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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. So you have the right to tell me that I don't have the right to decide what to do with my own body? And with the vaccine, not getting it isn't a personal right. The only result from not getting the vaccine is that deadly diseases spread much more easily and a hell of a lot faster. If you don't want us to get out of this pandemic, then you can go live on an uninhabited island with all the other anti-vax lunatics. It's not your right to expose me to a deadly disease because you're so self righteous and narcissistic that you refuse life saving measures due to your own stupidity.
  2. Well put. You sound like an independent. You sound like you like a bit of what each party does, and dislike the rest of what each party does.
  3. Dence wanted to make then entire country a required catholic nation. I don't think he ever should have been in any form of power no matter what it is. Not even a crossing guard.
  4. How - exactly - have Democrats caused crime? We're not inciting domestic terrorist attacks. We're not committing nation wide voter fraud. We're not going door to door violating people's rights to find out who they voted for and then threatening the opposition to not vote. We're not killing people in the name of our golden calf. What we are doing is proposing bills that would make this country jump ahead into a new age. Bills that will ultimately fail because prior to Biden being sworn in, the entire republiKKKlan party announced that they would reject anything and everything the Democrats proposed, no matter what it was. Yeah, we're causing crime all over.🙄
  5. It's just the norm. It's nothing unusual, so I don't get why it bothers you this way when everyone goes through it.
  6. Because I wasn't asleep. Why wouldn't I know that he threw me into a cold swimming pool?
  7. The standards for game design in the 1980's were superior to now. Uniqueness was a requirement. Taking chances was standard. The simpleminded games of today are, as I said, all carbon copies with no soul and no originality. There are no new games. On the NES we had games like A Boy And His Blob, Astyanax, Blaster Master, Legacy Of The Wizard, Street Fighter 2010, and Zelda II. On the SNES we were introduced to short lived games like Earthworm Jim, F-Zero, The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja, Lagoon, Secret Of Mana, Illusion Of Gaia. Also there are big franchises like Zelda that haven't aged well. The originals on the first few systems were amazing, but after that they have just been declining in quality. None of the games of today could ever hold a candle to the games of the past.
  8. There's nothing simple about PTSD. The trauma those of us with it went through is beyond anything the general populace can think of. Victims of child abuse, rape, war, brutality, and incest are just the beginning of those with it. I was beaten every day of my life until my sperm donor died when I was 18. I was reminded every day of my life how worthless I am and that my egg donor wished that she had aborted me. My uncle tried to kill me when I was 2. I went through pure hell in the Marines. And that's only the beginning. I also know a guy who was raped by his biological father. These aren't simple things. The vast majority can't afford the cost of getting help. Therapy is too expensive. A huge number of people dealing with these events in their past, and the PTSD that follows commit suicide. I know this for a fact. I know because I've seen the numbers and also because I've tried more times than I care to admit. So don't ever call it simple.
  9. Solar Jetman on NES. That game was one of the most worthless pieces of shit imaginable. It is literally impossible to control the fucking spaceship you're in because the slightest tap on the D-pad sends it spiraling out of control, spinning like a freaking top. After I bought it and tried it, I immediately quit playing it. This was more than 25 years ago, and despite still owning it, I haven't played it since. I've only touched it if I have to move it, and I wash my hands immediately after.
  10. No offense but, you don't really understand what PTSD is do you?
  11. I don't know. I've tried that with other fighting games, and just hated the sequels. Especially in the later years like on Game Cube and Wii. I loved Soul Calibur II, but couldn't hardly stand the later releases. I was great with Kilik, however.
  12. Ave If you have any questions, just ask. We will help you out as best we can. Also, don't worry about @Crazycrab. He doesn't actually have the ability to punch people online, even though he tries.😉
  13. That's rather rare. The old games had originality and uniqueness. The new games are all carbon copy sequels. Sure there are a few games that are beyond amazing, as well as a good number of mediocre ones. But the vast majority never needed to even be made, because they're no different from their predecessors.
  14. I hope he dumped the bitch. If a man spent the kind of money it would cost for a ring like that out of pure love for me, I would never let him go. I'm not the materialistic type, but that is still an amazing ring. I would have loved it. The bitch is a gold digger and nothing more.
  15. If they're playing kids games, then no harm no foul. But if a 7 year old is playing COD, GTA, or RDR then there is an issue. Those are games that the child shouldn't be allowed near. They're too graphic, violent, and vulgar for a child.
  16. A lot of people I know that have tried it say that it wears them out within an hour or two. Standing all day takes a lot more energy than sitting does. It also puts pressure on your back and causes back issues. Some say sitting is bad, but it's not in my opinion. But that may be a moot point, considering my situation.
  17. It's $5 per month. If you have a few bucks to spare, it's definitely worth it. Even with my limited funds, I'm able to swing it.
  18. I never would have thought Jamaica was a third world country. I thought you guys had a better economy than that?
  19. I have a dangerously high pain tolerance as it is. I broke my collar bone when I was 16 after landing wrong coming off a bull, and didn't even know it for over a week. All I knew was that my arm wasn't working right. So I went and got an x-ray and found out that it was broken. And that's not the only time something like that has happened. I've been shived too, and not felt much of anything.
  20. When I was a kid, calling someone a pussy got a middle finger in return. People had skin that wasn't paper thin. Shit like that just rolled off our backs. Nowadays, if you look at someone they start screaming assault or harassment, or some other bullshit. people truly are pussies in today's world.
  21. Dreamcast came out just a couple years after the N64, so I guess it could be included. Sega Genesis is definitely a classic system. It's add-ons like the 32x and Sega CD, are odd, and a mayor league pain in the ass due to how they were designed (A separate god damn power cord for the 32x? Seriously?) but they were still interesting. The Nerd sums them up exceptionally well.
  22. After being sexually assaulted by a ship steward, I can't and won't get on a ship ever again. As for bikes, as long as you don't have suicide handles, you're good with me.
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