.
  10. I'm still going to be here, just not as much as I would like. One of the biggest problems is that I can't afford the extortionist rates to take it in. So I may end up downgrading to the all-in-one that I was using before this gaming PC, until I have the money saved up to get this one fixed. One of @Rain Dew's friend's boyfriend is a computer tech so we're going to see what he says. She took a pic of the screen and sent it to him. I hope he can figure out exactly what to do. I went into bios and clicked to reset everything to default. Assuming that something in there was the problem, hopefully that will do the trick. It was too much tech for me to be able to read. I just saw a "reset to default" option, so I clicked it. We'll see.
  11. I’m not going to be able to be as involved here as normal for the foreseeable future, because my damn computer completely crashed today. Crashed to the point that all that comes up is a single line of text talking about the boot device. Literally nothing else. I’m just hoping my files can be saved. I’m posting this from my phone, which is severely limiting. So until I get this shit all taken care of, I won’t be posting nearly as much. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
  12. I recently got into Sudoku. I do a few puzzles every night. It's a good mental workout. Not to mention that I just really enjoy it. I'm still a n00b, but I'm getting it pretty well.
  13. 1) What difference does that make? Is ice something that no one in Egypt has ever heard of? 2) I'm American.
  14. Granted, for a lot of bands metal is just a means of making money. But there are other bands who put meaning behind their songs, and a message. The number one band that comes to mind for me also happens to be my favorite. Disturbed. All of their original songs have a true meaning behind it. Their covers also have meaning at least to the band members, while having their individual take. I'm going to post a couple covers with the original so you can see how they compare. I'll start with LAND OF CONFUSION Genesis (1986): Disturbed (2005): ********************************************************* THE SOUND OF SILENCE Simon & Garfunkel (1964): Disturbed (2015): Here's an original of Disturbed's songs.
  15. If you like self help books you should check out Larry Winget. His book Shut Up, Stop Whining, & Get A Life is one of his better self help books. He's referred to as "the pitbull of personal development". Another book that was mostly written as satire (I think) is The Fuck It List by Kevin Pryslak. Instead of things he is looking to do before he dies, it's all stuff that he is saying hell no to. Things like visiting every continent, skydiving, kissing the Blarney Stone, joining a commune, and all sorts of other stuff. His take is funny as hell.
  16. I took my driving test in an automatic, but I never used an automatic transmission when I was a kid. I always drove stick. I knew how to do it when I was 10. It came naturally to me, so I never had any problem.
  17. It's one of my all time favorites, but it's not my number one game. That credit goes all the way back to an NES title. But I will say that this is one of the absolute best games I have ever played in my life. That's it? You didn't even give the game a chance. Did you even make it out of chapter one? If so, did you move past chapter 2? Which challenges did you do? Herbalist? Horseman? Weapons Master? Gambler? Any of the others? What about the Stranger Missions? How many of them did you do? How much did you try to fill up your compendium? How many enemy gangs did you fight? Which towns had you been to? Had you upgraded any of your equipment? Had you found any of the treasures? Did you hunt or fish for any of the legendary animals? There's immensely more than that. More than I can mention. it bugs the hell out of me when people only give a game like this a quick try and never play it again because they think the game has nothing. If it's just not the kind of game you like that's one thing. But to quit after only a couple hours and say it has nothing isn't fair to the game. It takes days to begin to get a sense of the game. You have to stick with it, or watch someone else play it. That's how I got into it. I watched @Rain Dew play it. I never enjoyed western games either. I was and always will be a fantasy girl. But this game expanded my horizons far beyond what I would have thought possible. I'm not trying to change your mind, or tell you that you're wrong. I do disagree with you, but to each their own. I just feel that you didn't give the game a fair shot.
  18. These things are great to have if you use a laptop very much, especially if it's your main go-to for gaming. It actually does save a lot of physical stress on your body.
  19. Zelda A Link To The Past I had a game on the cart that I had since I was a kid, because it was a file that I did a complete runthrough without stopping. I never stopped to save and played the entire game in one go. I wanted that perfect score, and I also wanted to know if I could beat the entire game in one go. But then a couple years ago, the file got lost from my foot catching on the cord to the controller, and the file was lost. A file that I had had for about 20 years that actually meant a lot to me. Needless to say, I was pissed.
  20. She voiced Viconia Devir. Who that character is, I have no idea. Her work says it's original mod. I don't know if that means it's the original script of the game or not. But either way, she's in it.
  21. Is he rich? How the hell can he afford that? Smart phones aren't cheap and you have to pay one off before you can get another. That's ridiculous.
  22. I just wonder what a perfect score looks like. It looks like the highest score anyone has gotten is 11/15. So I'm curious what image you get and what comments it makes.
  23. What the fuck do you know about women? You have no clue what we want or like. Keep your misogyny to yourself, before you try to tell us what we want instead of asking us what we want. Not all women are gold diggers. But all men like you are assholes.
  24. What the hell does race have to do with any of what you said? And how does your bigotry make anyone who owns a gun low educated and/or mentally fucking ill????
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