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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. You really don't get it do you? Government assistance has nothing to do with families staying together or splitting up. It's ASSISTANCE not divorce pills. The incentive to stay together is because they love each other. Because they have a happy and healthy home. Because they enjoy time with their spouse. And millions of other reasons. You are so damn clueless, it's mind boggling. You honestly don't care about anything except your own misguided, ignorant, narrow minded view. Your deluded sense of the world is truly sickening.
  2. First off, fuck the "traditional family" rhetoric. It's bullshit. Broken homes are not the downfall of society, despite your desperate wish that they were. Secondly, I get less than $1,000 per month. That's disability which is paid to me by the government. If it wasn't for food stamps, I couldn't eat. Since I need a government assistance program, does that mean that I should starve instead? You know, so that government programs could be done away with. I can't work. Muscular Dystrophy took that option away from me. I barely have the strength to stay up past 7:00PM (19:00) these days because my body just wears out too much. But then again, people like me don't matter since we won't contribute to society, right? It's not that we don't or can't it's just that we're too lazy, right? I get it though. Either way it falls, we just don't matter.
  3. I've never gotten all the legendary animals. Nor have I gotten all the legendary fish. There's also some animals that I just absolutely can't find to fill out my compendium. I can't in the main part of the story, both in the US and Guarma. I can't in the epilogue. I just can't find the bastards no matter where I look.
  4. Don't know, and at this point, don't care. He's been dead for 22 years, and all I have to say is good riddance. Now let's quit talking about me and get back on topic.
  5. Xtian prayer is the only kind the masses want. Any other kind of prayer they would want banned.
  6. Don't fucking worry about it. This is our life, not yours.
  7. Yeah. I went to my sperm donor crying. He called me a pussy and hit me in the head with a board. I woke up a day or so later in the dog house. Our dog had drug me in there to clean me up, and to protect me as well.
  8. If it's not a private religious school, then prayer has no place in it.
  9. I hated The Sound Of Music. It was just god awful. Two that I absolutely love though, are Sweeny Todd, and The Phantom Of The Opera.
  10. The best way is to just say that you personally didn't like it. Others might have, but you didn't. Tell others to draw their own conclusions. The movies I listed were fairly popular, especially Dumb & Dumber. But I just didn't like it. It was abstract craziness and just not entertaining. One of Jim Carrey's worst performances.
  11. Name something stupid. I won't tolerate it. Here's a couple memes to show some:
  12. Dumb & Dumber is definitely one of the shittiest comedy movies ever made. Billy Madison sucked as well. Ted 2 was a horrible piece of shit. Tooth Fairy should have paid the audience to see it, instead of the audience paying to see it.
  13. Not really. I've just always been intolerant of stupidity. I personally feel that stupidity should never be tolerated.
  14. I liked Waterworld and The Postman. Both Kevin Costner movies. The critics hated them both, but I thought they were great.
  15. I'm completely intolerant of any form of stupidity. I've been known to get extremely violent over that.
  16. Maybe a prequel? It's not out of the realm of possibility.
  17. Did I fucking read that right?! You don't favor progress?! HOW GAD DAMN STUPID ARE YOU?!
  18. Prayer belongs in religious institutions. Not public places. But there are people who think they have the right to try to force their beliefs on everyone.
  19. Because, people excuse it and look the other way. They're too stupid to educate themselves.
  20. If you think that vitamins are going to be enough to fight off Covid, that tells me that you're guzzling Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
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